
607 lines
19 KiB

use std::fmt;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use crate::{Request, Response, Data};
use crate::http::{Status, Method, Header, Cookie, uri::Origin, ext::IntoOwned};
use crate::local::Client;
/// A structure representing a local request as created by [`Client`].
/// # Usage
/// A `LocalRequest` value is constructed via method constructors on [`Client`].
/// Headers can be added via the [`header`] builder method and the
/// [`add_header`] method. Cookies can be added via the [`cookie`] builder
/// method. The remote IP address can be set via the [`remote`] builder method.
/// The body of the request can be set via the [`body`] builder method or
/// [`set_body`] method.
/// ## Example
/// The following snippet uses the available builder methods to construct a
/// `POST` request to `/` with a JSON body:
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::local::Client;
/// use rocket::http::{ContentType, Cookie};
/// let client = Client::new(rocket::ignite()).expect("valid rocket");
/// let req ="/")
/// .header(ContentType::JSON)
/// .remote("".parse().unwrap())
/// .cookie(Cookie::new("name", "value"))
/// .body(r#"{ "value": 42 }"#);
/// ```
/// # Dispatching
/// A `LocalRequest` can be dispatched in one of two ways:
/// 1. [`dispatch`]
/// This method should always be preferred. The `LocalRequest` is consumed
/// and a response is returned.
/// 2. [`mut_dispatch`]
/// This method should _only_ be used when either it is known that the
/// application will not modify the request, or it is desired to see
/// modifications to the request. No cloning occurs, and the request is not
/// consumed.
/// Additionally, note that `LocalRequest` implements `Clone`. As such, if the
/// same request needs to be dispatched multiple times, the request can first be
/// cloned and then dispatched: `request.clone().dispatch()`.
/// [`Client`]: crate::local::Client
/// [`header`]: #method.header
/// [`add_header`]: #method.add_header
/// [`cookie`]: #method.cookie
/// [`remote`]: #method.remote
/// [`body`]: #method.body
/// [`set_body`]: #method.set_body
/// [`dispatch`]: #method.dispatch
/// [`mut_dispatch`]: #method.mut_dispatch
pub struct LocalRequest<'c> {
client: &'c Client,
// This `Arc` exists so that we can transfer ownership to the `LocalResponse`
// selectively on dispatch. This is necessary because responses may point
// into the request, and thus the request and all of its data needs to be
// alive while the response is accessible.
// Because both a `LocalRequest` and a `LocalResponse` can hold an `Arc` to
// the same `Request`, _and_ the `LocalRequest` can mutate the request, we
// must ensure that 1) neither `LocalRequest` not `LocalResponse` are `Sync`
// or `Send` and 2) mutations carried out in `LocalRequest` are _stable_:
// they never _remove_ data, and any reallocations (say, for vectors or
// hashmaps) result in object pointers remaining the same. This means that
// even if the `Request` is mutated by a `LocalRequest`, those mutations are
// not observable by `LocalResponse`.
// The first is ensured by the embedding of the `Arc` type which is neither
// `Send` nor `Sync`. The second is more difficult to argue. First, observe
// that any methods of `LocalRequest` that _remove_ values from `Request`
// only remove _Copy_ values, in particular, `SocketAddr`. Second, the
// lifetime of the `Request` object is tied to the lifetime of the
// `LocalResponse`, so references from `Request` cannot be dangling in
// `Response`. And finally, observe how all of the data stored in `Request`
// is converted into its owned counterpart before insertion, ensuring stable
// addresses. Together, these properties guarantee the second condition.
request: Arc<Request<'c>>,
data: Vec<u8>,
uri: Cow<'c, str>,
impl<'c> LocalRequest<'c> {
pub(crate) fn new(
client: &'c Client,
method: Method,
uri: Cow<'c, str>
) -> LocalRequest<'c> {
// We set a dummy string for now and check the user's URI on dispatch.
let request = Request::new(client.rocket(), method, Origin::dummy());
// Set up any cookies we know about.
