Sergio Benitez 084481a84e Initial implementation of typed URIs.
This is a breaking change. All Rocket applications using code
generation must now additionally declare usage of the 'decl_macro'
2017-09-14 22:10:25 -07:00

84 lines
2.3 KiB

#![feature(plugin, decl_macro, custom_derive)]
extern crate rocket;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
fn get_ip(remote: SocketAddr) -> String {
mod remote_rewrite_tests {
use super::*;
use rocket::local::Client;
use rocket::http::{Header, Status};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
const KNOWN_IP: &'static str = "";
fn check_ip(header: Option<Header<'static>>, ip: Option<String>) {
let addr: SocketAddr = KNOWN_IP.parse().unwrap();
let c = Client::new(rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![get_ip])).unwrap();
let mut response = match header {
Some(header) => c.get("/").header(header).remote(addr).dispatch(),
None => c.get("/").remote(addr).dispatch()
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
let body = response.body_string();
match ip {
Some(ip) => assert_eq!(body, Some(format!("{}:{}", ip, addr.port()))),
None => assert_eq!(body, Some(KNOWN_IP.into()))
fn x_real_ip_rewrites() {
let ip = "";
check_ip(Some(Header::new("X-Real-IP", ip)), Some(ip.to_string()));
let ip = "";
check_ip(Some(Header::new("X-Real-IP", ip)), Some(ip.to_string()));
fn x_real_ip_rewrites_ipv6() {
let ip = "2001:db8:0:1:1:1:1:1";
check_ip(Some(Header::new("X-Real-IP", ip)), Some(format!("[{}]", ip)));
let ip = "2001:db8::2:1";
check_ip(Some(Header::new("X-Real-IP", ip)), Some(format!("[{}]", ip)));
fn uncased_header_rewrites() {
let ip = "";
check_ip(Some(Header::new("x-REAL-ip", ip)), Some(ip.to_string()));
let ip = "";
check_ip(Some(Header::new("x-real-ip", ip)), Some(ip.to_string()));
fn no_header_no_rewrite() {
check_ip(Some(Header::new("real-ip", "?")), None);
check_ip(None, None);
fn bad_header_doesnt_rewrite() {
let ip = "092348092348";
check_ip(Some(Header::new("X-Real-IP", ip)), None);
let ip = "1200:100000:0120129";
check_ip(Some(Header::new("X-Real-IP", ip)), None);
let ip = "";
check_ip(Some(Header::new("X-Real-IP", ip)), None);