Rémi Verschelde d66740175e Windows: Define _WIN32_WINRT to 0x0600 (Vista)
Passed as a compiler define to be sure it is always define before windows.h
is loaded. This means that Godot officially requires Vista API or later, it will
not work on Windows XP or earlier.

Also fix a bogus check for Windows 7 API.

(cherry picked from commit 6323779596)
2017-01-12 19:15:30 +01:00

451 lines
18 KiB

# tested on | Windows native | Linux cross-compilation
# ------------------------+-------------------+---------------------------
# MSVS C++ 2010 Express | WORKS | n/a
# Mingw-w64 | WORKS | WORKS
# Mingw-w32 | WORKS | WORKS
# MinGW | WORKS | untested
# Notes about MSVS C++ :
# - MSVC2010-Express compiles to 32bits only.
# Notes about Mingw-w64 and Mingw-w32 under Windows :
# - both can be installed using the official installer :
# http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net/download.php#mingw-builds
# - if you want to compile both 32bits and 64bits, don't forget to
# run the installer twice to install them both.
# - install them into a path that does not contain spaces
# ( example : "C:/Mingw-w32", "C:/Mingw-w64" )
# - if you want to compile faster using the "-j" option, don't forget
# to install the appropriate version of the Pywin32 python extension
# available from : http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/
# - before running scons, you must add into the environment path
# the path to the "/bin" directory of the Mingw version you want
# to use :
# set PATH=C:/Mingw-w32/bin;%PATH%
# - then, scons should be able to detect gcc.
# - Mingw-w32 only compiles 32bits.
# - Mingw-w64 only compiles 64bits.
# - it is possible to add them both at the same time into the PATH env,
# if you also define the MINGW32_PREFIX and MINGW64_PREFIX environment
# variables.
# For instance, you could store that set of commands into a .bat script
# that you would run just before scons :
# set PATH=C:\mingw-w32\bin;%PATH%
# set PATH=C:\mingw-w64\bin;%PATH%
# set MINGW32_PREFIX=C:\mingw-w32\bin\
# set MINGW64_PREFIX=C:\mingw-w64\bin\
# Notes about Mingw, Mingw-w64 and Mingw-w32 under Linux :
# - default toolchain prefixes are :
# "i586-mingw32msvc-" for MinGW
# "i686-w64-mingw32-" for Mingw-w32
# "x86_64-w64-mingw32-" for Mingw-w64
# - if both MinGW and Mingw-w32 are installed on your system
# Mingw-w32 should take the priority over MinGW.
# - it is possible to manually override prefixes by defining
# the MINGW32_PREFIX and MINGW64_PREFIX environment variables.
# Notes about Mingw under Windows :
# - this is the MinGW version from http://mingw.org/
# - install it into a path that does not contain spaces
# ( example : "C:/MinGW" )
# - several DirectX headers might be missing. You can copy them into
# the C:/MinGW/include" directory from this page :
# https://code.google.com/p/mingw-lib/source/browse/trunk/working/avcodec_to_widget_5/directx_include/
# - before running scons, add the path to the "/bin" directory :
# set PATH=C:/MinGW/bin;%PATH%
# - scons should be able to detect gcc.
# TODO :
# - finish to cleanup this script to remove all the remains of previous hacks and workarounds
# - make it work with the Windows7 SDK that is supposed to enable 64bits compilation for MSVC2010-Express
# - confirm it works well with other Visual Studio versions.
# - update the wiki about the pywin32 extension required for the "-j" option under Windows.
# - update the wiki to document MINGW32_PREFIX and MINGW64_PREFIX
import os
import sys
def is_active():
return True
def get_name():
return "Windows"
def can_build():
if (os.name == "nt"):
# building natively on windows!
if (os.getenv("VSINSTALLDIR")):
return True
print("\nMSVC not detected, attempting Mingw.")
mingw32 = ""
mingw64 = ""
if (os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX")):
mingw32 = os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX")
if (os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX")):
mingw64 = os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX")
test = "gcc --version > NUL 2>&1"
if os.system(test) != 0 and os.system(mingw32 + test) != 0 and os.system(mingw64 + test) != 0:
print("- could not detect gcc.")
print("Please, make sure a path to a Mingw /bin directory is accessible into the environment PATH.\n")
return False
print("- gcc detected.")
