
569 lines
19 KiB

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::fmt;
use std::str;
use term_painter::Color::*;
use term_painter::ToStyle;
use state::{Container, Storage};
use error::Error;
use super::{FromParam, FromSegments};
use router::Route;
use http::uri::{URI, Segments};
use http::{Method, Header, HeaderMap, Cookies, Session, CookieJar, Key};
use http::{RawStr, ContentType, Accept, MediaType};
use http::hyper;
struct PresetState<'r> {
key: &'r Key,
managed_state: &'r Container,
struct RequestState<'r> {
preset: Option<PresetState<'r>>,
params: RefCell<Vec<(usize, usize)>>,
cookies: RefCell<CookieJar>,
session: RefCell<CookieJar>,
accept: Storage<Option<Accept>>,
content_type: Storage<Option<ContentType>>,
/// The type of an incoming web request.
/// This should be used sparingly in Rocket applications. In particular, it
/// should likely only be used when writing
/// [FromRequest](/rocket/request/trait.FromRequest.html) implementations. It
/// contains all of the information for a given web request except for the body
/// data. This includes the HTTP method, URI, cookies, headers, and more.
pub struct Request<'r> {
method: Method,
uri: URI<'r>,
headers: HeaderMap<'r>,
remote: Option<SocketAddr>,
extra: RequestState<'r>
impl<'r> Request<'r> {
/// Create a new `Request` with the given `method` and `uri`. The `uri`
/// parameter can be of any type that implements `Into<URI>` including
/// `&str` and `String`; it must be a valid absolute URI.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::Request;
/// use rocket::http::Method;
/// # #[allow(unused_variables)]
/// let request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
/// ```
pub fn new<U: Into<URI<'r>>>(method: Method, uri: U) -> Request<'r> {
Request {
method: method,
uri: uri.into(),
headers: HeaderMap::new(),
remote: None,
extra: RequestState {
preset: None,
params: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
cookies: RefCell::new(CookieJar::new()),
session: RefCell::new(CookieJar::new()),
accept: Storage::new(),
content_type: Storage::new(),
/// Retrieve the method from `self`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::Request;
/// use rocket::http::Method;
/// let request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
/// assert_eq!(request.method(), Method::Get);
/// ```
pub fn method(&self) -> Method {
/// Set the method of `self`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::Request;
/// use rocket::http::Method;
/// let mut request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
/// assert_eq!(request.method(), Method::Get);
/// request.set_method(Method::Post);
/// assert_eq!(request.method(), Method::Post);
/// ```
pub fn set_method(&mut self, method: Method) {
self.method = method;
/// Borrow the URI from `self`, which must be an absolute URI.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::Request;
/// use rocket::http::Method;
/// let request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
/// assert_eq!(request.uri().as_str(), "/uri");
/// ```
pub fn uri(&self) -> &URI {
/// Set the URI in `self`. The `uri` parameter can be of any type that
/// implements `Into<URI>` including `&str` and `String`; it must be a valid
/// absolute URI.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::Request;
/// use rocket::http::Method;
/// let mut request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
/// request.set_uri("/hello/Sergio?type=greeting");
/// assert_eq!(request.uri().as_str(), "/hello/Sergio?type=greeting");
/// ```
pub fn set_uri<'u: 'r, U: Into<URI<'u>>>(&mut self, uri: U) {
self.uri = uri.into();
*self.extra.params.borrow_mut() = Vec::new();
/// Returns the address of the remote connection that initiated this
/// request if the address is known. If the address is not known, `None` is
/// returned.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::Request;
/// use rocket::http::Method;
/// let request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
/// assert!(request.remote().is_none());
/// ```
pub fn remote(&self) -> Option<SocketAddr> {
/// Sets the remote address of `self` to `address`.
/// # Example
/// Set the remote address to be
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::Request;
/// use rocket::http::Method;
/// use std::net::{SocketAddr, IpAddr, Ipv4Addr};
/// let mut request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
/// let (ip, port) = (IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 8000);
/// let localhost = SocketAddr::new(ip, port);
/// request.set_remote(localhost);
/// assert_eq!(request.remote(), Some(localhost));
/// ```
pub fn set_remote(&mut self, address: SocketAddr) {
self.remote = Some(address);
/// Returns a [HeaderMap](/rocket/http/struct.HeaderMap.html) of all of the
/// headers in `self`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::Request;
/// use rocket::http::Method;
/// let request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
/// let header_map = request.headers();
/// assert!(header_map.is_empty());
/// ```
pub fn headers(&self) -> &HeaderMap<'r> {
/// Add the `header` to `self`'s headers.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::Request;
/// use rocket::http::{Method, ContentType};
/// let mut request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
/// assert!(request.headers().is_empty());
/// request.add_header(ContentType::HTML);
/// assert!(request.headers().contains("Content-Type"));
/// assert_eq!(request.headers().len(), 1);
/// ```
pub fn add_header<H: Into<Header<'r>>>(&mut self, header: H) {
/// Replaces the value of the header with `` with `header.value`.
