# Version 0.4.5 (May 30, 2020) ## Core * [[#1312], [`89150f`]] Fixed a low-severity, minimal impact soundness issue in `LocalRequest::clone()`. * [[#1263], [`376f74`]] Fixed a cookie serialization issue that led to incorrect cookie deserialization in certain cases. * Removed dependency on `ring` for private cookies and thus Rocket, by default. * Added [`Origin::map_path()`] for manipulating `Origin` paths. * Added [`handler::Outcome::from_or_forward()`]. * Added [`Options::NormalizeDirs`] option to `StaticFiles`. * Improved accessibility of default error HTML. ## Docs * Fixed various typos. [#1312]: https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/1312 [`89150f`]: https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/commit/89150f [#1263]: https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/1263 [`376f74`]: https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/commit/376f74 [`Origin::map_path()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/http/uri/struct.Origin.html#method.map_path [`handler::Outcome::from_or_forward()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/handler/type.Outcome.html#method.from_or_forward [`Options::NormalizeDirs`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/serve/struct.Options.html#associatedconstant.NormalizeDirs # Version 0.4.4 (Mar 09, 2020) ## Core * Removed use of unsupported `cfg(debug_assertions)` in `Cargo.toml`, allowing for builds on latest nightlies. ## Docs * Fixed various broken links. # Version 0.4.3 (Feb 29, 2020) ## Core * Added a new [`Debug`] `500` `Responder` that `Debug`-prints its contents on response. * Specialization on `Result` was deprecated. [`Debug`] can be used in place of non-`Responder` errors. * Fixed an issue that resulted in cookies not being set on error responses. * Various `Debug` implementations on Rocket types now respect formatting options. * Added `Responder`s for various HTTP status codes: [`NoContent`], [`Unauthorized`], [`Forbidden`], and [`Conflict`]. * `FromParam` is implemented for `NonZero` core types. ## Codegen * Docs for Rocket-generated macros are now hidden. * Generated code now works even when prelude imports like `Some`, `Ok`, and `Err` are shadowed. * Error messages referring to responder types in routes now point to the type correctly. ## Docs * All code examples in the guide are now tested and guaranteed to compile. * All macros are documented in the `core` crate; `rocket_codegen` makes no appearances. ## Infrastructure * CI was moved from Travis to Azure Pipelines; Windows support is tested. * Rocket's chat moved to [Matrix] and [Freenode]. [`Debug`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/response/struct.Debug.html [`NoContent`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/response/status/struct.NoContent.html [`Unauthorized`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/response/status/struct.Unauthorized.html [`Forbidden`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/response/status/struct.Forbidden.html [`Conflict`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/response/status/struct.Conflict.html [Matrix]: https://chat.mozilla.org/#/room/#rocket:mozilla.org [Freenode]: https://kiwiirc.com/client/chat.freenode.net/#rocket # Version 0.4.2 (Jun 28, 2019) ## Core * Replaced use of `FnBox` with `Box<dyn FnOnce>`. * Removed the stablized feature gates `try_from` and `transpose_result`. * Derive macros are reexported alongside their respective traits. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.35.0-nightly (2019-04-05)`. ## Codegen * `JsonValue` now implements `FromIterator`. * `non_snake_case` errors are silenced in generated code. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.33.0-nightly (2019-01-03)`. ## Contrib * Allow setting custom ranks on `StaticFiles` via [`StaticFiles::rank()`]. * `MsgPack` correctly sets a MessagePack Content-Type on responses. ## Docs * Fixed typos across rustdocs and guide. * Documented library versions in contrib database documentation. ## Infrastructure * Updated internal dependencies to their latest versions. [`StaticFiles::rank()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/serve/struct.StaticFiles.html#method.rank # Version 0.4.1 (May 11, 2019) ## Core * Rocket's default `Server` HTTP header no longer overrides a user-set header. * Fixed encoding and decoding of certain URI characters. ## Codegen * Compiler diagnostic information is more reliably produced. ## Contrib * Database pool types now implement `DerefMut`. * Added support for memcache connection pools. * Stopped depending on default features from core. ## Docs * Fixed many typos across the rustdocs and guide. * Added guide documentation on mounting more than one route at once. ## Infrastructure * Testing no longer requires "bootstrapping". * Removed deprecated `isatty` dependency in favor of `atty`. # Version 0.4.0 (Dec 06, 2018) ## New Features This release includes the following new features: * Introduced [Typed URIs]. * Introduced [ORM agnostic database support]. * Introduced [Request-Local State]. * Introduced mountable static-file serving via [`StaticFiles`]. * Introduced automatic [live template reloading]. * Introduced custom stateful handlers via [`Handler`]. * Introduced [transforming] data guards via [`FromData::transform()`]. * Introduced revamped [query string handling]. * Introduced the [`SpaceHelmet`] security and privacy headers fairing. * Private cookies are gated behind a `private-cookies` default feature. * Added [derive for `FromFormValue`]. * Added [derive for `Responder`]. * Added [`Template::custom()`] for customizing templating engines including registering filters and helpers. * Cookies are automatically tracked and propagated by [`Client`]. * Private cookies can be added to local requests with [`LocalRequest::private_cookie()`]. * Release builds default to the `production` environment. * Keep-alive can be configured via the `keep_alive` configuration parameter. * Allow CLI colors and emoji to be disabled with `ROCKET_CLI_COLORS=off`. * Route `format` accepts [shorthands] such as `json` and `html`. * Implemented [`Responder` for `Status`]. * Added [`Response::cookies()`] for retrieving response cookies. * All logging is disabled when `log` is set to `off`. * Added [`Metadata`] guard for retrieving templating information. * The [`Uri`] type parses URIs according to RFC 7230 into one of [`Origin`], [`Absolute`], or [`Authority`]. * Added [`Outcome::and_then()`], [`Outcome::failure_then()`], and [`Outcome::forward_then()`]. * Implemented `Responder` for `&[u8]`. * Any `T: Into<Vec<Route>>` can be [`mount()`]ed. * [Default rankings] range from -6 to -1, differentiating on static query strings. * Added [`Request::get_query_value()`] for retrieving a query value by key. * Applications can launch without a working directory. * Added [`State::from()`] for constructing `State` values. [`SpaceHelmet`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/helmet/index.html [`State::from()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.State.html#method.from [Typed URIs]: https://rocket.rs/v0.4/guide/responses/#typed-uris [ORM agnostic database support]: https://rocket.rs/v0.4/guide/state/#databases [`Template::custom()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/templates/struct.Template.html#method.custom [`LocalRequest::private_cookie()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/local/struct.LocalRequest.html#method.private_cookie [`LocalRequest`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/local/struct.LocalRequest.html [shorthands]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/http/struct.ContentType.html#method.parse_flexible [derive for `FromFormValue`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_codegen/derive.FromFormValue.html [derive for `Responder`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_codegen/derive.Responder.html [`Response::cookies()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.cookies [`Client`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/local/struct.Client.html [Request-Local State]: https://rocket.rs/v0.4/guide/state/#request-local-state [`Metadata`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/templates/struct.Metadata.html [`Uri`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/http/uri/enum.Uri.html [`Origin`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/http/uri/struct.Origin.html [`Absolute`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/http/uri/struct.Absolute.html [`Authority`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/http/uri/struct.Authority.html [`Outcome::and_then()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/enum.Outcome.html#method.and_then [`Outcome::forward_then()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/enum.Outcome.html#method.forward_then [`Outcome::failure_then()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/enum.Outcome.html#method.failure_then [`StaticFiles`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/serve/struct.StaticFiles.html [live template reloading]: https://rocket.rs/v0.4/guide/responses/#live-reloading [`Handler`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/trait.Handler.html [`mount()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.mount [`FromData::transform()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/data/trait.FromData.html#tymethod.transform [transforming]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/data/trait.FromData.html#transforming [query string handling]: https://rocket.rs/v0.4/guide/requests/#query-strings [Default rankings]: https://rocket.rs/v0.4/guide/requests/#default-ranking [`Request::get_query_value()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.get_query_value [`Responder` for `Status`]: https://rocket.rs/v0.4/guide/responses/#status ## Codegen Rewrite The [`rocket_codegen`] crate has been entirely rewritten using to-be-stable procedural macro APIs. We expect nightly breakages to drop dramatically, likely to zero, as a result. The new prelude import for Rocket applications is: ```diff - #![feature(plugin)] - #![plugin(rocket_codegen)] + #![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)] - extern crate rocket; + #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; ``` The [`rocket_codegen`] crate should **_not_** be a direct dependency. Remove it from your `Cargo.toml`: ```diff [dependencies] - rocket = "0.3" + rocket = "0.4" - rocket_codegen = "0.3" ``` [`rocket_codegen`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_codegen/index.html ## Breaking Changes This release includes many breaking changes. These changes are listed below along with a short note about how to handle the breaking change in existing applications when applicable. * **Route and catcher attributes respect function privacy.** To mount a route or register a catcher outside of the module it is declared, ensure that the handler function is marked `pub` or `crate`. * **Query handling syntax has been completely revamped.** A query parameter of `<param>` is now `<param..>`. Consider whether your application benefits from the revamped [query string handling]. * **The `#[error]` attribute and `errors!` macro were removed.** Use `#[catch]` and `catchers!` instead. * **`Rocket::catch()` was renamed to [`Rocket::register()`].** Change calls of the form `.catch(errors![..])` to `.register(catchers![..])`. * **The `#[catch]` attribute only accepts functions with 0 or 1 argument.** Ensure the argument to the catcher, if any, is of type `&Request`. * **[`json!`] returns a [`JsonValue`], no longer needs wrapping.** Change instances of `Json(json!(..))` to `json!` and change the corresponding type to `JsonValue`. * **All environments default to port 8000.** Manually configure a port of `80` for the `stage` and `production` environments for the previous behavior. * **Release builds default to the production environment.** Manually set the environment to `debug` with `ROCKET_ENV=debug` for the previous behavior. * **[`Form`] and [`LenientForm`] lost a lifetime parameter, `get()` method.** Change a type of `Form<'a, T<'a>>` to `Form<T>` or `Form<T<'a>>`. `Form<T>` and `LenientForm<T>` now implement `Deref<Target = T>`, allowing for calls to `.get()` to be removed. * **[`ring`] was updated to 0.13.** Ensure all transitive dependencies to `ring` refer to version `0.13`. * **`Uri` was largely replaced by [`Origin`].** In general, replace the type `Uri` with `Origin`. The `base` and `uri` fields of [`Route`] are now of type [`Origin`]. The `&Uri` guard is now `&Origin`. [`Request::uri()`] now returns an [`Origin`]. * **All items in [`rocket_contrib`] are namespaced behind modules.** * `Json` is now `json::Json` * `MsgPack` is now `msgpack::MsgPack` * `MsgPackError` is now `msgpack::Error` * `Template` is now `templates::Template` * `UUID` is now `uuid::Uuid` * `Value` is replaced by `json::JsonValue` * **TLS certificates require the `subjectAltName` extension.** Ensure that your TLS certificates contain the `subjectAltName` extension with a value set to your domain. * **Route paths, mount points, and [`LocalRequest`] URIs are strictly checked.** Ensure your mount points are absolute paths with no parameters, ensure your route paths are absolute paths with proper parameter syntax, and ensure that paths passed to `LocalRequest` are valid. * **[`Template::show()`] takes an `&Rocket`, doesn't accept a `root`.** Use [`client.rocket()`] to get a reference to an instance of `Rocket` when testing. Use [`Template::render()`] in routes. * **[`Request::remote()`] returns the _actual_ remote IP, doesn't rewrite.** Use [`Request::real_ip()`] or [`Request::client_ip()`] to retrieve the IP address from the "X-Real-IP" header if it is present. * **[`Bind`] variant was added to [`LaunchErrorKind`].** Ensure matches on `LaunchErrorKind` include or ignore the `Bind` variant. * **Cookies are automatically tracked and propagated by [`Client`].** For the previous behavior, construct a `Client` with [`Client::untracked()`]. * **`UUID` was renamed to [`Uuid`].** Use `Uuid` instead of `UUID`. * **`LocalRequest::cloned_dispatch()` was removed.** Chain calls to `.clone().dispatch()` for the previous behavior. * **[`Redirect`] constructors take a generic type of `T: TryInto<Uri<'static>>`.