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//! # Rocket - Core API Documentation
//! Hello, and welcome to the core Rocket API documentation!
//! This API documentation is highly technical and is purely a reference.
//! There's an [overview] of Rocket on the main site as well as a [full,
//! detailed guide]. If you'd like pointers on getting started, see the
//! [quickstart] or [getting started] chapters of the guide.
//! You may also be interested in looking at the
//! [`rocket_contrib`](../rocket_contrib) documentation, which contains
//! automatic JSON (de)serialiazation, templating support, static file serving,
//! and other useful features.
//! [overview]: https://rocket.rs/master/overview
//! [full, detailed guide]: https://rocket.rs/master/guide
//! [quickstart]: https://rocket.rs/master/guide/quickstart
//! [getting started]: https://rocket.rs/master/guide/getting-started
//! ## Libraries
//! Rocket's functionality is split into two crates:
//! 1. Core - This core library. Needed by every Rocket application.
//! 2. [Contrib](../rocket_contrib) - Provides useful functionality for many
//! Rocket applications. Completely optional.
//! ## Usage
//! Depend on `rocket` in `Rocket.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! rocket = "0.5.0-dev"
//! ```
//! <small>Note that development versions, tagged with `-dev`, are not published
//! and will will need to be specified as [git dependencies].</small>
//! See the [guide](https://rocket.rs/master/guide) for more information on how
//! to write Rocket applications. Here's a simple example to get you started:
//! [git dependencies]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/specifying-dependencies.html#specifying-dependencies-from-git-repositories
//! ```rust,no_run
//! #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
//! #[get("/")]
//! fn hello() -> &'static str {
//! "Hello, world!"
//! }
//! #[launch]
//! fn rocket() -> _ {
//! rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![hello])
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Features
//! There are two optional, disabled-by-default features:
//! * **secrets:** Enables support for [private cookies].
//! * **tls:** Enables support for [TLS].
//! The features can be enabled in `Rocket.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! rocket = { version = "0.5.0-dev", features = ["secrets", "tls"] }
//! ```
//! [private cookies]: https://rocket.rs/master/guide/requests/#private-cookies
//! [TLS]: https://rocket.rs/master/guide/configuration/#tls
//! ## Configuration
//! By default, Rocket applications are configured via a `Rocket.toml` file
//! and/or `ROCKET_{PARAM}` environment variables. For more information on how
//! to configure Rocket, including how to completely customize configuration
//! sources, see the [configuration section] of the guide as well as the
//! [`config`] module documentation.
//! [configuration section]: https://rocket.rs/master/guide/configuration/
//! ## Testing
//! The [`local`] module contains structures that facilitate unit and
//! integration testing of a Rocket application. The top-level [`local`] module
//! documentation and the [testing chapter of the guide] include detailed
//! examples.
//! [testing chapter of the guide]: https://rocket.rs/master/guide/testing/#testing
#[allow(unused_imports)] #[macro_use] extern crate rocket_codegen;
pub use rocket_codegen::*;
pub use async_trait::*;
#[macro_use] extern crate log;
/// These are public dependencies! Update docs if these are changed, especially
/// figment's version number in docs.
pub use yansi;
pub use futures;
pub use tokio;
pub use figment;
#[macro_use] pub mod logger;
#[macro_use] pub mod outcome;
#[macro_use] pub mod data;
pub mod local;
pub mod request;
pub mod response;
pub mod config;
pub mod form;
pub mod handler;
pub mod fairing;
pub mod error;
pub mod catcher;
pub mod router;
// Reexport of HTTP everything.
pub mod http {
//! Types that map to concepts in HTTP.
//! This module exports types that map to HTTP concepts or to the underlying
//! HTTP library when needed.
pub use rocket_http::*;
pub use crate::cookies::*;
mod shutdown;
mod rocket;
mod server;
mod codegen;
mod ext;
mod state;
mod cookies;
#[doc(hidden)] pub use log::{info, warn, error, debug};
#[doc(inline)] pub use crate::response::Response;
#[doc(hidden)] pub use crate::codegen::{StaticRouteInfo, StaticCatcherInfo};
#[doc(inline)] pub use crate::data::Data;
#[doc(inline)] pub use crate::config::Config;
#[doc(inline)] pub use crate::catcher::Catcher;
#[doc(inline)] pub use crate::router::Route;
pub use crate::request::Request;
pub use crate::rocket::Rocket;
pub use crate::shutdown::Shutdown;
pub use crate::state::State;
/// Creates a new instance of `Rocket`: aliases [`Rocket::ignite()`].
pub fn ignite() -> Rocket {
/// Creates a new instance of `Rocket` with a custom configuration provider:
/// aliases [`Rocket::custom()`].
pub fn custom<T: figment::Provider>(provider: T) -> Rocket {
/// WARNING: This is unstable! Do not use this method outside of Rocket!
pub fn async_test<R>(fut: impl std::future::Future<Output = R> + Send) -> R {
.expect("create tokio runtime")
/// WARNING: This is unstable! Do not use this method outside of Rocket!
pub fn async_main<R>(fut: impl std::future::Future<Output = R> + Send) -> R {
// FIXME: The `workers` value won't reflect swaps of `Rocket` in attach
// fairings with different config values, or values from non-Rocket configs.
// See tokio-rs/tokio#3329 for a necessary solution in `tokio`.
.expect("create tokio runtime")