
1040 lines
36 KiB

//! Application configuration and configuration parameter retrieval.
//! This module implements configuration handling for Rocket. It implements
//! the parsing and interpretation of the `Rocket.toml` config file. It also
//! allows libraries to access values that have been configured by the user.
//! ## Application Configuration
//! ### Environments
//! Rocket applications are always running in one of three environments:
//! * development _or_ dev
//! * staging _or_ stage
//! * production _or_ prod
//! Each environment can contain different configuration parameters. By default,
//! Rocket applications run in the **development** environment. The environment
//! can be changed via the `ROCKET_ENV` environment variable. For example, to
//! start a Rocket application in the **production** environment:
//! ```sh
//! ROCKET_ENV=production ./target/release/rocket_app
//! ```
//! ### Configuration Parameters
//! Each environments consists of several standard configuration parameters as
//! well as an arbitrary number of _extra_ configuration parameters, which are
//! not used by Rocket itself but can be used by external libraries. The
//! standard configuration parameters are:
//! * **address**: _[string]_ an IP address or host the application will
//! listen on
//! * examples: `"localhost"`, `""`, `""`
//! * **port**: _[integer]_ a port number to listen on
//! * examples: `"8000"`, `"80"`, `"4242"`
//! * **workers**: _[integer]_ the number of concurrent workers to use
//! * examples: `12`, `1`, `4`
//! * **log**: _[string]_ how much information to log; one of `"normal"`,
//! `"debug"`, or `"critical"`
//! * **session_key**: _[string]_ a 192-bit base64 encoded string (32
//! characters) to use as the session key
//! * example: `"VheMwXIBygSmOlZAhuWl2B+zgvTN3WW5"`
//! ### Rocket.toml
//! The `Rocket.toml` file is used to specify the configuration parameters for
//! each environment. The file is optional. If it is not present, the default
//! configuration parameters are used.
//! The file must be a series of tables, at most one for each environment and a
//! "global" table, where each table contains key-value pairs corresponding to
//! configuration parameters for that environment. If a configuration parameter
//! is missing, the default value is used. The following is a complete
//! `Rocket.toml` file, where every standard configuration parameter is
//! specified with the default value:
//! ```toml
//! [development]
//! address = "localhost"
//! port = 8000
//! workers = max(number_of_cpus, 2)
//! log = "normal"
//! [staging]
//! address = ""
//! port = 80
//! workers = max(number_of_cpus, 2)
//! log = "normal"
//! # don't use this key! generate your own and keep it private!
//! session_key = "VheMwXIBygSmOlZAhuWl2B+zgvTN3WW5"
//! [production]
//! address = ""
//! port = 80
//! workers = max(number_of_cpus, 2)
//! log = "critical"
//! # don't use this key! generate your own and keep it private!
//! session_key = "adL5fFIPmZBrlyHk2YT4NLV3YCk2gFXz"
//! ```
//! The `workers` parameter is computed by Rocket automatically; the value above
//! is not valid TOML syntax. When manually specifying the number of workers,
//! the value should be an integer: `workers = 10`.
//! The "global" pseudo-environment can be used to set and/or override
//! configuration parameters globally. A parameter defined in a `[global]` table
//! sets, or overrides if already present, that parameter in every environment.
//! For example, given the following `Rocket.toml` file, the value of `address`
//! will be `""` in every environment:
//! ```toml
//! [global]
//! address = ""
//! [development]
//! address = "localhost"
//! [production]
//! address = ""
//! ```
//! ## Environment Variables
//! All configuration parameters, including extras, can be overridden through
//! environment variables. To override the configuration parameter `param`, use
//! an environment variable named `ROCKET_PARAM`. For instance, to override the
//! "port" configuration parameter, you can run your application with:
//! ```sh
//! ROCKET_PORT=3721 ./your_application
//! ```
//! Environment variables take precedence over all other configuration methods:
//! if the variable is set, it will be used as the value for the parameter.
//! ## Retrieving Configuration Parameters
//! Configuration parameters for the currently active configuration environment
//! can be retrieved via the [active]( function and methods on
//! the [Config](struct.Config.html) structure. The general structure is to call
//! `active` and then one of the `get_` methods on the returned `Config`
//! structure.
//! As an example, consider the following code used by the `Template` type to
//! retrieve the value of the `template_dir` configuration parameter. If the
//! value isn't present or isn't a string, a default value is used.
