2016-12-17 10:51:44 -08:00

474 lines
16 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::str::from_utf8_unchecked;
use std::cmp::min;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use term_painter::Color::*;
use term_painter::ToStyle;
use {logger, handler};
use ext::ReadExt;
use config::{self, Config};
use request::{Request, FormItems};
use data::Data;
use response::{Body, Response};
use router::{Router, Route};
use catcher::{self, Catcher};
use outcome::Outcome;
use error::Error;
use http::{Method, Status};
use http::hyper::{self, header};
use http::uri::URI;
/// The main `Rocket` type: used to mount routes and catchers and launch the
/// application.
pub struct Rocket {
address: String,
port: usize,
router: Router,
default_catchers: HashMap<u16, Catcher>,
catchers: HashMap<u16, Catcher>,
impl hyper::Handler for Rocket {
// This function tries to hide all of the Hyper-ness from Rocket. It
// essentially converts Hyper types into Rocket types, then calls the
// `dispatch` function, which knows nothing about Hyper. Because responding
// depends on the `HyperResponse` type, this function does the actual
// response processing.
fn handle<'h, 'k>(&self,
hyp_req: hyper::Request<'h, 'k>,
res: hyper::FreshResponse<'h>) {
// Get all of the information from Hyper.
let (_, h_method, h_headers, h_uri, _, h_body) = hyp_req.deconstruct();
// Convert the Hyper request into a Rocket request.
let mut request = match Request::from_hyp(h_method, h_headers, h_uri) {
Ok(request) => request,
Err(e) => {
error!("Bad incoming request: {}", e);
let dummy = Request::new(Method::Get, URI::new("<unknown>"));
let r = self.handle_error(Status::InternalServerError, &dummy);
return self.issue_response(r, res);
// Retrieve the data from the hyper body.
let data = match Data::from_hyp(h_body) {
Ok(data) => data,
Err(reason) => {
error_!("Bad data in request: {}", reason);
let r = self.handle_error(Status::InternalServerError, &request);
return self.issue_response(r, res);
// Dispatch the request to get a response, then write that response out.
let response = self.dispatch(&mut request, data);
self.issue_response(response, res)
impl Rocket {
fn issue_response(&self, mut response: Response, hyp_res: hyper::FreshResponse) {
// Add the 'rocket' server header, and write out the response.
// TODO: If removing Hyper, write out `Data` header too.
match self.write_response(response, hyp_res) {
Ok(_) => info_!("{}", Green.paint("Response succeeded.")),
Err(e) => error_!("Failed to write response: {:?}.", e)
fn write_response(&self, mut response: Response,
mut hyp_res: hyper::FreshResponse) -> io::Result<()>
*hyp_res.status_mut() = hyper::StatusCode::from_u16(response.status().code);
for header in response.headers() {
let name =;
let value = vec![header.value.into_owned().into()];
hyp_res.headers_mut().set_raw(name, value);
if response.body().is_none() {
return hyp_res.start()?.end();
match response.body() {
None => {
Some(Body::Sized(mut body, size)) => {
let mut stream = hyp_res.start()?;
io::copy(body, &mut stream)?;
Some(Body::Chunked(mut body, chunk_size)) => {
// This _might_ happen on a 32-bit machine!
if chunk_size > (usize::max_value() as u64) {
let msg = "chunk size exceeds limits of usize type";
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, msg));
// The buffer stores the current chunk being written out.
let mut buffer = vec![0; chunk_size as usize];
let mut stream = hyp_res.start()?;
loop {
match body.read_max(&mut buffer)? {
0 => break,
n => stream.write_all(&buffer[..n])?,
/// Preprocess the request for Rocket-specific things. At this time, we're
/// only checking for _method in forms.
fn preprocess_request(&self, req: &mut Request, data: &Data) {
// Check if this is a form and if the form contains the special _method
// field which we use to reinterpret the request's method.