** A call to a `Redirect` constructor with a non-`'static` `&str` of the form `Redirect::to(string)` should become `Redirect::to(string.to_string())`, heap-allocating the string before being passed to the constructor. * **The [`FromData`] impl for [`Form`] and [`LenientForm`] now return an error of type [`FormDataError`].** On non-I/O errors, the form string is stored in the variant as an `&'f str`. * **[`Missing`] variant was added to [`ConfigError`].** Ensure matches on `ConfigError` include or ignore the `Missing` variant. * **The [`FromData`] impl for [`Json`] now returns an error of type [`JsonError`].** The previous `SerdeError` is now the `.1` member of the `JsonError` `enum`. Match and destruct the variant for the previous behavior. * **[`FromData`] is now emulated by [`FromDataSimple`].** Change _implementations_, not uses, of `FromData` to `FromDataSimple`. Consider whether your implementation could benefit from [transformations]. * **[`FormItems`] iterates over values of type [`FormItem`].** Map using `.map(|item| item.key_value())` for the previous behavior. * **[`LaunchErrorKind::Collision`] contains a vector of the colliding routes.** Destruct using `LaunchErrorKind::Collision(..)` to ignore the vector. * **[`Request::get_param()`] and [`Request::get_segments()`] are indexed by _segment_, not dynamic parameter.** Modify the `n` argument in calls to these functions appropriately. * **Method-based route attributes no longer accept a keyed `path` parameter.** Change an attribute of the form `#[get(path = "..")]` to `#[get("..")]`. * **[`Json`] and [`MsgPack`] data guards no longer reject requests with an unexpected Content-Type** To approximate the previous behavior, add a `format = "json"` route parameter when using `Json` or `format = "msgpack"` when using `MsgPack`. * **Implemented [`Responder` for `Status`]. Removed `Failure`, `status::NoContent`, and `status::Reset` responders.** Replace uses of `Failure(status)` with `status` directly. Replace `status::NoContent` with `Status::NoContent`. Replace `status::Reset` with `Status::ResetContent`. * **[`Config::root()`] returns an `Option<&Path>` instead of an `&Path`.** For the previous behavior, use `config.root().unwrap()`. * **[`Status::new()`] is no longer `const`.** Construct a `Status` directly. * **[`Config`] constructors return a `Config` instead of a `Result<Config>`.** * **`ConfigError::BadCWD`, `Config.config_path` were removed.** * **[`Json`] no longer has a default value for its type parameter.** * **Using `data` on a non-payload method route is a warning instead of error.** * **The `raw_form_string` method of [`Form`] and [`LenientForm`] was removed.** * **Various impossible `Error` associated types are now set to `!`.** * **All [`AdHoc`] constructors require a name as the first parameter.** * **The top-level `Error` type was removed.** [`LaunchErrorKind::Collision`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/error/enum.LaunchErrorKind.html#variant.Collision [`json!`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/macro.json.html [`JsonValue`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/json/struct.JsonValue.html [`Json`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/json/struct.Json.html [`ring`]: https://crates.io/crates/ring [`Template::show()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/templates/struct.Template.html#method.show [`Template::render()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/templates/struct.Template.html#method.render [`client.rocket()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/local/struct.Client.html#method.rocket [`Request::remote()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.remote [`Request::real_ip()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.real_ip [`Request::client_ip()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.client_ip [`Bind`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/error/enum.LaunchErrorKind.html#variant.Bind [`LaunchErrorKind`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/error/enum.LaunchErrorKind.html [`Client::untracked()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/local/struct.Client.html#method.untracked [`Uuid`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/uuid/struct.Uuid.html [`Route`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Route.html [`Redirect`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/response/struct.Redirect.html [`Request::uri()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.uri [`FormDataError`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/request/enum.FormDataError.html [`FromData`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/data/trait.FromData.html [`Form`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/request/struct.Form.html [`LenientForm`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/request/struct.LenientForm.html [`AdHoc`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/fairing/struct.AdHoc.html [`Missing`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/config/enum.ConfigError.html#variant.Missing [`ConfigError`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/config/enum.ConfigError.html [`Rocket::register()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.register [`JsonError`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/json/enum.JsonError.html [transformations]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/data/trait.FromData.html#transforming [`FromDataSimple`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/data/trait.FromDataSimple.html [`Request::get_param()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.get_param [`Request::get_segments()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.get_segments [`FormItem`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/request/struct.FormItem.html [`rocket_contrib`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/index.html [`MsgPack`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_contrib/msgpack/struct.MsgPack.html [`Status::new()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/http/struct.Status.html#method.new [`Config`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Config.html [`Config::root()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Config.html#method.root ## General Improvements In addition to new features, Rocket saw the following improvements: * Log messages now refer to routes by name. * Collision errors on launch name the colliding routes. * Launch fairing failures refer to the failing fairing by name. * The default `403` catcher now references authorization, not authentication. * Private cookies are set to `HttpOnly` and are given an expiration date of 1 week by default. * A [Tera templates example] was added. * All macros, derives, and attributes are individually documented in [`rocket_codegen`]. * Invalid client requests receive a response of `400` instead of `500`. * Response bodies are reliably stripped on `HEAD` requests. * Added a default catcher for `504: Gateway Timeout`. * Configuration information is logged in all environments. * Use of `unsafe` was reduced from 9 to 2 in core library. * [`FormItems`] now parses empty keys and values as well as keys without values. * Added [`Config::active()`] as a shorthand for `Config::new(Environment::active()?)