
75 lines
2.2 KiB

#![feature(plugin, decl_macro)]
extern crate rocket;
const RESPONSE_STRING: &'static str = "This is the body. Hello, world!";
fn head() -> &'static str {
fn auto() -> &'static str {
// Test that response fairings see the response body for all `HEAD` requests,
// whether they are auto-handled or not.
mod fairing_before_head_strip {
use super::*;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use rocket::fairing::AdHoc;
use rocket::http::Method;
use rocket::local::Client;
use rocket::http::Status;
use rocket::State;
fn not_auto_handled() {
let rocket = rocket::ignite()
.mount("/", routes![head])
.attach(AdHoc::on_request(|req, _| {
assert_eq!(req.method(), Method::Head);
.attach(AdHoc::on_response(|req, res| {
assert_eq!(req.method(), Method::Head);
assert_eq!(res.body_string(), Some(RESPONSE_STRING.into()));
let client = Client::new(rocket).unwrap();
let mut response = client.head("/").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
fn auto_handled() {
struct Counter(AtomicUsize);
let counter = Counter::default();
let rocket = rocket::ignite()
.mount("/", routes![auto])
.attach(AdHoc::on_request(|req, _| {
assert_eq!(req.method(), Method::Head);
// This should be called exactly once.
let c = req.guard::<State<Counter>>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst), 0);
.attach(AdHoc::on_response(|req, res| {
assert_eq!(req.method(), Method::Get);
assert_eq!(res.body_string(), Some(RESPONSE_STRING.into()));
let client = Client::new(rocket).unwrap();
let mut response = client.head("/").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);