Juan Linietsky 1bea8e1eac New lightmapper
-Added LocalVector (needed it)
-Added stb_rect_pack (It's pretty cool, we could probably use it for other stuff too)
-Fixes and changes all around the place
-Added library for 128 bits fixed point (required for Delaunay3D)
2020-05-10 15:59:09 -03:00

428 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright 2018 Intel Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "c_types_map.hpp"
#include "memory_tracking.hpp"
#include "mkldnn_thread.hpp"
#include "jit_uni_dw_convolution.hpp"
namespace mkldnn {
namespace impl {
namespace cpu {
using namespace mkldnn::impl::status;
using namespace mkldnn::impl::memory_tracking::names;
using namespace mkldnn::impl::utils;
template <cpu_isa_t isa>
void _jit_uni_dw_convolution_fwd_t<isa>::execute_forward(
const exec_ctx_t &ctx) const {
auto src = CTX_IN_MEM(const data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_SRC);
auto weights = CTX_IN_MEM(const data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_WEIGHTS);
auto bias = CTX_IN_MEM(const data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_BIAS);
auto dst = CTX_OUT_MEM(data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_DST);
const memory_desc_wrapper src_d(pd()->src_md());
const memory_desc_wrapper dst_d(pd()->dst_md());
const memory_desc_wrapper weights_d(pd()->weights_md(0));
const memory_desc_wrapper bias_d(pd()->weights_md(1));
const auto &jcp = kernel_->jcp;
if (pd()->wants_padded_bias()) {
auto padded_bias = this->scratchpad(ctx).template get<data_t>(
utils::array_copy(padded_bias, bias, jcp.oc_without_padding);
utils::array_set(padded_bias + jcp.oc_without_padding, 0.f,
jcp.oc - jcp.oc_without_padding);
bias = padded_bias;
int dil_h = jcp.dilate_h + 1;
int dil_w = jcp.dilate_w + 1;
int str_h = jcp.stride_h;
int str_w = jcp.stride_w;
auto kernel_params = [&](int ur_w_step, int ow, int oh, int ih, int kh,
int kh_padding, int ch, int ch_num, int n) {
auto par_conv = jit_conv_call_s();
const int i_l_overflow = nstl::max(0, (jcp.l_pad - ow * str_w));
const int i_r_overflow = nstl::max(jcp.iw, (ow * str_w
+ (jcp.kw - 1)*dil_w - jcp.l_pad + 1)) - jcp.iw;
const int iw = nstl::max((ow*str_w - jcp.l_pad
+ div_up(i_l_overflow, dil_w)*dil_w), 0);
const int kw = div_up(i_l_overflow, dil_w);
const int kw_padding = jcp.kw - div_up(i_l_overflow, dil_w)
- div_up(i_r_overflow, dil_w);
par_conv.src = &src[src_d.blk_off(n, ch, ih, iw)];
par_conv.dst = &dst[dst_d.blk_off(n, ch, oh, ow)];
par_conv.filt = &weights[weights_d.blk_off(ch, 0, 0, kh, kw)];
if (bias) par_conv.bias = &bias[bias_d.blk_off(ch*jcp.ch_block)];
par_conv.kh_padding = (size_t)nstl::max(0, kh_padding);
par_conv.kw_padding = (size_t)nstl::max(0, kw_padding);
par_conv.ur_w = (size_t)ur_w_step;
par_conv.ch_blocks = nstl::min(ch + ch_num, jcp.nb_ch) - ch;
return par_conv;
const int chb_work = utils::div_up(jcp.nb_ch, jcp.nb_ch_blocking);
parallel_nd(jcp.mb, chb_work, jcp.oh,
[&](int n, int chb, int oh) {
int ch = chb * jcp.nb_ch_blocking;
int ch_num = jcp.nb_ch_blocking;
const int i_t_overflow = nstl::max(0, (int)(jcp.t_pad - oh*str_h));
