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synced 2025-02-18 14:42:06 +00:00
The core 'Rocket' type is parameterized: 'Rocket<P: Phase>', where 'Phase' is a newly introduced, sealed marker trait. The trait is implemented by three new marker types representing the three launch phases: 'Build', 'Ignite', and 'Orbit'. Progression through these three phases, in order, is enforced, as are the invariants guaranteed by each phase. In particular, an instance of 'Rocket' is guaranteed to be in its final configuration after the 'Build' phase and represent a running local or public server in the 'Orbit' phase. The 'Ignite' phase serves as an intermediate, enabling inspection of a finalized but stationary instance. Transition between phases validates the invariants required by the transition. All APIs have been adjusted appropriately, requiring either an instance of 'Rocket' in a particular phase ('Rocket<Build>', 'Rocket<Ignite>', or 'Rocket<Orbit>') or operating generically on a 'Rocket<P>'. Documentation is also updated and substantially improved to mention required and guaranteed invariants. Additionally, this commit makes the following relevant changes: * 'Rocket::ignite()' is now a public interface. * 'Rocket::{build,custom}' methods can no longer panic. * 'Launch' fairings are now 'ignite' fairings. * 'Liftoff' fairings are always run, even in local mode. * All 'ignite' fairings run concurrently at ignition. * Launch logging occurs on launch, not any point prior. * Launch log messages have improved formatting. * A new launch error kind, 'Config', was added. * A 'fairing::Result' type alias was introduced. * 'Shutdown::shutdown()' is now 'Shutdown::notify()'. Some internal changes were also introduced: * Fairing 'Info' name for 'Templates' is now 'Templating'. * Shutdown is implemented using 'tokio::sync::Notify'. * 'Client::debug()' is used nearly universally in tests. Resolves #1154. Resolves #1136.
464 lines
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464 lines
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use std::io;
use std::sync::Arc;
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use futures::future::{self, FutureExt, Future, TryFutureExt, BoxFuture};
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use yansi::Paint;
use crate::{Rocket, Orbit, Request, Data, route};
use crate::form::Form;
use crate::response::{Response, Body};
use crate::outcome::Outcome;
use crate::error::{Error, ErrorKind};
use crate::ext::AsyncReadExt;
use crate::http::{Method, Status, Header, hyper};
use crate::http::private::{Listener, Connection, Incoming};
use crate::http::uri::Origin;
use crate::http::private::bind_tcp;
// A token returned to force the execution of one method before another.
pub(crate) struct RequestToken;
async fn handle<Fut, T, F>(name: Option<&str>, run: F) -> Option<T>
where F: FnOnce() -> Fut, Fut: Future<Output = T>,
use std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe;
macro_rules! panic_info {
($name:expr, $e:expr) => {{
match $name {
Some(name) => error_!("Handler {} panicked.", Paint::white(name)),
None => error_!("A handler panicked.")
info_!("This is an application bug.");
info_!("A panic in Rust must be treated as an exceptional event.");
info_!("Panicking is not a suitable error handling mechanism.");
info_!("Unwinding, the result of a panic, is an expensive operation.");
info_!("Panics will severely degrade application performance.");
info_!("Instead of panicking, return `Option` and/or `Result`.");
info_!("Values of either type can be returned directly from handlers.");
warn_!("A panic is treated as an internal server error.");
let run = AssertUnwindSafe(run);
let fut = std::panic::catch_unwind(move || run())
.map_err(|e| panic_info!(name, e))
.map_err(|e| panic_info!(name, e))
// This function tries to hide all of the Hyper-ness from Rocket. It essentially
// converts Hyper types into Rocket types, then calls the `dispatch` function,
// which knows nothing about Hyper. Because responding depends on the
// `HyperResponse` type, this function does the actual response processing.
async fn hyper_service_fn(
rocket: Arc<Rocket<Orbit>>,
h_addr: std::net::SocketAddr,
hyp_req: hyper::Request<hyper::Body>,
) -> Result<hyper::Response<hyper::Body>, io::Error> {
// This future must return a hyper::Response, but the response body might
// borrow from the request. Instead, write the body in another future that
// sends the response metadata (and a body channel) prior.
