Sergio Benitez fa3e0334c1 Overhaul URI types, parsers, 'uri!' macro.
This commit entirely rewrites Rocket's URI parsing routines and
overhauls the 'uri!' macro resolving all known issues and removing any
potential limitations for compile-time URI creation. This commit:

  * Introduces a new 'Reference' URI variant for URI-references.
  * Modifies 'Redirect' to accept 'TryFrom<Reference>'.
  * Introduces a new 'Asterisk' URI variant for parity.
  * Allows creation of any URI type from a string literal via 'uri!'.
  * Enables dynamic/static prefixing/suffixing of route URIs in 'uri!'.
  * Unifies 'Segments' and 'QuerySegments' into one generic 'Segments'.
  * Consolidates URI formatting types/traits into a 'uri::fmt' module.
  * Makes APIs more symmetric across URI types.

It also includes the following less-relevant changes:

  * Implements 'FromParam' for a single-segment 'PathBuf'.
  * Adds 'FileName::is_safe()'.
  * No longer reparses upstream request URIs.

Resolves #842.
Resolves #853.
Resolves #998.
2021-05-19 18:47:11 -07:00

347 lines
10 KiB

// Rocket sometimes generates mangled identifiers that activate the
// non_snake_case lint. We deny the lint in this test to ensure that
// code generation uses #[allow(non_snake_case)] in the appropriate places.
#[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use rocket::request::Request;
use rocket::http::ext::Normalize;
use rocket::local::blocking::Client;
use rocket::data::{self, Data, FromData};
use rocket::http::{Status, RawStr, ContentType, uri::fmt::Path};
// Use all of the code generation available at once.
#[derive(FromForm, UriDisplayQuery)]
struct Inner<'r> {
field: &'r str
struct Simple(String);
impl<'r> FromData<'r> for Simple {
type Error = std::io::Error;
async fn from_data(req: &'r Request<'_>, data: Data) -> data::Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
String::from_data(req, data)
format = "json",
data = "<simple>",
rank = 138
fn post1(
sky: usize,
name: &str,
a: String,
query: Inner<'_>,
path: PathBuf,
simple: Simple,
) -> String {
let string = format!("{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}",
sky, name, a, query.field, path.normalized_str(), simple.0);
let uri = uri!(post1(a, name, path, sky, query));
format!("({}) ({})", string, uri.to_string())
uri = "/<a>/<name>/name/<path..>?sky=blue&<sky>&<query..>",
format = "json",
data = "<simple>",
rank = 138
fn post2(
sky: usize,
name: &str,
a: String,
query: Inner<'_>,
path: PathBuf,
simple: Simple,
) -> String {
let string = format!("{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}",
sky, name, a, query.field, path.normalized_str(), simple.0);
let uri = uri!(post2(a, name, path, sky, query));
format!("({}) ({})", string, uri.to_string())
#[post("/<_unused_param>?<_unused_query>", data="<_unused_data>")]
fn test_unused_params(_unused_param: String, _unused_query: String, _unused_data: Data) {
fn test_full_route() {
let rocket = rocket::build()
.mount("/1", routes![post1])
.mount("/2", routes![post2]);
let client = Client::debug(rocket).unwrap();
let a = RawStr::new("A%20A");
let name = RawStr::new("Bob%20McDonald");
let path = "this/path/here";
let sky = 777;
let query = "field=inside";
let simple = "data internals";
let path_part = format!("/{}/{}/name/{}", a, name, path);
let query_part = format!("?sky={}&sky=blue&{}", sky, query);
let uri = format!("{}{}", path_part, query_part);
let expected_uri = format!("{}?sky=blue&sky={}&{}", path_part, sky, query);
let response =;
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::NotFound);
let response =!("/1{}", uri)).body(simple).dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::NotFound);
let response = client
.post(format!("/1{}", uri))
assert_eq!(response.into_string().unwrap(), format!("({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}) ({})",
sky, name.percent_decode().unwrap(), "A A", "inside", path, simple, expected_uri));
let response =!("/2{}", uri)).body(simple).dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::NotFound);
let response = client
.post(format!("/2{}", uri))
assert_eq!(response.into_string().unwrap(), format!("({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}) ({})",
sky, name.percent_decode().unwrap(), "A A", "inside", path, simple, expected_uri));
mod scopes {
mod other {
pub fn world() -> &'static str {
"Hello, world!"
pub fn hello() -> &'static str {
"Hello, outside world!"
use other::world;
fn _rocket() -> rocket::Rocket<rocket::Build> {
rocket::build().mount("/", rocket::routes![hello, world, other::world])
use rocket::form::Contextual;
#[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, FromForm)]
struct Filtered<'r> {
bird: Option<&'r str>,
color: Option<&'r str>,
cat: Option<&'r str>,
rest: Option<&'r str>,
fn filtered_raw_query(bird: usize, color: &str, rest: Contextual<'_, Filtered<'_>>) -> String {