const int i_b_overflow = nstl::max(jcp.ih,
(int)(oh*str_h + (jcp.kh - 1)*dil_h - jcp.t_pad + 1)) - jcp.ih;
const int ih = nstl::max((int)(oh*str_h - jcp.t_pad
+ div_up(i_t_overflow, dil_h)*dil_h), 0);
const int kh = div_up(i_t_overflow, dil_h);
const int kh_padding = jcp.kh - div_up(i_t_overflow, dil_h)
- div_up(i_b_overflow, dil_h);
// left border
int ow = 0;
int l_border = nstl::min(div_up(jcp.l_pad, str_w), jcp.ow);
int ur_w_step = 1;
for (; ow < l_border; ow++) {
jit_conv_call_s par_conv = kernel_params(ur_w_step, ow, oh, ih,
kh, kh_padding, ch, ch_num, n);
// main loop
ur_w_step = (jcp.iw - (jcp.kw - 1)*dil_w + jcp.l_pad - 1)
/ jcp.stride_w - ow + 1;
if (ur_w_step > 0) {
jit_conv_call_s par_conv = kernel_params(ur_w_step, ow, oh, ih,
kh, kh_padding, ch, ch_num, n);
ow += ur_w_step;
// right border
ur_w_step = 1;
for (; ow < jcp.ow; ow++) {
jit_conv_call_s par_conv = kernel_params(ur_w_step, ow, oh, ih,
kh, kh_padding, ch, ch_num, n);
if (pd()->wants_zero_pad_dst())
template struct _jit_uni_dw_convolution_fwd_t<avx512_common>;
template struct _jit_uni_dw_convolution_fwd_t<avx2>;
template struct _jit_uni_dw_convolution_fwd_t<sse42>;
template <cpu_isa_t isa>
void _jit_uni_dw_convolution_bwd_data_t<isa>::execute_backward_data(
const exec_ctx_t &ctx) const {
auto diff_dst = CTX_IN_MEM(const data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_DIFF_DST);
auto weights = CTX_IN_MEM(const data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_WEIGHTS);
auto diff_src = CTX_OUT_MEM(data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_DIFF_SRC);
const memory_desc_wrapper diff_dst_d(pd()->diff_dst_md());
const memory_desc_wrapper diff_src_d(pd()->diff_src_md());
const memory_desc_wrapper weights_d(pd()->weights_md(0));
const auto &jcp = kernel_->jcp;
auto kernel_params = [&](int ur_str_w, int iw, int oh, int ih,
int i_t_overflow, int i_b_overflow, int stride_off_h,
int ch, int ch_num, int n) {
auto par_conv = jit_conv_call_s();
const int i_l_overflow = nstl::max(0, (jcp.kw - 1 - iw - jcp.l_pad));
const int i_r_overflow = nstl::max(0, (jcp.kw - 1 - (jcp.iw - 1 - iw)
- jcp.r_pad));
int ow = iw + jcp.l_pad - i_r_overflow;
int stride_off_w = ow % jcp.stride_w;
ow /= jcp.stride_w;
par_conv.src = &diff_src[diff_src_d.blk_off(n, ch, ih, iw)];
par_conv.dst = &diff_dst[diff_dst_d.blk_off(n, ch, oh, ow)];
par_conv.filt = &weights[weights_d.blk_off(ch, 0, 0, i_b_overflow
+ stride_off_h, i_r_overflow + stride_off_w)];
par_conv.kh_padding = nstl::max(0, jcp.kh - i_t_overflow - i_b_overflow
- stride_off_h);
par_conv.kw_padding = nstl::max(0, jcp.kw - i_l_overflow - i_r_overflow
- stride_off_w);
par_conv.ur_str_w = ur_str_w;
par_conv.ch_blocks = nstl::min(ch + ch_num, jcp.nb_ch) - ch;
return par_conv;
const int chb_work = utils::div_up(jcp.nb_ch, jcp.nb_ch_blocking);
parallel_nd(jcp.mb, chb_work, jcp.ih,
[&](int n, int chb, int ih) {
int ch = chb * jcp.nb_ch_blocking;
int ch_num = jcp.nb_ch_blocking;
const int i_t_overflow = nstl::max(0, (int)(jcp.kh - 1 - ih
- jcp.t_pad));
const int i_b_overflow = nstl::max(0, (int)(jcp.kh - 1
- (jcp.ih - 1 - ih) - jcp.b_pad));
int oh = ih + jcp.t_pad - i_b_overflow;
