use super::Route; use http::uri::URI; use http::ContentType; use request::Request; /// The Collider trait is used to determine if two items that can be routed on /// can match against a given request. That is, if two items `collide`, they /// will both match against _some_ request. pub trait Collider { fn collides_with(&self, other: &T) -> bool; } pub fn index_match_until(break_c: char, a: &str, b: &str, dir: bool) -> Option<(isize, isize)> { let (a_len, b_len) = (a.len() as isize, b.len() as isize); let (mut i, mut j, delta) = if dir { (0, 0, 1) } else { (a_len - 1, b_len - 1, -1) }; let break_b = break_c as u8; while i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < a_len && j < b_len { let (c1, c2) = (a.as_bytes()[i as usize], b.as_bytes()[j as usize]); if c1 == break_b || c2 == break_b { break; } else if c1 != c2 { return None; } else { i += delta; j += delta; } } Some((i, j)) } fn do_match_until(break_c: char, a: &str, b: &str, dir: bool) -> bool { index_match_until(break_c, a, b, dir).is_some() } impl<'a> Collider for &'a str { fn collides_with(&self, other: &str) -> bool { let (a, b) = (self, other); do_match_until('<', a, b, true) && do_match_until('>', a, b, false) } } impl<'a, 'b> Collider> for URI<'a> { fn collides_with(&self, other: &URI<'b>) -> bool { for (seg_a, seg_b) in self.segments().zip(other.segments()) { if seg_a.ends_with("..>") || seg_b.ends_with("..>") { return true; } if !seg_a.collides_with(seg_b) { return false; } } if self.segment_count() != other.segment_count() { return false; } true } } impl Collider for ContentType { fn collides_with(&self, other: &ContentType) -> bool { let collide = |a, b| a == "*" || b == "*" || a == b; collide(&self.ttype, &other.ttype) && collide(&self.subtype, &other.subtype) } } // This implementation is used at initialization to check if two user routes // collide before launching. Format collisions works like this: // * If route a specifies format, it only gets requests for that format. // * If a route doesn't specify format, it gets requests for any format. impl Collider for Route { fn collides_with(&self, b: &Route) -> bool { self.method == b.method && self.rank == b.rank && self.path.collides_with(&b.path) && match (self.format.as_ref(), b.format.as_ref()) { (Some(ct_a), Some(ct_b)) => ct_a.collides_with(ct_b), (Some(_), None) => true, (None, Some(_)) => true, (None, None) => true } } } // This implementation is used at runtime to check if a given request is // intended for this Route. Format collisions works like this: // * If route a specifies format, it only gets requests for that format. // * If a route doesn't specify format, it gets requests for any format. impl<'r> Collider> for Route { fn collides_with(&self, req: &Request<'r>) -> bool { self.method == req.method() && req.uri().collides_with(&self.path) // FIXME: On payload requests, check Content-Type, else Accept. && match (req.content_type().as_ref(), self.format.as_ref()) { (Some(ct_a), Some(ct_b)) => ct_a.collides_with(ct_b), (Some(_), None) => true, (None, Some(_)) => false, (None, None) => true } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::str::FromStr; use super::Collider; use request::Request; use data::Data; use handler::Outcome; use router::route::Route; use http::{Method, ContentType}; use http::uri::URI; use http::Method::*; type SimpleRoute = (Method, &'static str); fn dummy_handler(_req: &Request, _: Data) -> Outcome<'static> { Outcome::of("hi") } fn m_collide(a: SimpleRoute, b: SimpleRoute) -> bool { let route_a = Route::new(a.0, a.1.to_string(), dummy_handler); route_a.collides_with(&Route::new(b.0, b.1.to_string(), dummy_handler)) } fn unranked_collide(a: &'static str, b: &'static str) -> bool { let route_a = Route::ranked(0, Get, a.to_string(), dummy_handler); route_a.collides_with(&Route::ranked(0, Get, b.to_string(), dummy_handler)) } fn s_s_collide(a: &'static str, b: &'static str) -> bool { URI::new(a).collides_with(&URI::new(b)) } #[test] fn simple_collisions() { assert!(unranked_collide("a", "a")); assert!(unranked_collide("/a", "/a")); assert!(unranked_collide("/hello", "/hello")); assert!(unranked_collide("/hello", "/hello/")); assert!(unranked_collide("/hello/there/how/ar", "/hello/there/how/ar")); assert!(unranked_collide("/hello/there", "/hello/there/")); } #[test] fn simple_param_collisions() { assert!