`. * Address/port binding errors at launch are detected and explicitly emitted. * [`Flash`] cookies are cleared only after they are inspected. * `Sync` bound on [`AdHoc::on_attach()`], [`AdHoc::on_launch()`] was removed. * [`AdHoc::on_attach()`], [`AdHoc::on_launch()`] accept an `FnOnce`. * Added [`Config::root_relative()`] for retrieving paths relative to the configuration file. * Added [`Config::tls_enabled()`] for determining whether TLS is actively enabled. * ASCII color codes are not emitted on versions of Windows that do not support them. * Added FLAC (`audio/flac`), Icon (`image/x-icon`), WEBA (`audio/webm`), TIFF (`image/tiff`), AAC (`audio/aac`), Calendar (`text/calendar`), MPEG (`video/mpeg`), TAR (`application/x-tar`), GZIP (`application/gzip`), MOV (`video/quicktime`), MP4 (`video/mp4`), ZIP (`application/zip`) as known media types. * Added `.weba` (`WEBA`), `.ogv` (`OGG`), `.mp4` (`MP4`), `.mpeg4` (`MP4`), `.aac` (`AAC`), `.ics` (`Calendar`), `.bin` (`Binary`), `.mpg` (`MPEG`), `.mpeg` (`MPEG`), `.tar` (`TAR`), `.gz` (`GZIP`), `.tif` (`TIFF`), `.tiff` (`TIFF`), `.mov` (`MOV`) as known extensions. * Interaction between route attributes and declarative macros has been improved. * Generated code now logs through logging infrastructures as opposed to using `println!`. * Routing has been optimized by caching routing metadata. * [`Form`] and [`LenientForm`] can be publicly constructed. * Console coloring uses default terminal colors instead of white. * Console coloring is consistent across all messages. * `i128` and `u128` now implement [`FromParam`], [`FromFormValue`]. * The `base64` dependency was updated to `0.10`. * The `log` dependency was updated to `0.4`. * The `handlebars` dependency was updated to `1.0`. * The `tera` dependency was updated to `0.11`. * The `uuid` dependency was updated to `0.7`. * The `rustls` dependency was updated to `0.14`. * The `cookie` dependency was updated to `0.11`. [Tera templates example]: https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.4/examples/tera_templates [`FormItems`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/request/enum.FormItems.html [`Config::active()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/config/struct.Config.html#method.active [`Flash`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/response/struct.Flash.html [`AdHoc::on_attach()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/fairing/struct.AdHoc.html#method.on_attach [`AdHoc::on_launch()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/fairing/struct.AdHoc.html#method.on_launch [`Config::root_relative()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Config.html#method.root_relative [`Config::tls_enabled()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Config.html#method.tls_enabled [`rocket_codegen`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket_codegen/index.html [`FromParam`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/request/trait.FromParam.html [`FromFormValue`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/request/trait.FromFormValue.html [`Data`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/struct.Data.html ## Infrastructure * All documentation is versioned. * Previous, current, and development versions of all documentation are hosted. * The repository was reorganized with top-level directories of `core` and `contrib`. * The `http` module was split into its own `rocket_http` crate. This is an internal change only. * All uses of `unsafe` are documented with informal proofs of correctness. # Version 0.3.16 (Aug 24, 2018) ## Codegen * Codegen was updated for `2018-08-23` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.30.0-nightly 2018-08-23`. ## Core * Force close only the read end of connections. This allows responses to be sent even when the client transmits more data than expected. ## Docs * Add details on retrieving configuration extras to guide. # Version 0.3.15 (Jul 16, 2018) ## Codegen * The `#[catch]` decorator and `catchers!` macro were introduced, replacing `#[error]` and `errors!`. * The `#[error]` decorator and `errors!` macro were deprecated. * Codegen was updated for `2018-07-15` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.29.0-nightly 2018-07-15`. # Version 0.3.14 (Jun 22, 2018) ## Codegen * Codegen was updated for `2018-06-22` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.28.0-nightly 2018-06-22`. # Version 0.3.13 (Jun 16, 2018) ## Codegen * Codegen was updated for `2018-06-12` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.28.0-nightly 2018-06-12`. # Version 0.3.12 (May 31, 2018) ## Codegen * Codegen was updated for `2018-05-30` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.28.0-nightly 2018-05-30`. # Version 0.3.11 (May 19, 2018) ## Core * Core was updated for `2018-05-18` nightly. ## Infrastructure * Fixed injection of dependencies for codegen compile-fail tests. # Version 0.3.10 (May 05, 2018) ## Core * Fixed parsing of nested TOML structures in config environment variables. ## Codegen * Codegen was updated for `2018-05-03` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.27.0-nightly 2018-05-04`. ## Contrib * Contrib was updated for `2018-05-03` nightly. ## Docs * Fixed database pool type in state guide. # Version 0.3.9 (Apr 26, 2018) ## Core * Core was updated for `2018-04-26` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.27.0-nightly 2018-04-26`. * Managed state retrieval cost was reduced to an unsynchronized `HashMap` lookup. ## Codegen * Codegen was updated for `2018-04-26` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.27.0-nightly 2018-04-26`. ## Contrib * A 512-byte buffer is preallocated when deserializing JSON, improving performance. ## Docs * Fixed various typos in rustdocs and guide. # Version 0.3.8 (Apr 07, 2018) ## Codegen * Codegen was updated for `2018-04-06` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.27.0-nightly 2018-04-06`. # Version 0.3.7 (Apr 03, 2018) ## Core * Fixed a bug where incoming request URIs would match routes with the same path prefix and suffix and ignore the rest. * Added known media types for WASM, WEBM, OGG, and WAV. * Fixed fragment URI parsing. ## Codegen * Codegen was updated for `2018-04-03` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.27.0-nightly 2018-04-03`. ## Contrib * JSON data is read eagerly, improving deserialization performance. ## Docs * Database example and docs were updated for Diesel 1.1. * Removed outdated README performance section. * Fixed various typos in rustdocs and guide. ## Infrastructure * Removed gates for stabilized features: `iterator_for_each`, `i128_type`, `conservative_impl_trait`, `never_type`. * Travis now tests in both debug and release mode. # Version 0.3.6 (Jan 12, 2018) ## Core * `Rocket.state()` method was added to retrieve managed state from `Rocket` instances. * Nested calls to `Rocket.attach()` are now handled correctly. * JSON API (`application/vnd.api+json`) is now a known media type. * Uncached markers for `ContentType` and `Accept` headers are properly preserved on `Request.clone()`. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.25.0-nightly 2018-01-12`. ## Codegen * Codegen was updated for `2017-12-22` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.24.0-nightly 2017-12-22`. ## Docs * Fixed typo in state guide: ~~simple~~ simply. * Database example and docs were updated for Diesel 1.0. ## Infrastructure * Shell scripts now use `git grep` instead of `egrep` for faster searching. # Version 0.3.5 (Dec 18, 2017) ## Codegen * Codegen was updated for `2017-12-17` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.24.0-nightly 2017-12-17`. # Version 0.3.4 (Dec 14, 2017) ## Core * `NamedFile`'s `Responder` implementation now uses a sized body when the file's length is known. * `#[repr(C)]` is used on `str` wrappers to guarantee correct structure layout across platforms. * A `status::BadRequest` `Responder` was added. ## Codegen * Codegen was updated for `2017-12-13` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.24.0-nightly 2017-12-13`. ## Docs * The rustdoc `html_root_url` now points to the correct address. * Fixed typo in fairings guide: ~~event~~ events. * Fixed typo in `Outcome` docs: ~~users~~ Users. # Version 0.3.3 (Sep 25, 2017) ## Core * `Config`'s `Debug` implementation now respects formatting options. * `Cow<str>` now implements `FromParam`. * `Vec<u8>` now implements `Responder`. * Added a `Binary` media type for `application/octet-stream`. * Empty fairing collections are no longer logged. * Emojis are no longer emitted to non-terminals. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.22.0-nightly 2017-09-13`. ## Codegen * Improved "missing argument in handler" compile-time error message. * Codegen was updated for `2017-09-25` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.22.0-nightly 2017-09-25`. ## Docs * Fixed typos in site overview: ~~by~~ be, ~~`Reponder`~~ `Responder`. * Markdown indenting was adjusted for CommonMark. ## Infrastructure * Shell scripts handle paths with spaces. # Version 0.3.2 (Aug 15, 2017) ## Core * Added conversion methods from and to `Box<UncasedStr>`. ## Codegen * Lints were removed due to compiler instability. Lints will likely return as a separate `rocket_lints` crate. # Version 0.3.1 (Aug 11, 2017) ## Core * Added support for ASCII colors on modern Windows consoles. * Form field renames can now include _any_ valid characters, not just idents. ## Codegen * Ignored named route parameters are now allowed (`_ident`). * Fixed issue where certain paths would cause a lint `assert!` to fail ([#367](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/367)). * Lints were updated for `2017-08-10` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.21.0-nightly (2017-08-10)`. ## Contrib * Tera errors that were previously skipped internally are now emitted. ## Documentation * Typos were fixed across the board. # Version 0.3.0 (Jul 14, 2017) ## New Features This release includes the following new features: * [Fairings], Rocket's structure middleware, were introduced. * [Native TLS support] was introduced. * [Private cookies] were introduced. * A [`MsgPack`] type has been added to [`contrib`] for simple consumption and returning of MessagePack data. * Launch failures ([`LaunchError`]) from [`Rocket::launch()`] are now returned for inspection without panicking. * Routes without query parameters now match requests with or without query parameters. * [Default rankings] range from -4 to -1, preferring static paths and routes with query string matches. * A native [`Accept`] header structure was added. * The [`Accept`] request header can be retrieved via [`Request::accept()`]. * Incoming form fields [can be renamed] via a new `#[form(field = "name")]` structure field attribute. * All active routes can be retrieved via [`Rocket::routes()`]. * [`Response::body_string()`] was added to retrieve the response body as a `String`. * [`Response::body_bytes()`] was added to retrieve the response body as a `Vec<u8>`. * [`Response::content_type()`] was added to easily retrieve the Content-Type header of a response. * Size limits on incoming data are [now configurable](https://rocket.rs/v0.3/guide/configuration/#data-limits). * [`Request::limits()`] was added to retrieve incoming data limits. * Responders may dynamically adjust their response based on the incoming request. * [`Request::guard()`] was added for simple retrieval of request guards. * [`Request::route()`] was added to retrieve the active route, if any. * `&Route` is now a request guard. * The base mount path of a [`Route`] can be retrieved via `Route::base` or `Route::base()`. * [`Cookies`] supports _private_ (authenticated encryption) cookies, encryped with the `secret_key` config key. * `Config::{development, staging, production}` constructors were added for [`Config`]. * [`Config::get_datetime()`] was added to retrieve an extra as a `Datetime`. * Forms can be now parsed _leniently_ via the new [`LenientForm`] data guard. * The `?` operator can now be used with `Outcome`. * Quoted string, array, and table based [configuration parameters] can be set via environment variables. * Log coloring is disabled when `stdout` is not a TTY. * [`FromForm`] is implemented for `Option<T: FromForm>`, `Result<T: FromForm, T::Error>`. * The [`NotFound`] responder was added for simple **404** response construction. [Fairings]: https://rocket.rs/v0.3/guide/fairings/ [Native TLS support]: https://rocket.rs/v0.3/guide/configuration/#configuring-tls [Private cookies]: https://rocket.rs/v0.3/guide/requests/#private-cookies [can be renamed]: https://rocket.rs/v0.3/guide/requests/#field-renaming [`MsgPack`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket_contrib/struct.MsgPack.html [`Rocket::launch()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.launch [`LaunchError`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/error/struct.LaunchError.html [Default rankings]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Route.html [`Route`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Route.html [`Accept`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/http/struct.Accept.html [`Request::accept()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.accept [`contrib`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket_contrib/ [`Rocket::routes()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.routes [`Response::body_string()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.body_string [`Response::body_bytes()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.body_bytes [`Response::content_type()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.content_type [`Request::guard()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.guard [`Request::limits()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.limits [`Request::route()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.route [`Config`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Config.html [`Cookies`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html [`Config::get_datetime()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Config.html#method.get_datetime [`LenientForm`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/request/struct.LenientForm.html [configuration parameters]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/config/index.html#environment-variables [`NotFound`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/response/status/struct.NotFound.html ## Breaking Changes This release includes many breaking changes. These changes are listed below along with a short note about how to handle the breaking change in existing applications. * **`session_key` was renamed to `secret_key`, requires a 256-bit base64 key** It's unlikely that `session_key` was previously used. If it was, rename `session_key` to `secret_key`. Generate a random 256-bit base64 key using a tool like openssl: `openssl rand -base64 32`. * **The `&Cookies` request guard has been removed in favor of `Cookies`** Change `&Cookies` in a request guard position to `Cookies`. * **`Rocket::launch()` now returns a `LaunchError`, doesn't panic.