return True
if (os.name == "posix"):
mingw = "i586-mingw32msvc-"
mingw64 = "x86_64-w64-mingw32-"
mingw32 = "i686-w64-mingw32-"
if (os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX")):
mingw32 = os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX")
mingw = mingw32
if (os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX")):
mingw64 = os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX")
test = "gcc --version &>/dev/null"
if (os.system(mingw + test) == 0 or os.system(mingw64 + test) == 0 or os.system(mingw32 + test) == 0):
return True
return False
def get_opts():
mingw = ""
mingw32 = ""
mingw64 = ""
if (os.name == "posix"):
mingw = "i586-mingw32msvc-"
mingw32 = "i686-w64-mingw32-"
mingw64 = "x86_64-w64-mingw32-"
if os.system(mingw32 + "gcc --version &>/dev/null") != 0:
mingw32 = mingw
if (os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX")):
mingw32 = os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX")
mingw = mingw32
if (os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX")):
mingw64 = os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX")
return [
('mingw_prefix', 'Mingw Prefix', mingw32),
('mingw_prefix_64', 'Mingw Prefix 64 bits', mingw64),
def get_flags():
return [
def build_res_file(target, source, env):
cmdbase = ""
if (env["bits"] == "32"):
cmdbase = env['mingw_prefix']
cmdbase = env['mingw_prefix_64']
cmdbase = cmdbase + 'windres --include-dir . '
import subprocess
for x in range(len(source)):
cmd = cmdbase + '-i ' + str(source[x]) + ' -o ' + str(target[x])
out = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
if len(out[1]):
return 1
return 1
return 0
def configure(env):
# Targeted Windows version: Vista (and later)
env['is_mingw'] = False
if (os.name == "nt" and os.getenv("VSINSTALLDIR") != None):
# build using visual studio
env['ENV']['TMP'] = os.environ['TMP']
if (env["target"] == "release"):
elif (env["target"] == "release_debug"):
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/O2', '/DDEBUG_ENABLED'])
elif (env["target"] == "debug_release"):
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/Z7', '/Od'])
elif (env["target"] == "debug"):
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/MT', '/Gd', '/GR', '/nologo'])
env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['/DMSVC', '/GR', ])
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/I' + os.getenv("WindowsSdkDir") + "/Include"])
LIBS = ['winmm', 'opengl32', 'dsound', 'kernel32', 'ole32', 'oleaut32', 'user32', 'gdi32', 'IPHLPAPI', 'Shlwapi', 'wsock32', 'ws2_32', 'shell32', 'advapi32', 'dinput8', 'dxguid']
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=[p + env["LIBSUFFIX"] for p in LIBS])
env.Append(LIBPATH=[os.getenv("WindowsSdkDir") + "/Lib"])
if (os.getenv("DXSDK_DIR")):
DIRECTX_PATH = "C:/Program Files/Microsoft DirectX SDK (March 2009)"
if (os.getenv("VCINSTALLDIR")):
VC_PATH = ""
env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/I" + p for p in os.getenv("INCLUDE").split(";")])
env.Append(LIBPATH=[p for p in os.getenv("LIB").split(";")])
env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/I" + DIRECTX_PATH + "/Include"])
env.Append(LIBPATH=[DIRECTX_PATH + "/Lib/x86"])
env['ENV'] = os.environ
# This detection function needs the tools env (that is env['ENV'], not SCons's env), and that is why it's this far bellow in the code
compiler_version_str = detect_visual_c_compiler_version(env['ENV'])
# Note: this detection/override code from here onward should be here instead of in SConstruct because it's platform and compiler specific (MSVC/Windows)
if(env["bits"] != "default"):
print "Error: bits argument is disabled for MSVC"
print ("Bits argument is not supported for MSVC compilation. Architecture depends on the Native/Cross Compile Tools Prompt/Developer Console (or Visual Studio settings)"
+ " that is being used to run SCons. As a consequence, bits argument is disabled. Run scons again without bits argument (example: scons p=windows) and SCons will attempt to detect what MSVC compiler"
+ " will be executed and inform you.")
# Forcing bits argument because MSVC does not have a flag to set this through SCons... it's different compilers (cl.exe's) called from the propper command prompt
# that decide the architecture that is build for. Scons can only detect the os.getenviron (because vsvarsall.bat sets a lot of stuff for cl.exe to work with)
env["bits"] = "32"
env["x86_libtheora_opt_vc"] = True
print "Detected MSVC compiler: " + compiler_version_str
# If building for 64bit architecture, disable assembly optimisations for 32 bit builds (theora as of writting)... vc compiler for 64bit can not compile _asm
if(compiler_version_str == "amd64" or compiler_version_str == "x86_amd64"):
env["bits"] = "64"
env["x86_libtheora_opt_vc"] = False
print "Compiled program architecture will be a 64 bit executable (forcing bits=64)."
elif (compiler_version_str == "x86" or compiler_version_str == "amd64_x86"):
print "Compiled program architecture will be a 32 bit executable. (forcing bits=32)."
print "Failed to detect MSVC compiler architecture version... Defaulting to 32bit executable settings (forcing bits=32). Compilation attempt will continue, but SCons can not detect for what architecture this build is compiled for. You should check your settings/compilation setup."
