- Array and Dictionary now store `Variant` instead of `System.Object`. - Removed generic Array and Dictionary. They cause too much issues, heavily relying on reflection and very limited by the lack of a generic specialization. - Removed support for non-Godot collections. Support for them also relied heavily on reflection for marshaling. Support for them will likely be re-introduced in the future, but it will have to rely on source generators instead of reflection. - Reduced our use of reflection. The remaining usages will be moved to source generators soon. The only usage that I'm not sure yet how to replace is dynamic invocation of delegates.
412 lines
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412 lines
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
// TODO:
// Determine a proper way to emit the signal.
// 'Emit(nameof(TheEvent))' creates a StringName everytime and has the overhead of string marshaling.
// I haven't decided on the best option yet. Some possibilities:
// - Expose the generated StringName fields to the user, for use with 'Emit(...)'.
// - Generate a 'EmitSignalName' method for each event signal.
namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
public class ScriptSignalsGenerator : ISourceGenerator
public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context)
public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)
if (context.AreGodotSourceGeneratorsDisabled())
INamedTypeSymbol[] godotClasses = context
.SelectMany(tree =>
// Report and skip non-partial classes
.Where(x =>
if (x.cds.IsPartial())
if (x.cds.IsNested() && !x.cds.AreAllOuterTypesPartial(out var typeMissingPartial))
Common.ReportNonPartialGodotScriptOuterClass(context, typeMissingPartial!);
return false;
return true;
Common.ReportNonPartialGodotScriptClass(context, x.cds, x.symbol);
return false;
.Select(x => x.symbol)
if (godotClasses.Length > 0)
var typeCache = new MarshalUtils.TypeCache(context);
foreach (var godotClass in godotClasses)
VisitGodotScriptClass(context, typeCache, godotClass);
internal static string SignalDelegateSuffix = "EventHandler";
private static void VisitGodotScriptClass(
GeneratorExecutionContext context,
MarshalUtils.TypeCache typeCache,
INamedTypeSymbol symbol
INamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol = symbol.ContainingNamespace;
string classNs = namespaceSymbol != null && !namespaceSymbol.IsGlobalNamespace ?
namespaceSymbol.FullQualifiedName() :
bool hasNamespace = classNs.Length != 0;
bool isInnerClass = symbol.ContainingType != null;
string uniqueHint = symbol.FullQualifiedName().SanitizeQualifiedNameForUniqueHint()
+ "_ScriptSignals_Generated";
var source = new StringBuilder();
source.Append("using Godot;\n");
source.Append("using Godot.NativeInterop;\n");
if (hasNamespace)
source.Append("namespace ");
source.Append(" {\n\n");
if (isInnerClass)
var containingType = symbol.ContainingType;
while (containingType != null)
source.Append("partial ");
source.Append(" ");
containingType = containingType.ContainingType;
source.Append("partial class ");
// TODO:
// The delegate name already needs to end with 'Signal' to avoid collision with the event name.
// Requiring SignalAttribute is redundant. Should we remove it to make declaration shorter?
var members = symbol.GetMembers();
var signalDelegateSymbols = members
.Where(s => s.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType)
.Where(namedTypeSymbol => namedTypeSymbol.TypeKind == TypeKind.Delegate)
.Where(s => s.GetAttributes()
.Any(a => a.AttributeClass?.IsGodotSignalAttribute() ?? false));
List<GodotSignalDelegateData> godotSignalDelegates = new();
foreach (var signalDelegateSymbol in signalDelegateSymbols)
if (!signalDelegateSymbol.Name.EndsWith(SignalDelegateSuffix))
Common.ReportSignalDelegateMissingSuffix(context, signalDelegateSymbol);
string signalName = signalDelegateSymbol.Name;
signalName = signalName.Substring(0, signalName.Length - SignalDelegateSuffix.Length);
var invokeMethodData = signalDelegateSymbol
if (invokeMethodData == null)
// TODO: Better error for incompatible signature. We should indicate incompatible argument types, as we do with exported properties.
Common.ReportSignalDelegateSignatureNotSupported(context, signalDelegateSymbol);
godotSignalDelegates.Add(new(signalName, signalDelegateSymbol, invokeMethodData.Value));
source.Append(" private partial class GodotInternal {\n");
// Generate cached StringNames for methods and properties, for fast lookup
foreach (var signalDelegate in godotSignalDelegates)
string signalName = signalDelegate.Name;
source.Append(" public static readonly StringName SignalName_");
source.Append(" = \"");
source.Append(" }\n"); // class GodotInternal
// Generate GetGodotSignalList
if (godotSignalDelegates.Count > 0)
source.Append("#pragma warning disable CS0109 // Disable warning about redundant 'new' keyword\n");
const string listType = "System.Collections.Generic.List<global::Godot.Bridge.MethodInfo>";
source.Append(" internal new static ")
.Append(" GetGodotSignalList()\n {\n");
source.Append(" var signals = new ")
foreach (var signalDelegateData in godotSignalDelegates)
var methodInfo = DetermineMethodInfo(signalDelegateData);
AppendMethodInfo(source, methodInfo);
source.Append(" return signals;\n");
source.Append(" }\n");
source.Append("#pragma warning restore CS0109\n");
// Generate signal event
foreach (var signalDelegate in godotSignalDelegates)
string signalName = signalDelegate.Name;
// TODO: Hide backing event from code-completion and debugger
// The reason we have a backing field is to hide the invoke method from the event,
// as it doesn't emit the signal, only the event delegates. This can confuse users.