int stride_off_h = oh % jcp.stride_h;
oh /= jcp.stride_h;
for (int i_str_w = 0; i_str_w < jcp.stride_w; i_str_w++) {
// left border
int iw = i_str_w;
int l_border = nstl::min(jcp.kw - 1 - jcp.l_pad, jcp.iw);
int ur_str_w = 1;
for (; iw < l_border; iw += jcp.stride_w) {
jit_conv_call_s par_conv = kernel_params(ur_str_w, iw, oh,
ih, i_t_overflow, i_b_overflow,
stride_off_h, ch, ch_num, n);
// main loop
ur_str_w = nstl::min((jcp.iw - jcp.kw + jcp.r_pad - iw)
/ jcp.stride_w, jcp.iw);
if (ur_str_w > 0) {
jit_conv_call_s par_conv = kernel_params(ur_str_w, iw, oh,
ih, i_t_overflow, i_b_overflow,
stride_off_h, ch, ch_num, n);
iw += ur_str_w * jcp.stride_w;
// right border
ur_str_w = 1;
for (; iw < jcp.iw; iw += jcp.stride_w) {
jit_conv_call_s par_conv = kernel_params(ur_str_w, iw, oh,
ih, i_t_overflow, i_b_overflow,
stride_off_h, ch, ch_num, n);
template struct _jit_uni_dw_convolution_bwd_data_t<avx512_common>;
template struct _jit_uni_dw_convolution_bwd_data_t<avx2>;
template struct _jit_uni_dw_convolution_bwd_data_t<sse42>;
template <cpu_isa_t isa>
_jit_uni_dw_convolution_bwd_weights_t(const pd_t *apd)
: cpu_primitive_t(apd)
, kernel_(nullptr), acc_ker_(nullptr)
kernel_ = new jit_uni_dw_conv_bwd_weights_kernel_f32<isa>(pd()->jcp_);
if (pd()->jcp_.nthr_mb > 1 && do_parallel_reduction())
acc_ker_ = new cpu_accumulator_1d_t<data_type::f32>();
template <cpu_isa_t isa>
void _jit_uni_dw_convolution_bwd_weights_t<isa>::execute_backward_weights(
const exec_ctx_t &ctx) const {
auto diff_dst = CTX_IN_MEM(const data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_DIFF_DST);
auto src = CTX_IN_MEM(const data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_SRC);
auto diff_weights = CTX_OUT_MEM(data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_DIFF_WEIGHTS);
auto diff_bias = CTX_OUT_MEM(data_t *, MKLDNN_ARG_DIFF_BIAS);
auto diff_wei_reduction_buf =
scratchpad(ctx).template get<data_t>(key_conv_wei_reduction);
auto diff_bia_reduction_buf =
scratchpad(ctx).template get<data_t>(key_conv_bia_reduction);
const auto &jcp = kernel_->jcp;
/* Used when executing a parallel reduction */
simple_barrier::ctx_t reduction_bctx;
const size_t wei_size = jcp.ngroups * jcp.kh * jcp.kw;
const size_t bias_size = jcp.with_bias ? jcp.ngroups : 0;
const int ch_block = jcp.ch_block;
auto set_kernel_params = [&](jit_dw_conv_call_s *conv_params,
const int batch, const int group, const int oh_start,
const int work_size, const unsigned char exec_flag,
const size_t kh_padding, const size_t filter_off) {
const int tpad_underflow_off = jcp.t_pad - filter_off;
conv_params->exec_flags = exec_flag;
conv_params->kh_count = jcp.kh - kh_padding;
const int oh_s = oh_start;
const int oh_e = oh_start + work_size;
const int ih_s = oh_s * jcp.stride_h;
= filter_off * jcp.kw * ch_block * sizeof(float);
conv_params->oh_index = oh_s;
conv_params->oh_count = oh_e;
size_t diff_dst_off
= ((batch * (jcp.ngroups / ch_block) + group) * jcp.oh
+ oh_start)
* jcp.ow;
size_t src_off = ((batch * (jcp.ngroups / ch_block) + group) * jcp.ih
+ ih_s - tpad_underflow_off) * jcp.iw;
