
36 lines
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use super::rocket;
use rocket::testing::MockRequest;
use rocket::http::Method::*;
fn test(uri: &str, expected: String) {
let rocket = rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![super::hello, super::hi]);
let mut req = MockRequest::new(Get, uri);
let mut response = req.dispatch_with(&rocket);
let body_str = response.body().and_then(|body| body.into_string());
assert_eq!(body_str, Some(expected));
fn test_hello() {
for &(name, age) in &[("Mike", 22), ("Michael", 80), ("A", 0), ("a", 127)] {
test(&format!("/hello/{}/{}", name, age),
format!("Hello, {} year old named {}!", age, name));
fn test_failing_hello_hi() {
// Invalid integers.
for &(name, age) in &[("Mike", 1000), ("Michael", 128), ("A", -800), ("a", -200)] {
test(&format!("/hello/{}/{}", name, age),
format!("Hi {}! Your age ({}) is kind of funky.", name, age));
// Non-integers.
for &(name, age) in &[("Mike", "!"), ("Michael", "hi"), ("A", "blah"), ("a", "0-1")] {
test(&format!("/hello/{}/{}", name, age),
format!("Hi {}! Your age ({}) is kind of funky.", name, age));