// Maybe we should directly connect the delegates, as we do with native signals?
source.Append(" private ")
.Append(" backing_")
source.Append(" public event ")
.Append(" ")
.Append(" {\n")
.Append(" add => backing_")
.Append(" += value;\n")
.Append(" remove => backing_")
.Append(" -= value;\n")
// Generate RaiseGodotClassSignalCallbacks
if (godotSignalDelegates.Count > 0)
" protected override void RaiseGodotClassSignalCallbacks(in godot_string_name signal, ");
source.Append("NativeVariantPtrArgs args, int argCount)\n {\n");
foreach (var signal in godotSignalDelegates)
GenerateSignalEventInvoker(signal, source);
source.Append(" base.RaiseGodotClassSignalCallbacks(signal, args, argCount);\n");
source.Append(" }\n");
source.Append("}\n"); // partial class
if (isInnerClass)
var containingType = symbol.ContainingType;
while (containingType != null)
source.Append("}\n"); // outer class
containingType = containingType.ContainingType;
if (hasNamespace)
context.AddSource(uniqueHint, SourceText.From(source.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8));
private static void AppendMethodInfo(StringBuilder source, MethodInfo methodInfo)
source.Append(" signals.Add(new(name: GodotInternal.SignalName_")
.Append(", returnVal: ");
AppendPropertyInfo(source, methodInfo.ReturnVal);
source.Append(", flags: (Godot.MethodFlags)")
.Append(", arguments: ");
if (methodInfo.Arguments is { Count: > 0 })
source.Append("new() { ");
foreach (var param in methodInfo.Arguments)
AppendPropertyInfo(source, param);
// C# allows colon after the last element
source.Append(", ");
source.Append(" }");
source.Append(", defaultArguments: null));\n");
private static void AppendPropertyInfo(StringBuilder source, PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
source.Append("new(type: (Godot.Variant.Type)")
.Append(", name: \"")
.Append("\", hint: (Godot.PropertyHint)")
.Append(", hintString: \"")
.Append("\", usage: (Godot.PropertyUsageFlags)")
.Append(", exported: ")
.Append(propertyInfo.Exported ? "true" : "false")
private static MethodInfo DetermineMethodInfo(GodotSignalDelegateData signalDelegateData)
var invokeMethodData = signalDelegateData.InvokeMethodData;
PropertyInfo returnVal;
if (invokeMethodData.RetType != null)
returnVal = DeterminePropertyInfo(invokeMethodData.RetType.Value, name: string.Empty);
returnVal = new PropertyInfo(VariantType.Nil, string.Empty, PropertyHint.None,
hintString: null, PropertyUsageFlags.Default, exported: false);
int paramCount = invokeMethodData.ParamTypes.Length;
List<PropertyInfo>? arguments;
if (paramCount > 0)
arguments = new(capacity: paramCount);
for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
name: invokeMethodData.Method.Parameters[i].Name));
arguments = null;
return new MethodInfo(signalDelegateData.Name, returnVal, MethodFlags.Default, arguments,
defaultArguments: null);
private static PropertyInfo DeterminePropertyInfo(MarshalType marshalType, string name)
var memberVariantType = MarshalUtils.ConvertMarshalTypeToVariantType(marshalType)!.Value;
var propUsage = PropertyUsageFlags.Default;
if (memberVariantType == VariantType.Nil)
propUsage |= PropertyUsageFlags.NilIsVariant;
return new PropertyInfo(memberVariantType, name,
PropertyHint.None, string.Empty, propUsage, exported: false);
private static void GenerateSignalEventInvoker(
GodotSignalDelegateData signal,
StringBuilder source
string signalName = signal.Name;
var invokeMethodData = signal.InvokeMethodData;
source.Append(" if (signal == GodotInternal.SignalName_");
source.Append(" && argCount == ");
source.Append(") {\n");
source.Append(" backing_");
for (int i = 0; i < invokeMethodData.ParamTypes.Length; i++)
if (i != 0)
source.Append(", ");
source.AppendNativeVariantToManagedExpr(string.Concat("args[", i.ToString(), "]"),
invokeMethodData.ParamTypeSymbols[i], invokeMethodData.ParamTypes[i]);
source.Append(" return;\n");
source.Append(" }\n");