if let Some(ref jar) = client.cookies {
let cookies ="LocalRequest::new() read lock");
for cookie in cookies.iter() {
// See the comments on the structure for what's going on here.
let request = Arc::new(request);
LocalRequest { client, request, uri, data: vec![] }
/// Retrieves the inner `Request` as seen by Rocket.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::local::Client;
/// let client = Client::new(rocket::ignite()).expect("valid rocket");
/// let req = client.get("/");
/// let inner_req = req.inner();
/// ```
pub fn inner(&self) -> &Request<'c> {
fn request_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Request<'c> {
// See the comments in the structure for the argument of correctness.
Arc::get_mut(&mut self.request).expect("mutable aliasing!")
// This method should _never_ be publicly exposed!
fn long_lived_request<'a>(&mut self) -> &'a mut Request<'c> {
// See the comments in the structure for the argument of correctness.
// Additionally, the caller must ensure that the owned instance of
// `Arc<Request>` remains valid as long as the returned reference can be
// accessed.
unsafe { &mut *(self.request_mut() as *mut _) }
/// Add a header to this request.
/// Any type that implements `Into<Header>` can be used here. Among others,
/// this includes [`ContentType`] and [`Accept`].
/// [`ContentType`]: crate::http::ContentType
/// [`Accept`]: crate::http::Accept
/// # Examples
/// Add the Content-Type header:
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::local::Client;
/// use rocket::http::ContentType;
/// # #[allow(unused_variables)]
/// let client = Client::new(rocket::ignite()).unwrap();
/// let req = client.get("/").header(ContentType::JSON);
/// ```
pub fn header<H: Into<Header<'static>>>(mut self, header: H) -> Self {
/// Adds a header to this request without consuming `self`.
/// # Examples
/// Add the Content-Type header:
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::local::Client;
/// use rocket::http::ContentType;
/// let client = Client::new(rocket::ignite()).unwrap();
/// let mut req = client.get("/");
/// req.add_header(ContentType::JSON);
/// ```
pub fn add_header<H: Into<Header<'static>>>(&mut self, header: H) {
/// Set the remote address of this request.
/// # Examples
/// Set the remote address to "":
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::local::Client;
/// let client = Client::new(rocket::ignite()).unwrap();
/// let address = "".parse().unwrap();
/// let req = client.get("/").remote(address);
/// ```
pub fn remote(mut self, address: SocketAddr) -> Self {
/// Add a cookie to this request.
/// # Examples
/// Add `user_id` cookie:
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::local::Client;
/// use rocket::http::Cookie;
/// let client = Client::new(rocket::ignite()).unwrap();
/// # #[allow(unused_variables)]
/// let req = client.get("/")
/// .cookie(Cookie::new("username", "sb"))
/// .cookie(Cookie::new("user_id", "12"));
/// ```
pub fn cookie(self, cookie: Cookie<'_>) -> Self {
/// Add all of the cookies in `cookies` to this request.
/// # Examples
/// Add `user_id` cookie:
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::local::Client;
/// use rocket::http::Cookie;
/// let client = Client::new(rocket::ignite()).unwrap();
/// let cookies = vec![Cookie::new("a", "b"), Cookie::new("c", "d")];
/// # #[allow(unused_variables)]
/// let req = client.get("/").cookies(cookies);
/// ```
pub fn cookies(self, cookies: Vec<Cookie<'_>>) -> Self {
for cookie in cookies {
/// Add a [private cookie] to this request.
/// This method is only available when the `private-cookies` feature is
/// enabled.
/// [private cookie]: crate::http::Cookies::add_private()
/// # Examples
/// Add `user_id` as a private cookie:
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::local::Client;
/// use rocket::http::Cookie;
/// let client = Client::new(rocket::ignite()).unwrap();
/// # #[allow(unused_variables)]
/// let req = client.get("/").private_cookie(Cookie::new("user_id", "sb"));
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "private-cookies")]
pub fn private_cookie(self, cookie: Cookie<'static>) -> Self {
// TODO: For CGI, we want to be able to set the body to be stdin without
// actually reading everything into a vector. Can we allow that here while
// keeping the simplicity? Looks like it would require us to reintroduce a
// NetStream::Local(Box<Read>) or something like that.