conv_params->output = &diff_dst[diff_dst_off * ch_block];
conv_params->input = &src[src_off * ch_block];
parallel(jcp.nthr, [&](const int ithr, const int nthr) {
assert(nthr == jcp.nthr);
auto conv_params = jit_dw_conv_call_s();
const int h_block_size = 15;
/* assign iteration space to thread */
const int ithr_g = ithr % jcp.nthr_g;
const int ithr_mb = (ithr / jcp.nthr_g) % jcp.nthr_mb;
/* split dimensions */
int g_start{ 0 }, g_end{ 0 };
balance211(jcp.nb_ch, jcp.nthr_g, ithr_g, g_start, g_end);
int mb_start{ 0 }, mb_end{ 0 };
balance211(jcp.mb, jcp.nthr_mb, ithr_mb, mb_start, mb_end);
auto diff_wei = ithr_mb == 0
? diff_weights : diff_wei_reduction_buf + (ithr_mb - 1) * wei_size;
auto diff_bia = ithr_mb == 0
? diff_bias : diff_bia_reduction_buf + (ithr_mb - 1) * bias_size;
for (int g = g_start; g < g_end; ++g) {
unsigned char zero_filter_flag = FLAG_ZERO_FILTER;
unsigned char zero_bias_flag = jcp.with_bias ? FLAG_ZERO_BIAS : 0;
size_t diff_wei_off = g * jcp.kh * jcp.kw;
conv_params.filter = &diff_wei[diff_wei_off * ch_block];
if (jcp.with_bias)
conv_params.bias = &diff_bia[g * ch_block];
for (int mb = mb_start; mb < mb_end; ++mb) {
int oh = 0;
while (oh < jcp.oh) {
const int h_work = nstl::min(h_block_size, jcp.oh - oh);
auto kh_t_padding = nstl::max(0, jcp.t_pad - oh);
auto kh_b_padding
= (oh * jcp.stride_h + jcp.kh - 1 > jcp.ih) ?
jcp.b_pad - (h_work - 1) :
set_kernel_params(&conv_params, mb, g, oh, h_work,
zero_filter_flag | zero_bias_flag,
kh_t_padding + kh_b_padding, kh_t_padding);
zero_bias_flag &= ~FLAG_ZERO_BIAS;
zero_filter_flag &= ~FLAG_ZERO_FILTER;
oh += h_work;
if (do_parallel_reduction() && jcp.nthr_mb > 1) {
size_t reduct_start{ 0 }, reduct_end{ 0 };
balance211(wei_size, nthr, ithr, reduct_start, reduct_end);
const int acc_size = reduct_end - reduct_start;
const size_t reduct_off = reduct_start;
auto *acc_data = diff_weights + reduct_off;
simple_barrier::barrier(&reduction_bctx, nthr);
for (int thr_mb = 1; thr_mb < jcp.nthr_mb; ++thr_mb) {
auto *src_data = diff_wei_reduction_buf
+ (thr_mb - 1) * wei_size + reduct_off;
acc_ker_->accumulate(acc_data, src_data, acc_size);
if (jcp.nthr_mb <= 1) return;
/* Apply single-threaded 'mb' reduction */
for (int thr_mb = 1; thr_mb < jcp.nthr_mb; ++thr_mb) {
size_t mb_accum_offset = (thr_mb - 1) * wei_size;
size_t b_accum_offset = (thr_mb - 1) * bias_size;
for (int g = 0; g < jcp.nb_ch; ++g) {
/* Reduction on Bias */
if (jcp.with_bias) {
for (int g_block = 0; g_block < ch_block; ++g_block) {
size_t bias_offset = g * ch_block + g_block;
diff_bias[bias_offset] += diff_bia_reduction_buf[
b_accum_offset + bias_offset];
if (do_parallel_reduction()) continue;
for (int kh = 0; kh < jcp.kh; ++kh)
for (int kw = 0; kw < jcp.kw; ++kw)
size_t wei_offset = (g * jcp.kh + kh) * jcp.kw + kw;
for (int g_block = 0; g_block < ch_block; ++g_block) {
const size_t off = wei_offset * ch_block + g_block;
diff_weights[off] +=
diff_wei_reduction_buf[mb_accum_offset + off];
template struct _jit_uni_dw_convolution_bwd_weights_t<avx512_common>;
template struct _jit_uni_dw_convolution_bwd_weights_t<avx2>;
template struct _jit_uni_dw_convolution_bwd_weights_t<sse42>;