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# Top features: displayed in the header under the introductory text.
url = "https://crates.io/crates/rocket"
version = "0.3.0"
date = "Jul 14, 2017"
title = "Type Safe"
text = "From request to response Rocket ensures that your types mean something."
image = "helmet"
button = "Learn More"
url = "/overview/#how-rocket-works"
title = "Boilerplate Free"
text = "Spend your time writing code that really matters, and let Rocket generate the rest."
image = "robot-free"
button = "See Examples"
url = "/overview/#anatomy-of-a-rocket-application"
title = "Easy To Use"
text = "Rocket makes extensive use of Rust's code generation tools to provide a clean API."
image = "sun"
button = "Get Started"
url = "/guide"
margin = 2
title = "Extensible"
text = "Easily create your own primitives that any Rocket application can use."
image = "telescope"
button = "See How"
url = "/overview/#anatomy-of-a-rocket-application"
margin = 9
# Sections: make sure there are an odd number so colors work out.
title = "Hello, Rocket!"
code = '''
extern crate rocket;
fn hello(name: String, age: u8) -> String {
format!("Hello, {} year old named {}!", age, name)
fn main() {
rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![hello]).launch();
text = '''
This is a **complete Rocket application**. It does exactly what you would
expect. If you were to visit **http://localhost:8000/hello/John/58**, you’d
<span class="callout">Hello, 58 year old named John!</span>
If someone visits a path with an `<age>` that isn’t a `u8`, Rocket doesn’t
blindly call `hello`. Instead, it tries other matching routes or returns a
title = "Forms? Check!"
code = '''
struct Task {
description: String,
completed: bool
#[post("/", data = "<task>")]
fn new(task: Form<Task>) -> Flash<Redirect> {
if task.get().description.is_empty() {
Flash::error(Redirect::to("/"), "Cannot be empty.")
} else {
Flash::success(Redirect::to("/"), "Task added.")
text = '''
Handling forms **is simple and easy**. Simply derive `FromForm` for your
structure and let Rocket know which parameter to use. Rocket **parses and
validates** the form request, creates the structure, and calls your function.
Bad form request? Rocket doesn’t call your function! What if you want to know
if the form was bad? Simple! Change the type of `task` to `Option` or
title = "JSON, out of the box."
code = '''
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Message {
contents: String,
#[put("/<id>", data = "<message>")]
fn update(id: ID, message: Json<Message>) -> Json<Value> {
if DB.contains_key(&id) {
DB.insert(id, &message.contents);
Json(json!{ "status": "ok" })
} else {
Json(json!{ "status": "error" })
text = '''
Rocket has first-class support for JSON, right out of the box. Simply derive
`Deserialize` or `Serialize` to receive or return JSON, respectively.
Like other important features, JSON works through Rocket’s `FromData` trait,
Rocket’s approach to deriving types from body data. It works like this:
specify a `data` route parameter of any type that implements `FromData`. A
value of that type will then be created automatically from the incoming
request body. Best of all, you can implement `FromData` for your types!
# Buttom features: displayed above the footer.
title = 'Templating'
text = "Rocket makes rendering templates a breeze with built-in templating support."
image = 'templating-icon'
url = '/guide/responses/#templates'
button = 'Learn More'
color = 'blue'
title = 'Cookies'
text = "View, add, or remove cookies, with or without encryption, without hassle."
image = 'cookies-icon'
url = '/guide/requests/#cookies'
button = 'Learn More'
color = 'purple'
margin = -6
title = 'Streams'
text = "Rocket streams all incoming and outgoing data, so size isn't a concern."
image = 'streams-icon'
url = '/guide/requests/#streaming'
button = 'Learn More'
color = 'red'
margin = -29
title = 'Config Environments'
text = "Configure your application your way for development, staging, and production."
image = 'config-icon'
url = '/guide/configuration/#environment'
button = 'Learn More'
color = 'yellow'
margin = -3
title = 'Query Strings'
text = "Handling query strings and parameters is type-safe and easy in Rocket."
image = 'query-icon'
url = '/guide/requests/#query-strings'
button = 'Learn More'
color = 'orange'
margin = -3
title = 'Testing Library'
text = "Unit test your applications with ease using the built-in testing library."
image = 'testing-icon'
url = '/guide/testing#testing'
button = 'Learn More'
color = 'green'
# Blocked on Hyper/OpenSSL.
# [[bottom_features]]
# title = 'Signed Sessions'
# text = "Safe, secure, signed sessions are built-in to Rocket so your users can stay safe."
# image = 'sessions-icon'
# url = '/overview'
# button = 'Learn More'
# color = 'green'