/// Set the body (data) of the request.
/// # Examples
/// Set the body to be a JSON structure; also sets the Content-Type.
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::local::Client;
/// use rocket::http::ContentType;
/// let client = Client::new(rocket::ignite()).unwrap();
/// # #[allow(unused_variables)]
/// let req ="/")
/// .header(ContentType::JSON)
/// .body(r#"{ "key": "value", "array": [1, 2, 3], }"#);
/// ```
pub fn body<S: AsRef<[u8]>>(mut self, body: S) -> Self { = body.as_ref().into();
/// Set the body (data) of the request without consuming `self`.
/// # Examples
/// Set the body to be a JSON structure; also sets the Content-Type.
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::local::Client;
/// use rocket::http::ContentType;
/// let client = Client::new(rocket::ignite()).unwrap();
/// let mut req ="/").header(ContentType::JSON);
/// req.set_body(r#"{ "key": "value", "array": [1, 2, 3], }"#);
/// ```
pub fn set_body<S: AsRef<[u8]>>(&mut self, body: S) { = body.as_ref().into();
/// Dispatches the request, returning the response.
/// This method consumes `self` and is the preferred mechanism for
/// dispatching.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::local::Client;
/// let client = Client::new(rocket::ignite()).unwrap();
/// let response = client.get("/").dispatch();
/// ```
pub async fn dispatch(mut self) -> LocalResponse<'c> {
let r = self.long_lived_request();
let dispatching = LocalRequest::_dispatch(self.client, r, self.request, &self.uri,;
/// Dispatches the request, returning the response.
/// This method _does not_ consume or clone `self`. Any changes to the
/// request that occur during handling will be visible after this method is
/// called. For instance, body data is always consumed after a request is
/// dispatched. As such, only the first call to `mut_dispatch` for a given
/// `LocalRequest` will contains the original body data.
/// This method should _only_ be used when either it is known that
/// the application will not modify the request, or it is desired to see
/// modifications to the request. Prefer to use [`dispatch`] instead.
/// [`dispatch`]: #method.dispatch
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::local::Client;
/// rocket::async_test(async {
/// let client = Client::new(rocket::ignite()).unwrap();
/// let mut req = client.get("/");
/// let response_a = req.mut_dispatch().await;
/// // TODO.async: Annoying. Is this really a good example to show?
/// drop(response_a);
/// let response_b = req.mut_dispatch().await;
/// })
/// ```
pub async fn mut_dispatch(&mut self) -> LocalResponse<'c> {
let req = self.long_lived_request();
let data = std::mem::replace(&mut, vec![]);
let rc_req = self.request.clone();
LocalRequest::_dispatch(self.client, req, rc_req, &self.uri, data).await
// Performs the actual dispatch.
// TODO.async: @jebrosen suspects there might be actual UB in here after all,
// and now we just went and mixed threads into it
async fn _dispatch(
client: &'c Client,
request: &'c mut Request<'c>,
owned_request: Arc<Request<'c>>,
uri: &str,
data: Vec<u8>
) -> LocalResponse<'c> {
let maybe_uri = Origin::parse(uri);
// First, validate the URI, returning an error response (generated from
// an error catcher) immediately if it's invalid.
if let Ok(uri) = maybe_uri {
} else {
error!("Malformed request URI: {}", uri);
let res = client.rocket().handle_error(Status::BadRequest, request).await;
return LocalResponse { _request: owned_request, response: res };
// Actually dispatch the request.
let response = client.rocket().dispatch(request, Data::local(data)).await;
// If the client is tracking cookies, updates the internal cookie jar
// with the changes reflected by `response`.
if let Some(ref jar) = client.cookies {
let mut jar = jar.write().expect("LocalRequest::_dispatch() write lock");
let current_time = time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
for cookie in response.cookies() {
if let Some(expires) = cookie.expires() {
if expires <= current_time {
LocalResponse {
_request: owned_request,
response: response
impl fmt::Debug for LocalRequest<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.request, f)
/// A structure representing a response from dispatching a local request.