//! ```rust
//! use rocket::config;
//! const DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_DIR: &'static str = "templates";
//! let template_dir = config::active().map(|config| {
//! let dir = config.get_str("template_dir")
//! .map_err(|e| if !e.is_not_found() { e.pretty_print(); })
//! .unwrap_or(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_DIR);
//! config.root().join(dir).to_string_lossy().into_owned()
//! }).unwrap_or(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_DIR.to_string());
//! ```
//! Libraries should always use a default if a parameter is not defined.
mod error;
mod environment;
mod config;
mod builder;
mod toml_ext;
use std::sync::{Once, ONCE_INIT};
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process;
use std::env;
use toml;
pub use toml::{Array, Table, Value};
pub use self::error::{ConfigError, ParsingError};
pub use self::environment::Environment;
pub use self::config::Config;
pub use self::builder::ConfigBuilder;
pub use self::toml_ext::IntoValue;
use self::Environment::*;
use self::environment::CONFIG_ENV;
use self::toml_ext::parse_simple_toml_value;
use logger::{self, LoggingLevel};
use http::ascii::uncased_eq;
static INIT: Once = ONCE_INIT;
static mut CONFIG: Option<RocketConfig> = None;
const CONFIG_FILENAME: &'static str = "Rocket.toml";
const GLOBAL_ENV_NAME: &'static str = "global";
const ENV_VAR_PREFIX: &'static str = "ROCKET_";
/// Wraps `std::result` with the error type of
/// [ConfigError](enum.ConfigError.html).
pub type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, ConfigError>;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct RocketConfig {
pub active_env: Environment,
config: HashMap<Environment, Config>,
impl RocketConfig {
/// Create a new configuration using the passed in `config` for all
/// environments. The Rocket.toml file is ignored, as are environment
/// variables.
/// # Panics
/// If the current working directory can't be retrieved, this function
/// panics.
pub fn new(config: Config) -> RocketConfig {
let f = config.config_path.clone();
let active_env = config.environment;
// None of these unwraps should fail since the filename is coming from
// an existing connfig.
let mut configs = HashMap::new();
configs.insert(Development, Config::default_for(Development, &f).unwrap());
configs.insert(Staging, Config::default_for(Staging, &f).unwrap());
configs.insert(Production, Config::default_for(Production, &f).unwrap());
configs.insert(active_env, config);
RocketConfig {
active_env: active_env,
config: configs
/// Read the configuration from the `Rocket.toml` file. The file is search
/// for recursively up the tree, starting from the CWD.
pub fn read() -> Result<RocketConfig> {
// Find the config file, starting from the `cwd` and working backwords.
let file = RocketConfig::find()?;
// Try to open the config file for reading.
let mut handle = File::open(&file).map_err(|_| ConfigError::IOError)?;
// Read the configure file to a string for parsing.
let mut contents = String::new();
handle.read_to_string(&mut contents).map_err(|_| ConfigError::IOError)?;
// Parse the config and return the result.
RocketConfig::parse(contents, &file)
/// Return the default configuration for all environments and marks the
/// active environment (via the CONFIG_ENV variable) as active.
pub fn active_default<P: AsRef<Path>>(filename: P) -> Result<RocketConfig> {
let mut defaults = HashMap::new();
defaults.insert(Development, Config::default_for(Development, &filename)?);
defaults.insert(Staging, Config::default_for(Staging, &filename)?);
defaults.insert(Production, Config::default_for(Production, &filename)?);
let mut config = RocketConfig {
active_env: Environment::active()?,
config: defaults,
// Override any variables from the environment.
/// Iteratively search for `CONFIG_FILENAME` starting at the current working
/// directory and working up through its parents. Returns the path to the
/// file or an Error::NoKey if the file couldn't be found. If the current
/// working directory can't be determined, return `BadCWD`.
fn find() -> Result<PathBuf> {
let cwd = env::current_dir().map_err(|_| ConfigError::BadCWD)?;
let mut current = cwd.as_path();
loop {
let manifest = current.join(CONFIG_FILENAME);
if fs::metadata(&manifest).is_ok() {
return Ok(manifest)
match current.parent() {
Some(p) => current = p,
None => break,
fn get_mut(&mut self, env: Environment) -> &mut Config {
match self.config.get_mut(&env) {
Some(config) => config,
None => panic!("set(): {} config is missing.", env),
/// Set the configuration for the environment `env` to be the configuration
/// derived from the TOML table `kvs`. The environment must already exist in
/// `self`, otherwise this function panics. Any existing values are
/// overriden by those in `kvs`.
