# `sync_db_pools` [![ci.svg]][ci] [![crates.io]][crate] [![docs.svg]][crate docs] [crates.io]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/rocket_sync_db_pools.svg [crate]: https://crates.io/crates/rocket_sync_db_pools [docs.svg]: https://img.shields.io/badge/web-master-red.svg?style=flat&label=docs&colorB=d33847 [crate docs]: https://api.rocket.rs/master/rocket_sync_db_pools [ci.svg]: https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/workflows/CI/badge.svg [ci]: https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/actions This crate provides traits, utilities, and a procedural macro for configuring and accessing database connection pools in Rocket. This implementation is backed by [`r2d2`] and exposes connections through request guards. [`r2d2`]: https://docs.rs/r2d2 ## Usage First, enable the feature corresponding to your database type: ```toml [dependencies.rocket_sync_db_pools] version = "0.1.0-dev" default-features = false features = ["diesel_sqlite_pool"] ``` A full list of supported databases and their associated feature names is available in the [crate docs]. In whichever configuration source you choose, configure a `databases` dictionary with a key for each database, here `sqlite_logs` in a TOML source: ```toml [default.databases] sqlite_logs = { url = "/path/to/database.sqlite" } ``` In your application's source code: ```rust #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; use rocket_sync_db_pools::{database, diesel}; #[database("sqlite_logs")] struct LogsDbConn(diesel::SqliteConnection); #[get("/logs/")] async fn get_logs(conn: LogsDbConn, id: usize) -> Result { conn.run(|c| Logs::by_id(c, id)).await } #[launch] fn rocket() -> _ { rocket::build().attach(LogsDbConn::fairing()) } ``` See the [crate docs] for full details.