2016-12-17 09:18:30 -08:00

46 lines
1.6 KiB

use super::rocket;
use rocket::testing::MockRequest;
use rocket::http::Method::*;
use rocket::http::{ContentType, Status};
fn test_login(username: &str, password: &str, age: isize, status: Status,
body: Option<&'static str>) {
let rocket = rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![super::user_page, super::login]);
let mut req = MockRequest::new(Post, "/login")
.body(&format!("username={}&password={}&age={}", username, password, age));
let mut response = req.dispatch_with(&rocket);
let body_str = response.body().and_then(|body| body.into_string());
println!("Checking: {:?}/{:?}", username, password);
assert_eq!(response.status(), status);
if let Some(string) = body {
assert!(body_str.map_or(true, |s| s.contains(string)));
fn test_good_login() {
test_login("Sergio", "password", 30, Status::SeeOther, None);
const OK: Status = self::Status::Ok;
fn test_bad_login() {
test_login("Sergio", "password", 20, OK, Some("Sorry, 20 is too young!"));
test_login("Sergio", "password", 200, OK, Some("Are you sure you're 200?"));
test_login("Sergio", "jk", -100, OK, Some("'-100' is not a valid integer."));
test_login("Sergio", "ok", 30, OK, Some("Wrong password!"));
test_login("Mike", "password", 30, OK, Some("Unrecognized user, 'Mike'."));
fn test_bad_form() {
// Mess with the form formatting.
test_login("Sergio&other=blah&", "password", 0, Status::BadRequest, None);
test_login("&&&===&", "password", 0, Status::BadRequest, None);