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
tokio::spawn(async move {
// Get all of the information from Hyper.
let (h_parts, h_body) = hyp_req.into_parts();
// Convert the Hyper request into a Rocket request.
let req_res = Request::from_hyp(
&rocket, h_parts.method, h_parts.headers, &h_parts.uri, h_addr
let mut req = match req_res {
Ok(req) => req,
Err(e) => {
error!("Bad incoming request: {}", e);
// TODO: We don't have a request to pass in, so we just
// fabricate one. This is weird. We should let the user know
// that we failed to parse a request (by invoking some special
// handler) instead of doing this.
let dummy = Request::new(&rocket, Method::Get, Origin::dummy());
let r = rocket.handle_error(Status::BadRequest, &dummy).await;
return rocket.send_response(r, tx).await;
// Retrieve the data from the hyper body.
let mut data = Data::from(h_body);
// Dispatch the request to get a response, then write that response out.
let token = rocket.preprocess_request(&mut req, &mut data).await;
let r = rocket.dispatch(token, &mut req, data).await;
rocket.send_response(r, tx).await;
// Receive the response written to `tx` by the task above.
rx.await.map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e))
impl Rocket<Orbit> {
/// Wrapper around `make_response` to log a success or failure.
async fn send_response(
response: Response<'_>,
tx: oneshot::Sender<hyper::Response<hyper::Body>>,
) {
match self.make_response(response, tx).await {
Ok(()) => info_!("{}", Paint::green("Response succeeded.")),
Err(e) => error_!("Failed to write response: {:?}.", e),
/// Attempts to create a hyper response from `response` and send it to `tx`.
async fn make_response(
mut response: Response<'_>,
tx: oneshot::Sender<hyper::Response<hyper::Body>>,
) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut hyp_res = hyper::Response::builder()
for header in response.headers().iter() {
let name = header.name.as_str();
let value = header.value.as_bytes();
hyp_res = hyp_res.header(name, value);
let send_response = move |res: hyper::ResponseBuilder, body| -> io::Result<()> {
let response = res.body(body)
.map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?;
tx.send(response).map_err(|_| {
let msg = "client disconnected before the response was started";
io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe, msg)
match response.body_mut() {
None => {
hyp_res = hyp_res.header(hyper::header::CONTENT_LENGTH, 0);
send_response(hyp_res, hyper::Body::empty())?;
Some(body) => {
if let Some(s) = body.size().await {
hyp_res = hyp_res.header(hyper::header::CONTENT_LENGTH, s);
let chunk_size = match *body {
Body::Chunked(_, chunk_size) => chunk_size as usize,
Body::Sized(_, _) => crate::response::DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE,
let (mut sender, hyp_body) = hyper::Body::channel();
send_response(hyp_res, hyp_body)?;
let mut stream = body.as_reader().into_bytes_stream(chunk_size);
while let Some(next) = stream.next().await {
.map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?;
/// Preprocess the request for Rocket things. Currently, this means:
/// * Rewriting the method in the request if _method form field exists.
/// * Run the request fairings.
/// Keep this in-sync with derive_form when preprocessing form fields.
pub(crate) async fn preprocess_request(
req: &mut Request<'_>,
data: &mut Data
) -> RequestToken {
// Check if this is a form and if the form contains the special _method
// field which we use to reinterpret the request's method.
let (min_len, max_len) = ("_method=get".len(), "_method=delete".len());
let peek_buffer = data.peek(max_len).await;
let is_form = req.content_type().map_or(false, |ct| ct.is_form());
if is_form && req.method() == Method::Post && peek_buffer.len() >= min_len {
let method = std::str::from_utf8(peek_buffer).ok()
.and_then(|raw_form| Form::values(raw_form).next())
.filter(|field| field.name == "_method")
.and_then(|field| field.value.parse().ok());
if let Some(method) = method {
// Run request fairings.
self.fairings.handle_request(req, data).await;
pub(crate) async fn dispatch<'s, 'r: 's>(
&'s self,
_token: RequestToken,
request: &'r Request<'s>,
data: Data
) -> Response<'r> {
info!("{}:", request);
// Remember if the request is `HEAD` for later body stripping.
let was_head_request = request.method() == Method::Head;
// Route the request and run the user's handlers.
let mut response = self.route_and_process(request, data).await;
// Add a default 'Server' header if it isn't already there.