(unranked_collide("/hello/", "/hello/")); assert!(unranked_collide("/hello//hi", "/hello//hi")); assert!(unranked_collide("/hello//hi/there", "/hello//hi/there")); assert!(unranked_collide("//hi/there", "//hi/there")); assert!(unranked_collide("//hi/there", "/dude//there")); assert!(unranked_collide("///", "///")); assert!(unranked_collide("////", "////")); assert!(unranked_collide("/", "/hi")); assert!(unranked_collide("/", "/hi/hey")); assert!(unranked_collide("/", "/hi/hey/hayo")); assert!(unranked_collide("/a/", "/a/hi/hey/hayo")); assert!(unranked_collide("/a//", "/a/hi/hey/hayo")); assert!(unranked_collide("/a///", "/a/hi/hey/hayo")); assert!(unranked_collide("///", "/a/hi/hey/hayo")); assert!(unranked_collide("///hey/hayo", "/a/hi/hey/hayo")); } #[test] fn medium_param_collisions() { assert!(unranked_collide("/hello/", "/hello/bob")); assert!(unranked_collide("/", "//bob")); } #[test] fn hard_param_collisions() { assert!(unranked_collide("/bob", "/b")); assert!(unranked_collide("/ac", "/abc")); assert!(unranked_collide("/ac", "/azooc")); assert!(unranked_collide("/a", "/a")); assert!(unranked_collide("/", "/a")); assert!(unranked_collide("//", "/a/b")); assert!(unranked_collide("//bc", "/a/b")); assert!(unranked_collide("//bcd", "/a/b")); assert!(unranked_collide("/", "///a///")); } #[test] fn non_collisions() { assert!(!unranked_collide("/a", "/b")); assert!(!unranked_collide("/a/b", "/a")); assert!(!unranked_collide("/a/b", "/a/c")); assert!(!unranked_collide("/a/hello", "/a/c")); assert!(!unranked_collide("/hello", "/a/c")); assert!(!unranked_collide("/hello/there", "/hello/there/guy")); assert!(!unranked_collide("/b/there", "/hi/there")); assert!(!unranked_collide("//c", "/hi/person")); assert!(!unranked_collide("//cd", "/hi/e")); assert!(!unranked_collide("/a/", "/b/")); assert!(!unranked_collide("/a/", "/b/")); assert!(!unranked_collide("/a/", "/b/")); assert!(!unranked_collide("/", "/")); assert!(!unranked_collide("/hi/", "/hi")); assert!(!unranked_collide("/hi/", "/hi/")); assert!(!unranked_collide("/", "//////")); } #[test] fn method_dependent_non_collisions() { assert!(!m_collide((Get, "/"), (Post, "/"))); assert!(!m_collide((Post, "/"), (Put, "/"))); assert!(!m_collide((Put, "/a"), (Put, "/"))); assert!(!m_collide((Post, "/a"), (Put, "/"))); assert!(!m_collide((Get, "/a"), (Put, "/"))); assert!(!m_collide((Get, "/hello"), (Put, "/hello"))); } #[test] fn test_str_non_collisions() { assert!(!s_s_collide("/a", "/b")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/b", "/a")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/b", "/a/c")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/hello", "/a/c")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/hello", "/a/c")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/hello/there", "/hello/there/guy")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/b/there", "/hi/there")); assert!(!s_s_collide("//c", "/hi/person")); assert!(!s_s_collide("//cd", "/hi/e")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/", "/b/")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/", "/b/")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/", "/b/")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a", "/b")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/b", "/a")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/b", "/a/c")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/hello", "/a/c")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/hello", "/a/c")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/hello/there", "/hello/there/guy")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/b/there", "/hi/there")); assert!(!s_s_collide("//c", "/hi/person")); assert!(!s_s_collide("//cd", "/hi/e")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/", "/b/")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/", "/b/")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/", "/b/")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a", "/b")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/b", "/a")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/b", "/a/c")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/hello", "/a/c")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/hello", "/a/c")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/hello/there", "/hello/there/guy")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/b/there", "/hi/there")); assert!