if env["bits"] == "64":
# Workaround for MinGW. See:
# http://www.scons.org/wiki/LongCmdLinesOnWin32
# build using mingw
if (os.name == "nt"):
env['ENV']['TMP'] = os.environ['TMP'] # way to go scons, you can be so stupid sometimes
env["PROGSUFFIX"] = env["PROGSUFFIX"] + ".exe" # for linux cross-compilation
mingw_prefix = ""
if (env["bits"] == "default"):
env["bits"] = "32"
if (env["bits"] == "32"):
mingw_prefix = env["mingw_prefix"]
mingw_prefix = env["mingw_prefix_64"]
nulstr = ""
if (os.name == "posix"):
nulstr = ">/dev/null"
nulstr = ">nul"
# if os.system(mingw_prefix+"gcc --version"+nulstr)!=0:
# #not really super consistent but..
# print("Can't find Windows compiler: "+mingw_prefix)
# sys.exit(255)
if (env["target"] == "release"):
if (env["bits"] == "64"):
elif (env["target"] == "release_debug"):
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-O2', '-DDEBUG_ENABLED'])
elif (env["target"] == "debug"):
env["CC"] = mingw_prefix + "gcc"
env['AS'] = mingw_prefix + "as"
env['CXX'] = mingw_prefix + "g++"
env['AR'] = mingw_prefix + "ar"
env['RANLIB'] = mingw_prefix + "ranlib"
env['LD'] = mingw_prefix + "g++"
env["x86_libtheora_opt_gcc"] = True
#env['CC'] = "winegcc"
#env['CXX'] = "wineg++"
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-DWINDOWS_ENABLED', '-mwindows'])
env.Append(LIBS=['mingw32', 'opengl32', 'dsound', 'ole32', 'd3d9', 'winmm', 'gdi32', 'iphlpapi', 'shlwapi', 'wsock32', 'ws2_32', 'kernel32', 'oleaut32', 'dinput8', 'dxguid'])
# if (env["bits"]=="32"):
# env.Append(LIBS=['gcc_s'])
# #--with-arch=i686
# env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['-march=i686'])
# env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-march=i686'])
# env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-g'])
# resrc
env['is_mingw'] = True
env.Append(BUILDERS={'RES': env.Builder(action=build_res_file, suffix='.o', src_suffix='.rc')})
import methods
env.Append(BUILDERS={'GLSL120': env.Builder(action=methods.build_legacygl_headers, suffix='glsl.h', src_suffix='.glsl')})
env.Append(BUILDERS={'GLSL': env.Builder(action=methods.build_glsl_headers, suffix='glsl.h', src_suffix='.glsl')})
env.Append(BUILDERS={'HLSL9': env.Builder(action=methods.build_hlsl_dx9_headers, suffix='hlsl.h', src_suffix='.hlsl')})
env.Append(BUILDERS={'GLSL120GLES': env.Builder(action=methods.build_gles2_headers, suffix='glsl.h', src_suffix='.glsl')})
def detect_visual_c_compiler_version(tools_env):
# tools_env is the variable scons uses to call tools that execute tasks, SCons's env['ENV'] that executes tasks...
# (see the SCons documentation for more information on what it does)...
# in order for this function to be well encapsulated i choose to force it to recieve SCons's TOOLS env (env['ENV']
# and not scons setup environment (env)... so make sure you call the right environment on it or it will fail to detect
# the propper vc version that will be called
# These is no flag to give to visual c compilers to set the architecture, ie scons bits argument (32,64,ARM etc)
# There are many different cl.exe files that are run, and each one compiles & links to a different architecture
# As far as I know, the only way to figure out what compiler will be run when Scons calls cl.exe via Program()
# is to check the PATH varaible and figure out which one will be called first. Code bellow does that and returns:
# the following string values:
# "" Compiler not detected
# "amd64" Native 64 bit compiler
# "amd64_x86" 64 bit Cross Compiler for 32 bit
# "x86" Native 32 bit compiler
# "x86_amd64" 32 bit Cross Compiler for 64 bit
# There are other architectures, but Godot does not support them currently, so this function does not detect arm/amd64_arm
# and similar architectures/compilers
# Set chosen compiler to "not detected"
vc_chosen_compiler_index = -1
vc_chosen_compiler_str = ""
# find() works with -1 so big ifs bellow are needed... the simplest solution, in fact
# First test if amd64 and amd64_x86 compilers are present in the path
vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env["VCINSTALLDIR"] + "BIN\\amd64;")
if(vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index > -1):
vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index
vc_chosen_compiler_str = "amd64"
vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env["VCINSTALLDIR"] + "BIN\\amd64_x86;")
if(vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index > -1
and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1
or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index)):
vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index
vc_chosen_compiler_str = "amd64_x86"
# Now check the 32 bit compilers
vc_x86_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env["VCINSTALLDIR"] + "BIN;")
if(vc_x86_compiler_detection_index > -1
and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1
or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_x86_compiler_detection_index)):
vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_x86_compiler_detection_index
vc_chosen_compiler_str = "x86"
vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env['VCINSTALLDIR'] + "BIN\\x86_amd64;")
if(vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index > -1
and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1
or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index)):
vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index
vc_chosen_compiler_str = "x86_amd64"
# debug help
# print vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index
# print vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index
# print vc_x86_compiler_detection_index
# print vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index
# print "chosen "+str(vc_chosen_compiler_index)+ " | "+str(vc_chosen_compiler_str)
return vc_chosen_compiler_str