** For the old behavior, suffix a call to `.launch()` with a semicolon: `.launch();`. * **Routes without query parameters match requests with or without query parameters.** There is no workaround, but this change may allow manual ranks from routes to be removed. * **The `format` route attribute on non-payload requests matches against the Accept header.** Excepting a custom request guard, there is no workaround. Previously, `format` always matched against the Content-Type header, regardless of whether the request method indicated a payload or not. * **A type of `&str` can no longer be used in form structures or parameters.** Use the new [`&RawStr`] type instead. * **`ContentType` is no longer a request guard.** Use `&ContentType` instead. * **`Request::content_type()` returns `&ContentType` instead of `ContentType`.** Use `.clone()` on `&ContentType` if a type of `ContentType` is required. * **`Response::header_values()` was removed. `Response::headers()` now returns an `&HeaderMap`.** A call to `Response::headers()` can be replaced with `Response::headers().iter()`. A call to `Response::header_values(name)` can be replaced with `Response::headers().get(name)`. * **Route collisions result in a hard error and panic.** There is no workaround. Previously, route collisions were a warning. * **The [`IntoOutcome`] trait has been expanded and made more flexible.** There is no workaround. `IntoOutcome::into_outcome()` now takes a `Failure` value to use. `IntoOutcome::or_forward()` was added to return a `Forward` outcome if `self` indicates an error. * **The 'testing' feature was removed.** Remove `features = ["testing"]` from `Cargo.toml`. Use the new [`local`] module for testing. * **`serde` was updated to 1.0.** There is no workaround. Ensure all dependencies rely on `serde` `1.0`. * **`config::active()` was removed.** Use [`Rocket::config()`] to retrieve the configuration before launch. If needed, use [managed state] to store config information for later use. * **The [`Responder`] trait has changed.** `Responder::respond(self)` was removed in favor of `Responder::respond_to(self, &Request)`. Responders may dynamically adjust their response based on the incoming request. * **`Outcome::of(Responder)` was removed while `Outcome::from(&Request, Responder)` was added.** Use `Outcome::from(..)` instead of `Outcome::of(..)`. * **Usage of templates requires `Template::fairing()` to be attached.** Call `.attach(Template::fairing())` on the application's Rocket instance before launching. * **The `Display` implementation of `Template` was removed.** Use [`Template::show()`] to render a template directly. * **`Request::new()` is no longer exported.** There is no workaround. * **The [`FromForm`] trait has changed.** `Responder::from_form_items(&mut FormItems)` was removed in favor of `Responder::from_form(&mut FormItems, bool)`. The second parameter indicates whether parsing should be strict (if `true`) or lenient (if `false`). * **`LoggingLevel` was removed as a root reexport.** It can now be imported from `rocket::config::LoggingLevel`. * **An `Io` variant was added to [`ConfigError`].** Ensure `match`es on `ConfigError` include an `Io` variant. * **[`ContentType::from_extension()`] returns an `Option<ContentType>`.** For the old behvavior, use `.unwrap_or(ContentType::Any)`. * **The `IntoValue` config trait was removed in favor of `Into<Value>`.** There is no workaround. Use `Into<Value>` as necessary. * **The `rocket_contrib::JSON` type has been renamed to [`rocket_contrib::Json`].** Use `Json` instead of `JSON`. * **All structs in the [`content`] module use TitleCase names.** Use `Json`, `Xml`, `Html`, and `Css` instead of `JSON`, `XML`, `HTML`, and `CSS`, respectively. [`&RawStr`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/http/struct.RawStr.html [`IntoOutcome`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/outcome/trait.IntoOutcome.html [`local`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/local/index.html [`Rocket::config()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.config [managed state]: https://rocket.rs/v0.3/guide/state/ [`Responder`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/response/trait.Responder.html [`Template::show()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket_contrib/struct.Template.html#method.show [`FromForm`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/request/trait.FromForm.html [`ConfigError`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/config/enum.ConfigError.html [`ContentType::from_extension()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/http/struct.ContentType.html#method.from_extension [`rocket_contrib::Json`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket_contrib/struct.Json.html [`content`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/response/content/index.html ## General Improvements In addition to new features, Rocket saw the following improvements: * "Rocket" is now capatilized in the `Server` HTTP header. * The generic parameter of `rocket_contrib::Json` defaults to `json::Value`. * The trailing '...' in the launch message was removed. * The launch message prints regardless of the config environment. * For debugging, `FromData` is implemented for `Vec<u8>` and `String`. * The port displayed on launch is the port resolved, not the one configured. * The `uuid` dependency was updated to `0.5`. * The `base64` dependency was updated to `0.6`. * The `toml` dependency was updated to `0.4`. * The `handlebars` dependency was updated to `0.27`. * The `tera` dependency was updated to `0.10`. * [`yansi`] is now used for all terminal coloring. * The `dev` `rustc` release channel is supported during builds. * [`Config`] is now exported from the root. * [`Request`] implements `Clone` and `Debug`. * The `workers` config parameter now defaults to `num_cpus * 2`. * Console logging for table-based config values is improved. * `PartialOrd`, `Ord`, and `Hash` are now implemented for [`State`]. * The format of a request is always logged when available. * Route matching on `format` now functions as documented. [`yansi`]: https://crates.io/crates/yansi [`Request`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.Request.html [`State`]: https://api.rocket.rs/v0.3/rocket/struct.State.html ## Infrastructure * All examples include a test suite. * The `master` branch now uses a `-dev` version number. # Version 0.2.8 (Jun 01, 2017) ## Codegen * Lints were updated for `2017-06-01` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.19.0-nightly (2017-06-01)`. # Version 0.2.7 (May 26, 2017) ## Codegen * Codegen was updated for `2017-05-26` nightly. # Version 0.2.6 (Apr 17, 2017) ## Codegen * Allow `k` and `v` to be used as fields in `FromForm` structures by avoiding identifier collisions ([#265]). [#265]: https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/265 # Version 0.2.5 (Apr 16, 2017) ## Codegen * Lints were updated for `2017-04-15` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.18.0-nightly (2017-04-15)`. # Version 0.2.4 (Mar 30, 2017) ## Codegen * Codegen was updated for `2017-03-30` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.18.0-nightly (2017-03-30)`. # Version 0.2.3 (Mar 22, 2017) ## Fixes * Multiple header values for the same header name are now properly preserved (#223). ## Core * The `get_slice` and `get_table` methods were added to `Config`. * The `pub_restricted` feature has been stabilized! ## Codegen * Lints were updated for `2017-03-20` nightly. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.17.0-nightly (2017-03-22)`. ## Infrastructure * The test script now denies trailing whitespace. # Version 0.2.2 (Feb 26, 2017) ## Codegen * Lints were updated for `2017-02-25` and `2017-02-26` nightlies. * Minimum required `rustc` is `1.17.0-nightly (2017-02-26)`. # Version 0.2.1 (Feb 24, 2017) ## Core Fixes * `Flash` cookie deletion functions as expected regardless of the path. * `config` properly accepts IPv6 addresses. * Multiple `Set-Cookie` headers are properly set. ## Core Improvements * `Display` and `Error` were implemented for `ConfigError`. * `webp`, `ttf`, `otf`, `woff`, and `woff2` were added as known content types. * Routes are presorted for faster routing. * `into_bytes` and `into_inner` methods were added to `Body`. ## Codegen * Fixed `unmanaged_state` lint so that it works with prefilled type aliases. ## Contrib * Better errors are emitted on Tera template parse errors. ## Documentation * Fixed typos in `manage` and `JSON` docs. ## Infrastructure * Updated doctests for latest Cargo nightly. # Version 0.2.0 (Feb 06, 2017) Detailed release notes for v0.2 can also be found on [rocket.rs](https://rocket.rs/v0.3/news/2017-02-06-version-0.2/). ## New Features This release includes the following new features: * Introduced managed state. * Added lints that warn on unmanaged state and unmounted routes. * Added the ability to set configuration parameters via environment variables. * `Config` structures can be built via `ConfigBuilder`, which follows the builder pattern. * Logging can be enabled or disabled on custom configuration via a second parameter to the `Rocket::custom` method. * `name` and `value` methods were added to `Header` to retrieve the name and value of a header. * A new configuration parameter, `workers`, can be used to set the number of threads Rocket uses. * The address of the remote connection is available via `Request.remote()`. Request preprocessing overrides remote IP with value from the `X-Real-IP` header, if present. * During testing, the remote address can be set via `MockRequest.remote()`. * The `SocketAddr` request guard retrieves the remote address. * A `UUID` type has been added to `contrib`. * `rocket` and `rocket_codegen` will refuse to build with an incompatible nightly version and emit nice error messages. * Major performance and usability improvements were upstreamed to the `cookie` crate, including the addition of a `CookieBuilder`. * When a checkbox isn't present in a form, `bool` types in a `FromForm` structure will parse as `false`. * The `FormItems` iterator can be queried for a complete parse via `completed` and `exhausted`. * Routes for `OPTIONS` requests can be declared via the `options` decorator. * Strings can be percent-encoded via `URI::percent_encode()`. ## Breaking Changes This release includes several breaking changes. These changes are listed below along with a short note about how to handle the breaking change in existing applications. * **`Rocket::custom` takes two parameters, the first being `Config` by value.** A call in v0.1 of the form `Rocket::custom(&config)` is now `Rocket::custom(config, false)`. * **Tera templates are named without their extension.** A templated named `name.html.tera` is now simply `name`. * **`JSON` `unwrap` method has been renamed to `into_inner`.** A call to `.unwrap()` should be changed to `.into_inner()`. * **The `map!` macro was removed in favor of the `json!` macro.** A call of the form `map!{ "a" => b }` can be written as: `json!({ "a": b })`. * **The `hyper::SetCookie` header is no longer exported.** Use the `Cookie` type as an `Into<Header>` type directly. * **The `Content-Type` for `String` is now `text/plain`.** Use `content::HTML<String>` for HTML-based `String` responses. * **`Request.content_type()` returns an `Option<ContentType>`.** Use `.unwrap_or(ContentType::Any)` to get the old behavior. * **The `ContentType` request guard forwards when the request has no `Content-Type` header.** Use an `Option<ContentType>` and `.unwrap_or(ContentType::Any)` for the old behavior. * **A `Rocket` instance must be declared _before_ a `MockRequest`.** Change the order of the `rocket::ignite()` and `MockRequest::new()` calls. * **A route with `format` specified only matches requests with the same format.** Previously, a route with a `format` would match requests without a format specified. There is no workaround to this change; simply specify formats when required. * **`FormItems` can no longer be constructed directly.** Instead of constructing as `FormItems(string)`, construct as `FormItems::from(string)`. * **`from_from_string(&str)` in `FromForm` removed in favor of `from_form_items(&mut FormItems)`.** Most implementation should be using `FormItems` internally; simply use the passed in `FormItems`. In other cases, the form string can be retrieved via the `inner_str` method of `FormItems`. * **`Config::{set, default_for}` are deprecated.** Use the `set_{param}` methods instead of `set`, and `new` or `build` in place of `default_for`. * **Route paths must be absolute.** Prepend a `/` to convert a relative path into an absolute one. * **Route paths cannot contain empty segments.** Remove any empty segments, including trailing ones, from a route path. ## Bug Fixes A couple of bugs were fixed in this release: * Handlebars partials were not properly registered ([#122](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/122)). * `Rocket::custom` did not set the custom configuration as the `active` configuration. * Route path segments containing more than one dynamic parameter were allowed. ## General Improvements In addition to new features, Rocket saw the following smaller improvements: * Rocket no longer overwrites a catcher's response status. * The `port` `Config` type is now a proper `u16`. * Clippy issues injected by codegen are resolved. * Handlebars was updated to `0.25`. * The `PartialEq` implementation of `Config` doesn't consider the path or secret key. * Hyper dependency updated to `0.10`. * The `Error` type for `JSON as FromData` has been exposed as `SerdeError`. * SVG was added as a known Content-Type. * Serde was updated to `0.9`. * Form parse failure now results in a **422** error code. * Tera has been updated to `0.7`. * `pub(crate)` is used throughout to enforce visibility rules. * Query parameters in routes (`/path?