let data_len = data.peek().len();
let (min_len, max_len) = ("_method=get".len(), "_method=delete".len());
if req.content_type().is_form() && data_len >= min_len {
let form = unsafe {
from_utf8_unchecked(&data.peek()[..min(data_len, max_len)])
let mut form_items = FormItems(form);
if let Some(("_method", value)) = {
if let Ok(method) = value.parse() {
pub fn dispatch<'r>(&self, request: &'r mut Request, data: Data) -> Response<'r> {
// Do a bit of preprocessing before routing.
self.preprocess_request(request, &data);
// Route the request to get a response.
match self.route(request, data) {
Outcome::Success(mut response) => {
let cookie_delta = request.cookies().delta();
if !cookie_delta.is_empty() {
Outcome::Forward(data) => {
// Rust thinks `request` is still borrowed here, but it's
// obviously not (data has nothing to do with it), so we
// convince it to give us another mutable reference.
// FIXME: Pay the cost to copy Request into UnsafeCell?
let request: &'r mut Request = unsafe {
&mut *(request as *const Request as *mut Request)
if request.method() == Method::Head {
info_!("Autohandling {} request.", White.paint("HEAD"));
let mut response = self.dispatch(request, data);
} else {
self.handle_error(Status::NotFound, request)
Outcome::Failure(status) => self.handle_error(status, request),
/// Tries to find a `Responder` for a given `request`. It does this by
/// routing the request and calling the handler for each matching route
/// until one of the handlers returns success or failure. If a handler
/// returns a failure, or there are no matching handlers willing to accept
/// the request, this function returns an `Err` with the status code.
pub fn route<'r>(&self, request: &'r Request, mut data: Data)
-> handler::Outcome<'r> {
// Go through the list of matching routes until we fail or succeed.
info!("{}:", request);
let matches = self.router.route(request);
for route in matches {
// Retrieve and set the requests parameters.
info_!("Matched: {}", route);
// FIXME: Users should not be able to use this.
// Dispatch the request to the handler.
let outcome = (route.handler)(request, data);
// Check if the request processing completed or if the request needs
// to be forwarded. If it does, continue the loop to try again.
info_!("{} {}", White.paint("Outcome:"), outcome);
match outcome {
o@Outcome::Success(_) | o @Outcome::Failure(_) => return o,
Outcome::Forward(unused_data) => data = unused_data,
error_!("No matching routes for {}.", request);
pub fn handle_error<'r>(&self, status: Status, req: &'r Request) -> Response<'r> {
warn_!("Responding with {} catcher.", Red.paint(&status));
// Try to get the active catcher but fallback to user's 500 catcher.
let catcher = self.catchers.get(&status.code).unwrap_or_else(|| {
error_!("No catcher found for {}. Using 500 catcher.", status);
self.catchers.get(&500).expect("500 catcher.")
// Dispatch to the user's catcher. If it fails, use the default 500.
let error = Error::NoRoute;
catcher.handle(error, req).unwrap_or_else(|err_status| {
error_!("Catcher failed with status: {}!", err_status);
warn_!("Using default 500 error catcher.");
let default = self.default_catchers.get(&500).expect("Default 500");
default.handle(error, req).expect("Default 500 response.")
/// Create a new `Rocket` application using the configuration information in
/// `Rocket.toml`. If the file does not exist or if there is an I/O error
/// reading the file, the defaults are used. See the
/// [config](/rocket/config/index.html) documentation for more information
/// on defaults.
/// This method is typically called through the `rocket::ignite` alias.
/// # Panics
/// If there is an error parsing the `Rocket.toml` file, this functions
/// prints a nice error message and then exits the process.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// # {
/// rocket::ignite()
/// # };
/// ```
pub fn ignite() -> Rocket {
// Note: init() will exit the process under config errors.
let (config, initted) = config::init();
if initted {
/// Creates a new `Rocket` application using the supplied custom
/// configuration information. Ignores the `Rocket.toml` file. Does not
/// enable logging. To enable logging, use the hidden
/// `logger::init(LoggingLevel)` method.
/// This method is typically called through the `rocket::custom` alias.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::config::{Config, Environment};
/// # use rocket::config::ConfigError;
/// # fn try_config() -> Result<(), ConfigError> {
/// let config = Config::default_for(Environment::active()?, "/custom")?