// TODO: If removing Hyper, write out `Date` header too.
if !response.headers().contains("Server") {
response.set_header(Header::new("Server", "Rocket"));
// Run the response fairings.
self.fairings.handle_response(request, &mut response).await;
// Strip the body if this is a `HEAD` request.
if was_head_request {
async fn route_and_process<'s, 'r: 's>(
&'s self,
request: &'r Request<'s>,
data: Data
) -> Response<'r> {
let mut response = match self.route(request, data).await {
Outcome::Success(response) => response,
Outcome::Forward(data) if request.method() == Method::Head => {
info_!("Autohandling {} request.", Paint::default("HEAD").bold());
// Dispatch the request again with Method `GET`.
match self.route(request, data).await {
Outcome::Success(response) => response,
Outcome::Failure(status) => self.handle_error(status, request).await,
Outcome::Forward(_) => self.handle_error(Status::NotFound, request).await,
Outcome::Forward(_) => self.handle_error(Status::NotFound, request).await,
Outcome::Failure(status) => self.handle_error(status, request).await,
// Set the cookies. Note that error responses will only include cookies
// set by the error handler. See `handle_error` for more.
let delta_jar = request.cookies().take_delta_jar();
for cookie in delta_jar.delta() {
/// Tries to find a `Responder` for a given `request`. It does this by
/// routing the request and calling the handler for each matching route
/// until one of the handlers returns success or failure, or there are no
/// additional routes to try (forward). The corresponding outcome for each
/// condition is returned.
async fn route<'s, 'r: 's>(
&'s self,
request: &'r Request<'s>,
mut data: Data,
) -> route::Outcome<'r> {
// Go through the list of matching routes until we fail or succeed.
for route in self.router.route(request) {
// Retrieve and set the requests parameters.
info_!("Matched: {}", route);
let name = route.name.as_deref();
let outcome = handle(name, || route.handler.handle(request, data)).await
.unwrap_or_else(|| Outcome::Failure(Status::InternalServerError));
// Check if the request processing completed (Some) or if the
// request needs to be forwarded. If it does, continue the loop
// (None) to try again.
info_!("{} {}", Paint::default("Outcome:").bold(), outcome);
match outcome {
o@Outcome::Success(_) | o@Outcome::Failure(_) => return o,
Outcome::Forward(unused_data) => data = unused_data,
error_!("No matching routes for {}.", request);
/// Invokes the handler with `req` for catcher with status `status`.
/// In order of preference, invoked handler is:
/// * the user's registered handler for `status`
/// * the user's registered `default` handler
/// * Rocket's default handler for `status`
/// Return `Ok(result)` if the handler succeeded. Returns `Ok(Some(Status))`
/// if the handler ran to completion but failed. Returns `Ok(None)` if the
/// handler panicked while executing.
async fn invoke_catcher<'s, 'r: 's>(
&'s self,
status: Status,
req: &'r Request<'s>
) -> Result<Response<'r>, Option<Status>> {
// For now, we reset the delta state to prevent any modifications
// from earlier, unsuccessful paths from being reflected in error
// response. We may wish to relax this in the future.
if let Some(catcher) = self.router.catch(status, req) {
warn_!("Responding with registered {} catcher.", catcher);
let name = catcher.name.as_deref();
handle(name, || catcher.handler.handle(status, req)).await
.map(|result| result.map_err(Some))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Err(None))
} else {
let code = Paint::blue(status.code).bold();
warn_!("No {} catcher registered. Using Rocket default.", code);
Ok(crate::catcher::default_handler(status, req))
// Invokes the catcher for `status`. Returns the response on success.
