2017-08-02 18:44:31 -07:00

17 lines
547 B

#[get("/<name>")] //~ ERROR 'name' is declared
fn get(other: usize) -> &'static str { "hi" } //~ ERROR isn't in the function
#[get("/a?<r>")] //~ ERROR 'r' is declared
fn get1() -> &'static str { "hi" } //~ ERROR isn't in the function
#[post("/a", data = "<test>")] //~ ERROR 'test' is declared
fn post() -> &'static str { "hi" } //~ ERROR isn't in the function
#[get("/<_r>")] //~ ERROR '_r' is declared
fn get2(r: usize) -> &'static str { "hi" } //~ ERROR isn't in the function
fn main() { }