assert_ne!(bird, 1);
assert_ne!(color, "blue");
assert_eq!(rest.value.unwrap(), Filtered::default());
format!("{} - {}", bird, color)
fn test_filtered_raw_query() {
let rocket = rocket::build().mount("/", routes![filtered_raw_query]);
let client = Client::debug(rocket).unwrap();
fn run(client: &Client, birds: &[&str], colors: &[&str], cats: &[&str]) -> (Status, String) {
let join = |slice: &[&str], name: &str| slice.iter()
.map(|v| format!("{}={}", name, v))
let q = format!("{}&{}&{}",
join(birds, "bird"),
join(colors, "color"),
join(cats, "cat"));
let response = client.get(format!("/?{}", q)).dispatch();
let status = response.status();
let body = response.into_string().unwrap();
(status, body)
let birds = &["2", "3"];
let colors = &["red", "blue", "green"];
let cats = &["bob", "bob"];
assert_eq!(run(&client, birds, colors, cats).0, Status::NotFound);
let birds = &["2", "1", "3"];
let colors = &["red", "green"];
let cats = &["bob", "bob"];
assert_eq!(run(&client, birds, colors, cats).0, Status::NotFound);
let birds = &["2", "1", "3"];
let colors = &["red", "blue", "green"];
let cats = &[];
assert_eq!(run(&client, birds, colors, cats).0, Status::NotFound);
let birds = &["2", "1", "3"];
let colors = &["red", "blue", "green"];
let cats = &["bob", "bob"];
assert_eq!(run(&client, birds, colors, cats).1, "2 - red");
let birds = &["1", "2", "1", "3"];
let colors = &["blue", "red", "blue", "green"];
let cats = &["bob"];
assert_eq!(run(&client, birds, colors, cats).1, "2 - red");
let birds = &["5", "1"];
let colors = &["blue", "orange", "red", "blue", "green"];
let cats = &["bob"];
assert_eq!(run(&client, birds, colors, cats).1, "5 - orange");
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, FromForm)]
struct Dog<'r> {
name: &'r str,
age: usize
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, FromForm)]
struct Q<'r> {
dog: Dog<'r>
fn query_collection(color: Vec<&str>, q: Q<'_>) -> String {
format!("{} - {} - {}", color.join("&"),,
fn query_collection_2(color: Vec<&str>, dog: Dog<'_>) -> String {
format!("{} - {} - {}", color.join("&"),, dog.age)
fn test_query_collection() {
fn run(client: &Client, colors: &[&str], dog: &[&str]) -> (Status, String) {
let join = |slice: &[&str], prefix: &str| slice.iter()
.map(|v| format!("{}{}", prefix, v))
let q = format!("{}&{}", join(colors, "color="), join(dog, "dog."));
let response = client.get(format!("/?{}", q)).dispatch();
(response.status(), response.into_string().unwrap())
fn run_tests(rocket: rocket::Rocket<rocket::Build>) {
let client = Client::debug(rocket).unwrap();
let colors = &["blue", "green"];
let dog = &["name=Fido", "age=10"];
assert_eq!(run(&client, colors, dog).0, Status::NotFound);
let colors = &["red"];
let dog = &["name=Fido"];
assert_eq!(run(&client, colors, dog).0, Status::NotFound);
let colors = &["red"];
let dog = &["name=Fido", "age=2"];
assert_eq!(run(&client, colors, dog).1, " - Fido - 2");
let colors = &["red", "blue", "green"];
let dog = &["name=Fido", "age=10"];
assert_eq!(run(&client, colors, dog).1, "blue&green - Fido - 10");
let colors = &["red", "blue", "green"];
let dog = &["name=Fido", "age=10", "toy=yes"];
assert_eq!(run(&client, colors, dog).1, "blue&green - Fido - 10");
let colors = &["blue", "red", "blue"];
let dog = &["name=Fido", "age=10"];
assert_eq!(run(&client, colors, dog).1, "blue&blue - Fido - 10");
let colors = &["blue", "green", "red", "blue"];
let dog = &["name=Max+Fido", "age=10"];
assert_eq!(run(&client, colors, dog).1, "blue&green&blue - Max Fido - 10");
let rocket = rocket::build().mount("/", routes![query_collection]);
let rocket = rocket::build().mount("/", routes![query_collection_2]);
use rocket::request::FromSegments;
use rocket::http::uri::Segments;
struct PathString(String);
impl FromSegments<'_> for PathString {
type Error = std::convert::Infallible;
fn from_segments(segments: Segments<'_, Path>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
#[get("/<_>/b/<path..>", rank = 1)]
fn segments(path: PathString) -> String {
format!("nonempty+{}", path.0)
#[get("/<path..>", rank = 2)]
fn segments_empty(path: PathString) -> String {
format!("empty+{}", path.0)
fn test_inclusive_segments() {
let rocket = rocket::build()
.mount("/", routes![segments])
.mount("/", routes![segments_empty]);
let client = Client::debug(rocket).unwrap();
let get = |uri| client.get(uri).dispatch().into_string().unwrap();
assert_eq!(get("/"), "empty+");
assert_eq!(get("//"), "empty+");
assert_eq!(get("//a/"), "empty+a");
assert_eq!(get("//a//"), "empty+a");
assert_eq!(get("//a//c/d"), "empty+a/c/d");
assert_eq!(get("//a/b"), "nonempty+");
assert_eq!(get("//a/b/c"), "nonempty+c");
assert_eq!(get("//a/b//c"), "nonempty+c");
assert_eq!(get("//a//b////c"), "nonempty+c");
assert_eq!(get("//a//b////c/d/e"), "nonempty+c/d/e");