/// .address("".into())
/// .port(9234);
/// let app = rocket::custom(&config);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn custom(config: &Config) -> Rocket {
info!("🔧 Configured for {}.", config.env);
info_!("listening: {}:{}",
info_!("logging: {:?}", White.paint(config.log_level));
info_!("session key: {}", White.paint(config.take_session_key().is_some()));
for (name, value) in config.extras() {
info_!("{} {}: {}", Yellow.paint("[extra]"), name, White.paint(value));
Rocket {
address: config.address.clone(),
port: config.port,
router: Router::new(),
default_catchers: catcher::defaults::get(),
catchers: catcher::defaults::get(),
/// Mounts all of the routes in the supplied vector at the given `base`
/// path. Mounting a route with path `path` at path `base` makes the route
/// available at `base/path`.
/// # Examples
/// Use the `routes!` macro to mount routes created using the code
/// generation facilities. Requests to the `/hello/world` URI will be
/// dispatched to the `hi` route.
/// # Panics
/// The `base` mount point must be a static path. That is, the mount point
/// must _not_ contain dynamic path parameters: `<param>`.
/// ```rust
/// # #![feature(plugin)]
/// # #![plugin(rocket_codegen)]
/// # extern crate rocket;
/// #
/// #[get("/world")]
/// fn hi() -> &'static str {
/// "Hello!"
/// }
/// fn main() {
/// # if false { // We don't actually want to launch the server in an example.
/// rocket::ignite().mount("/hello", routes![hi])
/// # .launch()
/// # }
/// }
/// ```
/// Manually create a route named `hi` at path `"/world"` mounted at base
/// `"/hello"`. Requests to the `/hello/world` URI will be dispatched to the
/// `hi` route.
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::{Request, Route, Data};
/// use rocket::handler::Outcome;
/// use rocket::http::Method::*;
/// fn hi(_: &Request, _: Data) -> Outcome<'static> {
/// Outcome::of("Hello!")
/// }
/// # if false { // We don't actually want to launch the server in an example.
/// rocket::ignite().mount("/hello", vec![Route::new(Get, "/world", hi)])
/// # .launch()
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn mount(mut self, base: &str, routes: Vec<Route>) -> Self {
info!("🛰 {} '{}':", Magenta.paint("Mounting"), base);
if base.contains('<') {
error_!("Bad mount point: '{}'.", base);
error_!("Mount points must be static paths!");
panic!("Bad mount point.")
for mut route in routes {
let path = format!("{}/{}", base, route.path.as_uri());
info_!("{}", route);
/// Registers all of the catchers in the supplied vector.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// #![feature(plugin)]
/// #![plugin(rocket_codegen)]
/// extern crate rocket;
/// use rocket::Request;
/// #[error(500)]
/// fn internal_error() -> &'static str {
/// "Whoops! Looks like we messed up."
/// }
/// #[error(400)]
/// fn not_found(req: &Request) -> String {
/// format!("I couldn't find '{}'. Try something else?", req.uri())
/// }
/// fn main() {
/// # if false { // We don't actually want to launch the server in an example.
/// rocket::ignite().catch(errors![internal_error, not_found])
/// # .launch()
/// # }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn catch(mut self, catchers: Vec<Catcher>) -> Self {
info!("👾 {}:", Magenta.paint("Catchers"));
for c in catchers {
if self.catchers.get(&c.code).map_or(false, |e| !e.is_default()) {
let msg = "(warning: duplicate catcher!)";
info_!("{} {}", c, Yellow.paint(msg));
} else {
info_!("{}", c);
self.catchers.insert(c.code, c);
/// Starts the application server and begins listening for and dispatching
/// requests to mounted routes and catchers.
/// # Panics
/// If the server could not be started, this method prints the reason and
/// then exits the process.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// # if false {
/// rocket::ignite().launch()
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn launch(self) {
if self.router.has_collisions() {
warn!("Route collisions detected!");
let full_addr = format!("{}:{}", self.address, self.port);
let server = match hyper::Server::http(full_addr.as_str()) {
Ok(hyper_server) => hyper_server,
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to start server.");
panic!("{}", e);
info!("🚀 {} {}...",
White.paint("Rocket has launched from"),