// On catcher failure, the 500 error catcher is attempted. If _that_ fails,
// the (infallible) default 500 error cather is used.
pub(crate) async fn handle_error<'s, 'r: 's>(
&'s self,
mut status: Status,
req: &'r Request<'s>
) -> Response<'r> {
// Dispatch to the `status` catcher.
if let Ok(r) = self.invoke_catcher(status, req).await {
return r;
// If it fails and it's not a 500, try the 500 catcher.
if status != Status::InternalServerError {
error_!("Catcher failed. Attemping 500 error catcher.");
status = Status::InternalServerError;
if let Ok(r) = self.invoke_catcher(status, req).await {
return r;
// If it failed again or if it was already a 500, use Rocket's default.
error_!("{} catcher failed. Using Rocket default 500.", status.code);
crate::catcher::default_handler(Status::InternalServerError, req)
pub(crate) async fn default_tcp_http_server<C>(mut self, ready: C) -> Result<(), Error>
where C: for<'a> Fn(&'a Self) -> BoxFuture<'a, ()>
use std::net::ToSocketAddrs;
// Determine the address we're going to serve on.
let addr = format!("{}:{}", self.config.address, self.config.port);
let mut addr = addr.to_socket_addrs()
.map(|mut addrs| addrs.next().expect(">= 1 socket addr"))
.map_err(|e| Error::new(ErrorKind::Io(e)))?;
#[cfg(feature = "tls")]
if let Some(ref config) = self.config.tls {
use crate::http::private::tls::bind_tls;
let (certs, key) = config.to_readers().map_err(ErrorKind::Io)?;
let l = bind_tls(addr, certs, key).await.map_err(ErrorKind::Bind)?;
addr = l.local_addr().unwrap_or(addr);
self.config.address = addr.ip();
self.config.port = addr.port();
ready(&mut self).await;
return self.http_server(l).await;
let l = bind_tcp(addr).await.map_err(ErrorKind::Bind)?;
addr = l.local_addr().unwrap_or(addr);
self.config.address = addr.ip();
self.config.port = addr.port();
ready(&mut self).await;
// TODO.async: Solidify the Listener APIs and make this function public
pub(crate) async fn http_server<L>(self, listener: L) -> Result<(), Error>
where L: Listener + Send + Unpin + 'static,
<L as Listener>::Connection: Send + Unpin + 'static
// Determine keep-alives.
let http1_keepalive = self.config.keep_alive != 0;
let http2_keep_alive = match self.config.keep_alive {
0 => None,
n => Some(std::time::Duration::from_secs(n as u64))
// Get the shutdown handle (to initiate) and signal (when initiated).
let shutdown_handle = self.shutdown.clone();
let shutdown_signal = match self.config.ctrlc {
true => tokio::signal::ctrl_c().boxed(),
false => future::pending().boxed(),
let rocket = Arc::new(self);
let service = hyper::make_service_fn(move |conn: &<L as Listener>::Connection| {
let rocket = rocket.clone();
let remote = conn.remote_addr().unwrap_or_else(|| ([0, 0, 0, 0], 0).into());
async move {
Ok::<_, std::convert::Infallible>(hyper::service_fn(move |req| {
hyper_service_fn(rocket.clone(), remote, req)
// NOTE: `hyper` uses `tokio::spawn()` as the default executor.
let shutdown_receiver = shutdown_handle.clone();
let server = hyper::Server::builder(Incoming::from_listener(listener))
.with_graceful_shutdown(async move { shutdown_receiver.notified().await; })
.map_err(|e| Error::new(ErrorKind::Runtime(Box::new(e))));
let selecter = future::select(shutdown_signal, server);
match selecter.await {
future::Either::Left((Ok(()), server)) => {
// Ctrl-was pressed. Signal shutdown, wait for the server.
future::Either::Left((Err(err), server)) => {
// Error setting up ctrl-c signal. Let the user know.
warn!("Failed to enable `ctrl-c` graceful signal shutdown.");
info_!("Error: {}", err);
// Server shut down before Ctrl-C; return the result.
future::Either::Right((result, _)) => result,