/// This structure is a thin wrapper around [`Response`]. It implements no
/// methods of its own; all functionality is exposed via the [`Deref`] and
/// [`DerefMut`] implementations with a target of `Response`. In other words,
/// when invoking methods, a `LocalResponse` can be treated exactly as if it
/// were a `Response`.
pub struct LocalResponse<'c> {
_request: Arc<Request<'c>>,
response: Response<'c>,
impl<'c> Deref for LocalResponse<'c> {
type Target = Response<'c>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Response<'c> {
impl<'c> DerefMut for LocalResponse<'c> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Response<'c> {
&mut self.response
impl fmt::Debug for LocalResponse<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.response, f)
// TODO.async: Figure out a way to accomplish this
//impl<'c> Clone for LocalRequest<'c> {
// fn clone(&self) -> LocalRequest<'c> {
// LocalRequest {
// client: self.client,
// request: self.request.clone(),
// data:,
// uri: self.uri.clone()
// }
// }
mod tests {
use crate::Request;
use crate::local::Client;
fn clone_unique_ptr() {
let client = Client::new(crate::ignite()).unwrap();
let r1 = client.get("/");
let r2 = r1.clone();
r1.inner() as *const Request<'_>,
r2.inner() as *const Request<'_>
// #[test]
// #[compile_fail]
// fn local_req_not_sync() {
// fn is_sync<T: Sync>() { }
// is_sync::<::local::LocalRequest>();
// }
// #[test]
// #[compile_fail]
// fn local_req_not_send() {
// fn is_send<T: Send>() { }
// is_send::<::local::LocalRequest>();
// }
// #[test]
// #[compile_fail]
// fn local_req_not_sync() {
// fn is_sync<T: Sync>() { }
// is_sync::<::local::LocalResponse>();
// }
// #[test]
// #[compile_fail]
// fn local_req_not_send() {
// fn is_send<T: Send>() { }
// is_send::<::local::LocalResponse>();
// }
// This checks that a response can't outlive the `Client`.
// #[compile_fail]
// fn test() {
// use {Rocket, local::Client};
// let rocket = Rocket::ignite();
// let res = {
// let mut client = Client::new(rocket).unwrap();
// client.get("/").dispatch()
// };
// // let client = Client::new(rocket).unwrap();
// // let res1 = client.get("/").dispatch();
// // let res2 = client.get("/").dispatch();
// }
// This checks that a response can't outlive the `Client`.
// #[compile_fail]
// fn test() {
// use {Rocket, local::Client};
// let rocket = Rocket::ignite();
// let res = {
// Client::new(rocket).unwrap()
// .get("/").dispatch();
// };
// // let client = Client::new(rocket).unwrap();
// // let res1 = client.get("/").dispatch();
// // let res2 = client.get("/").dispatch();
// }
// This checks that a response can't outlive the `Client`, in this case, by
// moving `client` while it is borrowed.
// #[compile_fail]
// fn test() {
// use {Rocket, local::Client};
// let rocket = Rocket::ignite();
// let client = Client::new(rocket).unwrap();
// let res = {
// let x = client.get("/").dispatch();
// let y = client.get("/").dispatch();
// (x, y)
// };
// let x = client;
// }
// #[compile_fail]
// fn test() {
// use {Rocket, local::Client};
// let rocket1 = Rocket::ignite();
// let rocket2 = Rocket::ignite();
// let client1 = Client::new(rocket1).unwrap();
// let client2 = Client::new(rocket2).unwrap();
// let res = {
// let mut res1 = client1.get("/");
// res1.client = &client2;
// res1
// };
// drop(client1);
// }