mirror of https://github.com/rwf2/Rocket.git synced 2025-03-06 14:32:06 +00:00
2021-07-01 06:02:40 -07:00

285 lines
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#[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
use rocket::http::uri::fmt::{UriDisplay, Query, Path};
use rocket::serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
macro_rules! assert_uri_display_query {
($v:expr, $expected:expr) => (
let uri_string = format!("{}", &$v as &dyn UriDisplay<Query>);
assert_eq!(uri_string, $expected);
macro_rules! assert_query_form_roundtrip {
($T:ty, $v:expr) => ({
use rocket::form::{Form, Strict};
use rocket::http::RawStr;
let v = $v;
let string = format!("{}", &v as &dyn UriDisplay<Query>);
let raw = RawStr::new(&string);
let value = Form::<Strict<$T>>::parse_encoded(raw).map(|s| s.into_inner());
assert_eq!(value.expect("form parse"), v);
macro_rules! assert_query_value_roundtrip {
($T:ty, $v:expr) => ({
use rocket::form::{Form, Strict};
use rocket::http::RawStr;
let v = $v;
let string = format!("={}", &v as &dyn UriDisplay<Query>);
let raw = RawStr::new(&string);
let value = Form::<Strict<$T>>::parse_encoded(raw).map(|s| s.into_inner());
assert_eq!(value.expect("form parse"), v);
#[derive(UriDisplayQuery, Clone)]
enum Foo<'r> {
First(&'r str),
Second {
inner: &'r str,
other: usize,
Third {
#[field(name = "type")]
kind: String,
fn uri_display_foo() {
let foo = Foo::First("hello".into());
assert_uri_display_query!(foo, "hello");
let foo = Foo::First("hello there".into());
assert_uri_display_query!(foo, "hello%20there");
let foo = Foo::Second { inner: "hi".into(), other: 123 };
assert_uri_display_query!(foo, "inner=hi&other=123");
let foo = Foo::Second { inner: "hi bo".into(), other: 321 };
assert_uri_display_query!(foo, "inner=hi%20bo&other=321");
let foo = Foo::Third { kind: "hello".into() };
assert_uri_display_query!(foo, "type=hello");
let foo = Foo::Third { kind: "hello there".into() };
assert_uri_display_query!(foo, "type=hello%20there");
struct Bar<'a> {
foo: Foo<'a>,
baz: String,
fn uri_display_bar() {
let foo = Foo::First("hello".into());
let bar = Bar { foo, baz: "well, hi!".into() };
assert_uri_display_query!(bar, "foo=hello&baz=well,%20hi!");
let foo = Foo::Second { inner: "hi".into(), other: 123 };
let bar = Bar { foo, baz: "done".into() };
assert_uri_display_query!(bar, "foo.inner=hi&foo.other=123&baz=done");
let foo = Foo::Third { kind: "hello".into() };
let bar = Bar { foo, baz: "turkey day".into() };
assert_uri_display_query!(bar, "foo.type=hello&baz=turkey%20day");
struct Baz<'a> {
foo: Foo<'a>,
bar: Bar<'a>,
last: String
fn uri_display_baz() {
let foo1 = Foo::Second { inner: "hi".into(), other: 123 };
let foo2 = Foo::Second { inner: "bye".into(), other: 321 };
let bar = Bar { foo: foo2, baz: "done".into() };
let baz = Baz { foo: foo1, bar, last: "ok".into() };
assert_uri_display_query!(baz, "foo.inner=hi&foo.other=123&\
let foo1 = Foo::Third { kind: "hello".into() };
let foo2 = Foo::First("bye".into());
let bar = Bar { foo: foo1, baz: "end".into() };
let baz = Baz { foo: foo2, bar, last: "done".into() };
assert_uri_display_query!(baz, "foo=bye&\
struct Bam<'a> {
foo: &'a str,
bar: Option<usize>,
baz: Result<&'a str, usize>,
fn uri_display_bam() {
let bam = Bam { foo: "hi hi", bar: Some(1), baz: Err(2) };
assert_uri_display_query!(bam, "foo=hi%20hi&bar=1");
let bam = Bam { foo: "hi hi", bar: None, baz: Err(2) };
assert_uri_display_query!(bam, "foo=hi%20hi");