/// If no such header existed, `header` is added.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::Request;
/// use rocket::http::{Method, ContentType};
/// let mut request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
/// assert!(request.headers().is_empty());
/// request.add_header(ContentType::Any);
/// assert_eq!(request.headers().get_one("Content-Type"), Some("*/*"));
/// request.replace_header(ContentType::PNG);
/// assert_eq!(request.headers().get_one("Content-Type"), Some("image/png"));
/// ```
pub fn replace_header<H: Into<Header<'r>>>(&mut self, header: H) {
/// Returns a borrow to the cookies in `self`.
/// Note that `Cookies` implements internal mutability, so this method
/// allows you to get _and_ set cookies in `self`.
/// # Example
/// Add a new cookie to a request's cookies:
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::Request;
/// use rocket::http::{Cookie, Method};
/// let request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
/// request.cookies().add(Cookie::new("key", "val"));
/// request.cookies().add(Cookie::new("ans", format!("life: {}", 38 + 4)));
/// ```
pub fn cookies(&self) -> Cookies {
match self.extra.cookies.try_borrow_mut() {
Ok(jar) => Cookies::new(jar),
Err(_) => {
error_!("Multiple `Cookies` instances are active at once.");
info_!("An instance of `Cookies` must be dropped before another \
can be retrieved.");
warn_!("The retrieved `Cookies` instance will be empty.");
pub fn session(&self) -> Session {
match self.extra.session.try_borrow_mut() {
Ok(jar) => Session::new(jar, self.preset().key),
Err(_) => {
error_!("Multiple `Session` instances are active at once.");
info_!("An instance of `Session` must be dropped before another \
can be retrieved.");
warn_!("The retrieved `Session` instance will be empty.");
/// Replace all of the cookies in `self` with those in `jar`.
pub(crate) fn set_cookies(&mut self, jar: CookieJar) {
self.extra.cookies = RefCell::new(jar);
/// Replace all of the session cookie in `self` with those in `jar`.
pub(crate) fn set_session(&mut self, jar: CookieJar) {
self.extra.session = RefCell::new(jar);
/// Returns the Content-Type header of `self`. If the header is not present,
/// returns `None`. The Content-Type header is cached after the first call
/// to this function. As a result, subsequent calls will always return the
/// same value.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::Request;
/// use rocket::http::{Method, ContentType};
/// let mut request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
/// assert_eq!(request.content_type(), None);
/// ```
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::Request;
/// use rocket::http::{Method, ContentType};
/// let mut request = Request::new(Method::Get, "/uri");
/// request.add_header(ContentType::JSON);
/// assert_eq!(request.content_type(), Some(&ContentType::JSON));
/// ```
pub fn content_type(&self) -> Option<&ContentType> {
self.extra.content_type.get_or_set(|| {
self.headers().get_one("Content-Type").and_then(|v| v.parse().ok())
pub fn accept(&self) -> Option<&Accept> {
self.extra.accept.get_or_set(|| {
self.headers().get_one("Accept").and_then(|v| v.parse().ok())
pub fn accept_first(&self) -> Option<&MediaType> {
self.accept().and_then(|accept| accept.first()).map(|wmt| wmt.media_type())
pub fn format(&self) -> Option<&MediaType> {
static ANY: MediaType = MediaType::Any;
if self.method.supports_payload() {
self.content_type().map(|ct| ct.media_type())
} else {
// FIXME: Should we be using `accept_first` or `preferred`? Or
// should we be checking neither and instead pass things through
// where the client accepts the thing at all?
.map(|accept| accept.preferred().media_type())
/// Retrieves and parses into `T` the 0-indexed `n`th dynamic parameter from
/// the request. Returns `Error::NoKey` if `n` is greater than the number of
/// params. Returns `Error::BadParse` if the parameter type `T` can't be
/// parsed from the parameter.
/// This method exists only to be used by manual routing. To retrieve
/// parameters from a request, use Rocket's code generation facilities.
/// # Example
/// Retrieve parameter `0`, which is expected to be a `String`, in a manual
/// route:
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::{Request, Data};
/// use rocket::handler::Outcome;
/// # #[allow(dead_code)]
/// fn name<'a>(req: &'a Request, _: Data) -> Outcome<'a> {
/// Outcome::of(req.get_param::<String>(0).unwrap_or("unnamed".into()))
/// }
/// ```
pub fn get_param<'a, T: FromParam<'a>>(&'a self, n: usize) -> Result<T, Error> {
let param = self.get_param_str(n).ok_or(Error::NoKey)?;
T::from_param(param).map_err(|_| Error::BadParse)
/// Set `self`'s parameters given that the route used to reach this request
/// was `route`. This should only be used internally by `Rocket` as improper
/// use may result in out of bounds indexing.