fn set_from_table(&mut self, env: Environment, kvs: &Table) -> Result<()> {
for (key, value) in kvs {
self.get_mut(env).set(key, value)?;
/// Retrieves the `Config` for the environment `env`.
pub fn get(&self, env: Environment) -> &Config {
match self.config.get(&env) {
Some(config) => config,
None => panic!("get(): {} config is missing.", env),
/// Retrieves the `Config` for the active environment.
pub fn active(&self) -> &Config {
// Override all environments with values from env variables if present.
fn override_from_env(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
'outer: for (env_key, env_val) in env::vars() {
if env_key.len() < ENV_VAR_PREFIX.len() {
} else if !uncased_eq(&env_key[..ENV_VAR_PREFIX.len()], ENV_VAR_PREFIX) {
// Skip environment variables that are handled elsewhere.
for prehandled_var in PREHANDLED_VARS.iter() {
if uncased_eq(&env_key, &prehandled_var) {
continue 'outer
// Parse the key and value and try to set the variable for all envs.
let key = env_key[ENV_VAR_PREFIX.len()..].to_lowercase();
let val = parse_simple_toml_value(&env_val);
for env in &Environment::all() {
match self.get_mut(*env).set(&key, &val) {
Err(ConfigError::BadType(_, exp, _, _)) => {
return Err(ConfigError::BadEnvVal(env_key, env_val, exp))
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok(_) => { /* move along */ }
/// Parses the configuration from the Rocket.toml file. Also overrides any
/// values there with values from the environment.
fn parse<P: AsRef<Path>>(src: String, filename: P) -> Result<RocketConfig> {
// Get a PathBuf version of the filename.
let path = filename.as_ref().to_path_buf();
// Parse the source as TOML, if possible.
let mut parser = toml::Parser::new(&src);
let toml = parser.parse().ok_or_else(|| {
let source = src.clone();
let errors = parser.errors.iter()
.map(|error| ParsingError {
byte_range: (error.lo, error.hi),
start: parser.to_linecol(error.lo),
end: parser.to_linecol(error.hi),
desc: error.desc.clone(),
ConfigError::ParseError(source, path.clone(), errors.collect())
// Create a config with the defaults; set the env to the active one.
let mut config = RocketConfig::active_default(filename)?;
// Store all of the global overrides, if any, for later use.
let mut global = None;
// Parse the values from the TOML file.
for (entry, value) in toml {
// Each environment must be a table.
let kv_pairs = match value.as_table() {
Some(table) => table,
None => return Err(ConfigError::BadType(
entry, "a table", value.type_str(), path.clone()
// Store the global table for later use and move on.
if entry.as_str() == GLOBAL_ENV_NAME {
global = Some(kv_pairs.clone());
// This is not the global table. Parse the environment name from the
// table entry name and then set all of the key/values.
match entry.as_str().parse() {
Ok(env) => config.set_from_table(env, kv_pairs)?,
Err(_) => Err(ConfigError::BadEntry(entry.clone(), path.clone()))?
// Override all of the environments with the global values.
if let Some(ref global_kv_pairs) = global {
for env in &Environment::all() {
config.set_from_table(*env, global_kv_pairs)?;
// Override any variables from the environment.
/// Returns the active configuration and whether this call initialized the
/// configuration. The configuration can only be initialized once.
/// Initializes the global RocketConfig by reading the Rocket config file from
/// the current directory or any of its parents. Returns the active
/// configuration, which is determined by the config env variable. If there as a
/// problem parsing the configuration, the error is printed and the progam is
/// aborted. If there an I/O issue reading the config file, a warning is printed
/// and the default configuration is used. If there is no config file, the
/// default configuration is used.