(!s_s_collide("//c", "/hi/person")); assert!(!s_s_collide("//cd", "/hi/e")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/", "/b/")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/", "/b/")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/", "/b/")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/", "/")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/hi/", "/hi/")); assert!(!s_s_collide("/a/hi/", "/a/hi/")); } fn ct_ct_collide(ct1: &str, ct2: &str) -> bool { let ct_a = ContentType::from_str(ct1).expect(ct1); let ct_b = ContentType::from_str(ct2).expect(ct2); ct_a.collides_with(&ct_b) } #[test] fn test_content_type_colliions() { assert!(ct_ct_collide("application/json", "application/json")); assert!(ct_ct_collide("*/json", "application/json")); assert!(ct_ct_collide("*/*", "application/json")); assert!(ct_ct_collide("application/*", "application/json")); assert!(ct_ct_collide("application/*", "*/json")); assert!(ct_ct_collide("something/random", "something/random")); assert!(!ct_ct_collide("text/*", "application/*")); assert!(!ct_ct_collide("*/text", "*/json")); assert!(!ct_ct_collide("*/text", "application/test")); assert!(!ct_ct_collide("something/random", "something_else/random")); assert!(!ct_ct_collide("something/random", "*/else")); assert!(!ct_ct_collide("*/random", "*/else")); assert!(!ct_ct_collide("something/*", "random/else")); } fn r_ct_ct_collide(m1: Method, ct1: S1, m2: Method, ct2: S2) -> bool where S1: Into>, S2: Into> { let mut route_a = Route::new(m1, "/", dummy_handler); if let Some(ct_str) = ct1.into() { route_a.format = Some(ct_str.parse::().unwrap()); } let mut route_b = Route::new(m2, "/", dummy_handler); if let Some(ct_str) = ct2.into() { route_b.format = Some(ct_str.parse::().unwrap()); } route_a.collides_with(&route_b) } #[test] fn test_route_content_type_colliions() { assert!(r_ct_ct_collide(Get, "application/json", Get, "application/json")); assert!(r_ct_ct_collide(Get, "*/json", Get, "application/json")); assert!(r_ct_ct_collide(Get, "*/json", Get, "application/*")); assert!(r_ct_ct_collide(Get, "text/html", Get, "text/*")); assert!(r_ct_ct_collide(Get, "any/thing", Get, "*/*")); assert!(r_ct_ct_collide(Get, None, Get, "text/*")); assert!(r_ct_ct_collide(Get, None, Get, "text/html")); assert!(r_ct_ct_collide(Get, None, Get, "*/*")); assert!(r_ct_ct_collide(Get, "text/html", Get, None)); assert!(r_ct_ct_collide(Get, "*/*", Get, None)); assert!(r_ct_ct_collide(Get, "application/json", Get, None)); assert!(!r_ct_ct_collide(Get, "text/html", Get, "application/*")); assert!(!r_ct_ct_collide(Get, "application/html", Get, "text/*")); assert!(!r_ct_ct_collide(Get, "*/json", Get, "text/html")); assert!(!r_ct_ct_collide(Get, "text/html", Get, "text/css")); } fn req_route_collide(m1: Method, ct1: S1, m2: Method, ct2: S2) -> bool where S1: Into>, S2: Into> { let mut req = Request::new(m1, "/"); if let Some(ct_str) = ct1.into() { req.replace_header(ct_str.parse::().unwrap()); } let mut route = Route::new(m2, "/", dummy_handler); if let Some(ct_str) = ct2.into() { route.format = Some(ct_str.parse::().unwrap()); } route.collides_with(&req) } #[test] fn test_req_route_ct_collisions() { assert!(req_route_collide(Get, "application/json", Get, "application/json")); assert!(req_route_collide(Get, "application/json", Get, "application/*")); assert!(req_route_collide(Get, "application/json", Get, "*/json")); assert!(req_route_collide(Get, "text/html", Get, "text/html")); assert!(req_route_collide(Get, "text/html", Get, "*/*")); assert!(req_route_collide(Get, "text/html", Get, None)); assert!(req_route_collide(Get, None, Get, None)); assert!(req_route_collide(Get, "application/json", Get, None)); assert!(req_route_collide(Get, "x-custom/anything", Get, None)); assert!(!req_route_collide(Get, "application/json", Get, "text/html")); assert!(!req_route_collide(Get, "application/json", Get, "text/*")); assert!(!req_route_collide(Get, "application/json", Get, "*/xml")); assert!(!req_route_collide(Get, None, Get, "text/html")); assert!(!req_route_collide(Get, None, Get, "*/*")); assert!(!req_route_collide(Get, None, Get, "application/json")); } }