/// TODO: Figure out the mount path from here.
pub(crate) fn set_params(&self, route: &Route) {
*self.extra.params.borrow_mut() = route.get_param_indexes(self.uri());
/// Get the `n`th path parameter as a string, if it exists. This is used by
/// codegen.
pub fn get_param_str(&self, n: usize) -> Option<&RawStr> {
let params = self.extra.params.borrow();
if n >= params.len() {
debug!("{} is >= param count {}", n, params.len());
return None;
let (i, j) = params[n];
let path = self.uri.path();
if j > path.len() {
error!("Couldn't retrieve parameter: internal count incorrect.");
return None;
/// Retrieves and parses into `T` all of the path segments in the request
/// URI beginning at the 0-indexed `n`th dynamic parameter. `T` must
/// implement [FromSegments](/rocket/request/trait.FromSegments.html), which
/// is used to parse the segments.
/// This method exists only to be used by manual routing. To retrieve
/// segments from a request, use Rocket's code generation facilities.
/// # Error
/// If there are less than `n` segments, returns an `Err` of `NoKey`. If
/// parsing the segments failed, returns an `Err` of `BadParse`.
/// # Example
/// If the request URI is `"/hello/there/i/am/here"`, and the matched route
/// path for this request is `"/hello/<name>/i/<segs..>"`, then
/// `request.get_segments::<T>(1)` will attempt to parse the segments
/// `"am/here"` as type `T`.
pub fn get_segments<'a, T: FromSegments<'a>>(&'a self, n: usize)
-> Result<T, Error> {
let segments = self.get_raw_segments(n).ok_or(Error::NoKey)?;
T::from_segments(segments).map_err(|_| Error::BadParse)
/// Get the segments beginning at the `n`th dynamic parameter, if they
/// exist. Used by codegen.
pub fn get_raw_segments(&self, n: usize) -> Option<Segments> {
let params = self.extra.params.borrow();
if n >= params.len() {
debug!("{} is >= param (segments) count {}", n, params.len());
return None;
let (i, j) = params[n];
let path = self.uri.path();
if j > path.len() {
error!("Couldn't retrieve segments: internal count incorrect.");
return None;
/// Get the managed state container, if it exists. For internal use only!
pub fn get_state<T: Send + Sync + 'static>(&self) -> Option<&'r T> {
fn preset(&self) -> &PresetState<'r> {
match self.extra.preset {
Some(ref state) => state,
None => {
error_!("Internal Rocket error: preset state is unset!");
panic!("Please report this error to the GitHub issue tracker.");
/// Set the precomputed state. For internal use only!
pub(crate) fn set_preset_state(&mut self, key: &'r Key, state: &'r Container) {
self.extra.preset = Some(PresetState { key, managed_state: state });
/// Convert from Hyper types into a Rocket Request.
pub(crate) fn from_hyp(h_method: hyper::Method,
h_headers: hyper::header::Headers,
h_uri: hyper::RequestUri,
h_addr: SocketAddr,
) -> Result<Request<'r>, String> {
// Get a copy of the URI for later use.
let uri = match h_uri {
hyper::RequestUri::AbsolutePath(s) => s,
_ => return Err(format!("Bad URI: {}", h_uri)),
// Ensure that the method is known. TODO: Allow made-up methods?
let method = match Method::from_hyp(&h_method) {
Some(method) => method,
None => return Err(format!("Invalid method: {}", h_method))
// Construct the request object.
let mut request = Request::new(method, uri);
// Set the request cookies, if they exist.
if let Some(cookie_headers) = h_headers.get_raw("Cookie") {
let mut cookie_jar = CookieJar::new();
let mut session_jar = CookieJar::new();
for header in cookie_headers {
let raw_str = match ::std::str::from_utf8(header) {
Ok(string) => string,
Err(_) => continue
for cookie_str in raw_str.split(";").map(|s| s.trim()) {
if let Some(cookie) = Session::parse_cookie(cookie_str) {
} else if let Some(cookie) = Cookies::parse_cookie(cookie_str) {
// Set the rest of the headers.
for hyp in h_headers.iter() {
if let Some(header_values) = h_headers.get_raw( {
for value in header_values {
// This is not totally correct since values needn't be UTF8.
let value_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(value).into_owned();
let header = Header::new(, value_str);
impl<'r> fmt::Display for Request<'r> {
/// Pretty prints a Request. This is primarily used by Rocket's logging
/// infrastructure.
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{} {}", Green.paint(&self.method), Blue.paint(&self.uri))?;
if let Some(content_type) = self.content_type() {
if self.method.supports_payload() {
write!(f, " {}", Yellow.paint(content_type))?;