- Moves interop functions to UnmanagedCallbacks struct that contains the function pointers and is passed to C#. - Implements UnmanagedCallbacksGenerator, a C# source generator that generates the UnmanagedCallbacks struct in C# and the body for the NativeFuncs methods (their implementation just calls the function pointer in the UnmanagedCallbacks). The generated methods are needed because .NET pins byref parameters of native calls, even if they are 'ref struct's, which don't need pinning. The generated methods use `Unsafe.AsPointer` so that we can benefit from byref parameters without suffering overhead of pinning. Co-authored-by: Raul Santos <raulsntos@gmail.com>
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Loader;
using Godot.Bridge;
using Godot.NativeInterop;
namespace GodotPlugins
public static class Main
// Keeping strong references to the AssemblyLoadContext (our PluginLoadContext) prevents
// it from being unloaded. To avoid issues, we wrap the reference in this class, and mark
// all the methods that access it as non-inlineable. This way we prevent local references
// (either real or introduced by the JIT) to escape the scope of these methods due to
// inlining, which could keep the AssemblyLoadContext alive while trying to unload.
private sealed class PluginLoadContextWrapper
private PluginLoadContext? _pluginLoadContext;
public string? AssemblyLoadedPath
get => _pluginLoadContext?.AssemblyLoadedPath;
public static (Assembly, PluginLoadContextWrapper) CreateAndLoadFromAssemblyName(
AssemblyName assemblyName,
string pluginPath,
ICollection<string> sharedAssemblies,
AssemblyLoadContext mainLoadContext
var wrapper = new PluginLoadContextWrapper();
wrapper._pluginLoadContext = new PluginLoadContext(
pluginPath, sharedAssemblies, mainLoadContext);
var assembly = wrapper._pluginLoadContext.LoadFromAssemblyName(assemblyName);
return (assembly, wrapper);
public WeakReference CreateWeakReference()
return new WeakReference(_pluginLoadContext, trackResurrection: true);
internal void Unload()
_pluginLoadContext = null;
private static readonly List<AssemblyName> SharedAssemblies = new();
private static readonly Assembly CoreApiAssembly = typeof(Godot.Object).Assembly;
private static Assembly? _editorApiAssembly;
private static PluginLoadContextWrapper? _projectLoadContext;
private static readonly AssemblyLoadContext MainLoadContext =
AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()) ??
private static DllImportResolver? _dllImportResolver;
// Right now we do it this way for simplicity as hot-reload is disabled. It will need to be changed later.
// ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Local
private static unsafe godot_bool InitializeFromEngine(IntPtr godotDllHandle, godot_bool editorHint,
PluginsCallbacks* pluginsCallbacks, ManagedCallbacks* managedCallbacks,
IntPtr unmanagedCallbacks, int unmanagedCallbacksSize)
_dllImportResolver = new GodotDllImportResolver(godotDllHandle).OnResolveDllImport;
NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver(CoreApiAssembly, _dllImportResolver);
AlcReloadCfg.Configure(alcReloadEnabled: editorHint.ToBool());
NativeFuncs.Initialize(unmanagedCallbacks, unmanagedCallbacksSize);
if (editorHint.ToBool())
_editorApiAssembly = Assembly.Load("GodotSharpEditor");
NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver(_editorApiAssembly, _dllImportResolver);
*pluginsCallbacks = new()
LoadProjectAssemblyCallback = &LoadProjectAssembly,
LoadToolsAssemblyCallback = &LoadToolsAssembly,
UnloadProjectPluginCallback = &UnloadProjectPlugin,
*managedCallbacks = ManagedCallbacks.Create();
return godot_bool.True;
catch (Exception e)
return godot_bool.False;
private struct PluginsCallbacks
public unsafe delegate* unmanaged<char*, godot_string*, godot_bool> LoadProjectAssemblyCallback;
public unsafe delegate* unmanaged<char*, IntPtr, int, IntPtr> LoadToolsAssemblyCallback;
public unsafe delegate* unmanaged<godot_bool> UnloadProjectPluginCallback;
private static unsafe godot_bool LoadProjectAssembly(char* nAssemblyPath, godot_string* outLoadedAssemblyPath)
if (_projectLoadContext != null)
return godot_bool.True; // Already loaded
string assemblyPath = new(nAssemblyPath);
(var projectAssembly, _projectLoadContext) = LoadPlugin(assemblyPath);
string loadedAssemblyPath = _projectLoadContext.AssemblyLoadedPath ?? assemblyPath;
*outLoadedAssemblyPath = Marshaling.ConvertStringToNative(loadedAssemblyPath);
return godot_bool.True;
catch (Exception e)
return godot_bool.False;
private static unsafe IntPtr LoadToolsAssembly(char* nAssemblyPath,
IntPtr unmanagedCallbacks, int unmanagedCallbacksSize)
string assemblyPath = new(nAssemblyPath);
if (_editorApiAssembly == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The Godot editor API assembly is not loaded");
var (assembly, _) = LoadPlugin(assemblyPath);
NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver(assembly, _dllImportResolver!);
var method = assembly.GetType("GodotTools.GodotSharpEditor")?
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);
if (method == null)
throw new MissingMethodException("GodotTools.GodotSharpEditor",
return (IntPtr?)method
.Invoke(null, new object[] { unmanagedCallbacks, unmanagedCallbacksSize })
?? IntPtr.Zero;
catch (Exception e)
return IntPtr.Zero;
private static (Assembly, PluginLoadContextWrapper) LoadPlugin(string assemblyPath)
string assemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assemblyPath);
var sharedAssemblies = new List<string>();
foreach (var sharedAssembly in SharedAssemblies)
string? sharedAssemblyName = sharedAssembly.Name;
if (sharedAssemblyName != null)
return PluginLoadContextWrapper.CreateAndLoadFromAssemblyName(
new AssemblyName(assemblyName), assemblyPath, sharedAssemblies, MainLoadContext);
private static godot_bool UnloadProjectPlugin()
return UnloadPlugin(ref _projectLoadContext).ToGodotBool();
catch (Exception e)
return godot_bool.False;
private static bool UnloadPlugin(ref PluginLoadContextWrapper? pluginLoadContext)
if (pluginLoadContext == null)
return true;
Console.WriteLine("Unloading assembly load context...");
var alcWeakReference = pluginLoadContext.CreateWeakReference();
pluginLoadContext = null;
int startTimeMs = Environment.TickCount;
bool takingTooLong = false;
while (alcWeakReference.IsAlive)
GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced);
if (!alcWeakReference.IsAlive)
int elapsedTimeMs = Environment.TickCount - startTimeMs;
if (!takingTooLong && elapsedTimeMs >= 2000)
takingTooLong = true;
// TODO: How to log from GodotPlugins? (delegate pointer?)
Console.Error.WriteLine("Assembly unloading is taking longer than expected...");
else if (elapsedTimeMs >= 5000)
// TODO: How to log from GodotPlugins? (delegate pointer?)
"Failed to unload assemblies. Possible causes: Strong GC handles, running threads, etc.");
return false;
Console.WriteLine("Assembly load context unloaded successfully.");
return true;
catch (Exception e)
// TODO: How to log exceptions from GodotPlugins? (delegate pointer?)
return false;