<param>`) are now logged. * Routes with and without query parameters no longer _collide_. ## Infrastructure * Testing was parallelized, resulting in 3x faster Travis builds. # Version 0.1.6 (Jan 26, 2017) ## Infrastructure * Hyper version pinned to 0.9.14 due to upstream non-semver breaking change. # Version 0.1.5 (Jan 14, 2017) ## Core * Fixed security checks in `FromSegments` implementation for `PathBuf`. ## Infrastructure * `proc_macro` feature removed from examples due to stability. # Version 0.1.4 (Jan 4, 2017) ## Core * Header names are treated as case-preserving. ## Codegen * Minimum supported nightly is `2017-01-03`. # Version 0.1.3 (Dec 31, 2016) ## Core * Typo in `Outcome` formatting fixed (Succcess -> Success). * Added `ContentType::CSV`. * Dynamic segments parameters are properly resolved, even when mounted. * Request methods are only overridden via `_method` field on POST. * Form value `String`s are properly decoded. ## Codegen * The `_method` field is now properly ignored in `FromForm` derivation. * Unknown Content-Types in `format` no longer result in an error. * Deriving `FromForm` no longer results in a deprecation warning. * Codegen will refuse to build with incompatible rustc, presenting error message and suggestion. * Added `head` as a valid decorator for `HEAD` requests. * Added `route(OPTIONS)` as a valid decorator for `OPTIONS` requests. ## Contrib * Templates with the `.tera` extension are properly autoescaped. * Nested template names are properly resolved on Windows. * Template implements `Display`. * Tera dependency updated to version 0.6. ## Docs * Todo example requirements clarified in its `README`. ## Testing * Tests added for `config`, `optional_result`, `optional_redirect`, and `query_params` examples. * Testing script checks for and disallows tab characters. ## Infrastructure * New script (`bump_version.sh`) automates version bumps. * Config script emits error when readlink/readpath support is bad. * Travis badge points to public builds. # Version 0.1.2 (Dec 24, 2016) ## Codegen * Fix `get_raw_segments` index argument in route codegen ([#41](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/41)). * Segments params (`<param..>`) respect prefixes. ## Contrib * Fix nested template name resolution ([#42](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/42)). ## Infrastructure * New script (`publish.sh`) automates publishing to crates.io. * New script (`bump_version.sh`) automates version bumps. # Version 0.1.1 (Dec 23, 2016) ## Core * `NamedFile` `Responder` lost its body in the shuffle; it's back! # Version 0.1.0 (Dec 23, 2016) This is the first public release of Rocket! ## Breaking All of the mentions to `hyper` types in core Rocket types are no more. Rocket now implements its own `Request` and `Response` types. * `ContentType` uses associated constants instead of static methods. * `StatusCode` removed in favor of new `Status` type. * `Response` type alias superceded by `Response` type. * `Responder::respond` no longer takes in hyper type. * `Responder::respond` returns `Response`, takes `self` by move. * `Handler` returns `Outcome` instead of `Response` type alias. * `ErrorHandler` returns `Result`. * All `Hyper*` types were moved to unprefixed versions in `hyper::`. * `MockRequest::dispatch` now returns a `Response` type. * `URIBuf` removed in favor of unified `URI`. * Rocket panics when an illegal, dynamic mount point is used. ## Core * Rocket handles `HEAD` requests automatically. * New `Response` and `ResponseBuilder` types. * New `Request`, `Header`, `Status`, and `ContentType` types. ## Testing * `MockRequest` allows any type of header. * `MockRequest` allows cookies. ## Codegen * Debug output disabled by default. * The `ROCKET_CODEGEN_DEBUG` environment variables enables codegen logging. # Version 0.0.11 (Dec 11, 2016) ## Streaming Requests All incoming request data is now streamed. This resulted in a major change to the Rocket APIs. They are summarized through the following API changes: * The `form` route parameter has been removed. * The `data` route parameter has been introduced. * Forms are now handled via the `data` parameter and `Form` type. * Removed the `data` parameter from `Request`. * Added `FromData` conversion trait and default implementation. * `FromData` is used to automatically derive the `data` parameter. * `Responder`s are now final: they cannot forward to other requests. * `Responser`s may only forward to catchers. ## Breaking * Request `uri` parameter is private. Use `uri()` method instead. * `form` module moved under `request` module. * `response::data` was renamed to `response::content`. * Introduced `Outcome` with `Success`, `Failure`, and `Forward` variants. * `outcome` module moved to top-level. * `Response` is now a type alias to `Outcome`. * `Empty` `Responder` was removed. * `StatusResponder` removed in favor of `response::status` module. ## Codegen * Error handlers can now take 0, 1, or 2 parameters. * `FromForm` derive now works on empty structs. * Lifetimes are now properly stripped in code generation. * Any valid ident is now allowed in single-parameter route parameters. ## Core * Route is now cloneable. * `Request` no longer has any lifetime parameters. * `Handler` type now includes a `Data` parameter. * `http` module is public. * `Responder` implemented for `()` type as an empty response. * Add `config::get()` for global config access. * Introduced `testing` module. * `Rocket.toml` allows global configuration via `[global]` table. ## Docs * Added a `raw_upload` example. * Added a `pastebin` example. * Documented all public APIs. ## Testing * Now building and running tests with `--all-features` flag. * Added appveyor config for Windows CI testing. # Version 0.0.10 (Oct 03, 2016) ## Breaking * Remove `Rocket::new` in favor of `ignite` method. * Remove `Rocket::mount_and_launch` in favor of chaining `mount(..).launch()`. * `mount` and `catch` take `Rocket` type by value. * All types related to HTTP have been moved into `http` module. * `Template::render` in `contrib` now takes context by reference. ## Core * Rocket now parses option `Rocket.toml` for configuration, defaulting to sane values. * `ROCKET_ENV` environment variable can be used to specify running environment. ## Docs * Document `ContentType`. * Document `Request`. * Add script that builds docs. ## Testing * Scripts can now be run from any directory. * Cache Cargo directories in Travis for faster testing. * Check that library version numbers match in testing script. # Version 0.0.9 (Sep 29, 2016) ## Breaking * Rename `response::data_type` to `response::data`. ## Core * Rocket interprets `_method` field in forms as the incoming request's method. * Add `Outcome::Bad` to signify responses that failed internally. * Add a `NamedFile` `Responder` type that uses a file's extension for the response's content type. * Add a `Stream` `Responder` for streaming responses. ## Contrib * Introduce the `contrib` crate. * Add JSON support via `JSON`, which implements `FromRequest` and `Responder`. * Add templating support via `Template` which implements `Responder`. ## Docs * Initial guide-like documentation. * Add documentation, testing, and contributing sections to README. ## Testing * Add a significant number of codegen tests.