let bam = Bam { foo: "hi hi", bar: Some(1), baz: Ok("tony".into()) };
assert_uri_display_query!(bam, "foo=hi%20hi&bar=1&baz=tony");
let bam = Bam { foo: "hi hi", bar: None, baz: Ok("tony".into()) };
assert_uri_display_query!(bam, "foo=hi%20hi&baz=tony");
fn uri_display_c_like() {
enum CLike { A, B, C }
assert_uri_display_query!(CLike::A, "A");
assert_uri_display_query!(CLike::B, "B");
assert_uri_display_query!(CLike::C, "C");
enum CLikeV {
#[field(value = "a")]
#[field(value = "tomato")]
#[field(value = "juice")]
#[field(value = "carrot")]
assert_uri_display_query!(CLikeV::A, "a");
assert_uri_display_query!(CLikeV::B, "tomato");
assert_uri_display_query!(CLikeV::C, "carrot");
enum CLikeR { r#for, r#type, r#async, #[field(value = "stop")] r#yield }
assert_uri_display_query!(CLikeR::r#for, "for");
assert_uri_display_query!(CLikeR::r#type, "type");
assert_uri_display_query!(CLikeR::r#async, "async");
assert_uri_display_query!(CLikeR::r#yield, "stop");
struct Nested {
foo: CLike,
bar: CLikeV,
last: CLikeR
let nested = Nested {
foo: CLike::B,
bar: CLikeV::B,
last: CLikeR::r#type,
assert_uri_display_query!(nested, "foo=B&bar=tomato&last=type");
macro_rules! assert_uri_display_path {
($v:expr, $s:expr) => (
let uri_string = format!("{}", &$v as &dyn UriDisplay<Path>);
assert_eq!(uri_string, $s);
struct FooP(&'static str);
struct BarP<'a>(&'a str);
struct BazP<'a, T>(&'a T);
struct BamP<T>(T);
struct BopP(FooP);
fn uri_display_path() {
assert_uri_display_path!(FooP("hi"), "hi");
assert_uri_display_path!(FooP("hi there"), "hi%20there");
assert_uri_display_path!(BarP("hi there"), "hi%20there");
assert_uri_display_path!(BazP(&FooP("hi")), "hi");
assert_uri_display_path!(BazP(&BarP("hi there")), "hi%20there");
assert_uri_display_path!(BamP(12), "12");
assert_uri_display_path!(BamP(BazP(&100)), "100");
assert_uri_display_path!(BopP(FooP("bop foo")), "bop%20foo");
fn uri_display_serde() {
use rocket::serde::json::Json;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, FromForm, UriDisplayQuery, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(crate = "rocket::serde")]
struct Bam {
foo: String,
bar: Option<usize>,
baz: bool,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, FromForm, UriDisplayQuery)]
struct JsonFoo(Json<Bam>);
let bam = Bam {
foo: "hi[]=there.baz !?".into(),
bar: None,
baz: true,
assert_query_form_roundtrip!(Bam, bam.clone());
assert_query_value_roundtrip!(JsonFoo, JsonFoo(Json(bam.clone())));
// FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/86706
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, FromForm, UriDisplayQuery)]
struct Q<T>(Json<T>);
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, FromForm, UriDisplayQuery)]
pub struct Generic<A, B> {
a: Q<A>,
b: Q<B>,
c: Q<A>,
assert_query_form_roundtrip!(Generic<usize, String>, Generic {
a: Q(Json(133)),
b: Q(Json("hello, world#rocket!".into())),
c: Q(Json(40486)),
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, FromForm, UriDisplayQuery)]
// This is here to ensure we don't warn, which we can't test with trybuild.
pub struct GenericBorrow<'a, A: ?Sized, B: 'a> {
a: Q<&'a A>,
b: Q<B>,
c: Q<&'a A>,
// TODO: This requires `MsgPack` to parse from value form fields.
// use rocket::serde::msgpack::MsgPack;
// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, FromForm, UriDisplayQuery)]
// struct MsgPackFoo(MsgPack<Bam>);
// assert_query_value_roundtrip!(MsgPackFoo, MsgPackFoo(MsgPack(bam)));