/// # Panics
/// If there is a problem, prints a nice error message and bails.
pub fn init() -> (&'static Config, bool) {
let mut this_init = false;
unsafe {
INIT.call_once(|| {
this_init = true;
(CONFIG.as_ref().unwrap().active(), this_init)
pub fn custom_init(config: Config) -> (&'static Config, bool) {
let mut this_init = false;
unsafe {
INIT.call_once(|| {
CONFIG = Some(RocketConfig::new(config));
this_init = true;
(CONFIG.as_ref().unwrap().active(), this_init)
unsafe fn private_init() {
let bail = |e: ConfigError| -> ! {
use self::ConfigError::*;
let config = RocketConfig::read().unwrap_or_else(|e| {
match e {
ParseError(..) | BadEntry(..) | BadEnv(..) | BadType(..)
| BadFilePath(..) | BadEnvVal(..) => bail(e),
IOError | BadCWD => warn!("Failed reading Rocket.toml. Using defaults."),
NotFound => { /* try using the default below */ }
let default_path = match env::current_dir() {
Ok(path) => path.join(&format!(".{}.{}", "default", CONFIG_FILENAME)),
Err(_) => bail(ConfigError::BadCWD)
RocketConfig::active_default(&default_path).unwrap_or_else(|e| bail(e))
CONFIG = Some(config);
/// Retrieve the active configuration, if there is one.
/// This function is guaranteed to return `Some` once a Rocket application has
/// started. Before a Rocket application has started, or when there is no active
/// Rocket application (such as during testing), this function will return None.
pub fn active() -> Option<&'static Config> {
unsafe { CONFIG.as_ref().map(|c| }
mod test {
use std::env;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use super::{RocketConfig, Config, ConfigError, ConfigBuilder};
use super::{Environment, GLOBAL_ENV_NAME};
use super::environment::CONFIG_ENV;
use super::Environment::*;
use super::Result;
use ::logger::LoggingLevel;
const TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME: &'static str = "/tmp/testing/Rocket.toml";
lazy_static! {
static ref ENV_LOCK: Mutex<usize> = Mutex::new(0);
macro_rules! check_config {
($rconfig:expr, $econfig:expr) => (
let expected = $econfig.finalize().unwrap();
match $rconfig {
Ok(config) => assert_eq!(, &expected),
Err(e) => panic!("Config {} failed: {:?}", stringify!($rconfig), e)
($env:expr, $rconfig:expr, $econfig:expr) => (
let expected = $econfig.finalize().unwrap();
match $rconfig {
Ok(ref config) => assert_eq!(config.get($env), &expected),
Err(ref e) => panic!("Config {} failed: {:?}", stringify!($rconfig), e)
fn active_default() -> Result<RocketConfig> {
fn default_config(env: Environment) -> ConfigBuilder {
fn test_defaults() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
// First, without an environment. Should get development defaults.
check_config!(active_default(), default_config(Development));
// Now with an explicit dev environment.
for env in &["development", "dev"] {
env::set_var(CONFIG_ENV, env);
check_config!(active_default(), default_config(Development));
// Now staging.
for env in &["stage", "staging"] {
env::set_var(CONFIG_ENV, env);
check_config!(active_default(), default_config(Staging));
// Finally, production.
for env in &["prod", "production"] {
env::set_var(CONFIG_ENV, env);
check_config!(active_default(), default_config(Production));
fn test_bad_environment_vars() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
for env in &["", "p", "pr", "pro", "prodo", " prod", "dev ", "!dev!", "🚀 "] {
env::set_var(CONFIG_ENV, env);
let err = ConfigError::BadEnv(env.to_string());
assert!(active_default().err().map_or(false, |e| e == err));
// Test that a bunch of invalid environment names give the right error.
for env in &["p", "pr", "pro", "prodo", "bad", "meow", "this", "that"] {
let toml_table = format!("[{}]\n", env);
let e_str = env.to_string();
let err = ConfigError::BadEntry(e_str, TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME.into());
assert!(RocketConfig::parse(toml_table, TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME)
.err().map_or(false, |e| e == err));
fn test_good_full_config_files() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let config_str = r#"
address = ""
port = 7810
workers = 21
log = "critical"
session_key = "01234567890123456789012345678901"
template_dir = "mine"
json = true
pi = 3.14
let mut expected = default_config(Development)
.extra("template_dir", "mine")
.extra("json", true)
.extra("pi", 3.14);
expected.environment = Development;
let dev_config = ["[dev]", config_str].join("\n");
let parsed = RocketConfig::parse(dev_config, TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME);
check_config!(Development, parsed, expected.clone());
check_config!(Staging, parsed, default_config(Staging));
check_config!(Production, parsed, default_config(Production));
expected.environment = Staging;
let stage_config = ["[stage]", config_str].join("\n");
let parsed = RocketConfig::parse(stage_config, TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME);
check_config!(Staging, parsed, expected.clone());
check_config!(Development, parsed, default_config(Development));
check_config!(Production, parsed, default_config(Production));
expected.environment = Production;
let prod_config = ["[prod]", config_str].join("\n");
let parsed = RocketConfig::parse(prod_config, TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME);
check_config!(Production, parsed, expected);
check_config!(Development, parsed, default_config(Development));
check_config!(Staging, parsed, default_config(Staging));
fn test_good_address_values() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
env::set_var(CONFIG_ENV, "dev");
address = "localhost"
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME), {
address = ""
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME), {
address = ""
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME), {
fn test_bad_address_values() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
address = 0000
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
address = true
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
address = "........"
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
address = ""
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
fn test_good_port_values() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
env::set_var(CONFIG_ENV, "stage");
port = 100
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME), {
port = 6000
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME), {
port = 65535
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME), {
fn test_bad_port_values() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
port = true
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
port = "hello"
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
port = -1
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
port = 65536
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
port = 105836
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
fn test_good_workers_values() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
env::set_var(CONFIG_ENV, "stage");
workers = 1
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME), {
workers = 300
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME), {
workers = 65535
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME), {
fn test_bad_workers_values() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
workers = true
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
workers = "hello"
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
workers = -1
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
workers = 65536
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
workers = 105836
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
fn test_good_log_levels() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
env::set_var(CONFIG_ENV, "stage");
log = "normal"
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME), {
log = "debug"
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME), {
log = "critical"
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME), {
fn test_bad_log_level_values() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
log = false
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
log = 0
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
log = "no"
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
fn test_good_session_key() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
env::set_var(CONFIG_ENV, "stage");
session_key = "VheMwXIBygSmOlZAhuWl2B+zgvTN3WW5"
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME), {
session_key = "adL5fFIPmZBrlyHk2YT4NLV3YCk2gFXz"
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME), {
fn test_bad_session_key() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
session_key = true
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
session_key = 1283724897238945234897
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
session_key = "abcv"
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
fn test_bad_toml() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
1.2.3 = 2
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
session_key = "abcv" = other
"#.to_string(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).is_err());
fn test_global_overrides() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
// Test first that we can override each environment.
for env in &Environment::all() {
env::set_var(CONFIG_ENV, env.to_string());
address = ""
database = "mysql"
default_config(*env).extra("database", "mysql")
port = 3980
fn test_env_override() {
// Take the lock so changing the environment doesn't cause races.
let _env_lock = ENV_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let pairs = [
("log", "critical"), ("LOG", "debug"), ("PORT", "8110"),
("address", ""), ("EXTRA_EXTRA", "true"), ("workers", "3")
let check_value = |key: &str, val: &str, config: &Config| {
match key {
"log" => assert_eq!(config.log_level, val.parse().unwrap()),
"port" => assert_eq!(config.port, val.parse().unwrap()),
"address" => assert_eq!(config.address, val),
"extra_extra" => assert_eq!(config.get_bool(key).unwrap(), true),
"workers" => assert_eq!(config.workers, val.parse().unwrap()),
_ => panic!("Unexpected key: {}", key)
// Check that setting the environment variable actually changes the
// config for the default active and nonactive environments.
for &(key, val) in &pairs {
env::set_var(format!("ROCKET_{}", key), val);
let rconfig = active_default().unwrap();
// Check that it overrides the active config.
for env in &Environment::all() {
env::set_var(CONFIG_ENV, env.to_string());
let rconfig = active_default().unwrap();
check_value(&*key.to_lowercase(), val,;
// And non-active configs.
for env in &Environment::all() {
check_value(&*key.to_lowercase(), val, rconfig.get(*env));
// Clear the variables so they don't override for the next test.
for &(key, _) in &pairs {
env::remove_var(format!("ROCKET_{}", key))
// Now we build a config file to test that the environment variables
// override configurations from files as well.
let toml = r#"
address = ""
address = ""
address = ""
address = ""
port = 7810
workers = 21
log = "normal"
// Check that setting the environment variable actually changes the
// config for the default active environments.
for &(key, val) in &pairs {
env::set_var(format!("ROCKET_{}", key), val);
let r = RocketConfig::parse(toml.clone(), TEST_CONFIG_FILENAME).unwrap();
check_value(&*key.to_lowercase(), val,;
// And non-active configs.
for env in &Environment::all() {
check_value(&*key.to_lowercase(), val, r.get(*env));
// Clear the variables so they don't override for the next test.
for &(key, _) in &pairs {
env::remove_var(format!("ROCKET_{}", key))