Rémi Verschelde f2a42e1ae5 openssl: Update to pristine 1.0.2q (security update)
(cherry picked from commit cff0913be8)
2018-11-22 19:58:40 +01:00

349 lines
7.5 KiB

# Third party libraries
## b2d_convexdecomp
- Upstream: https://github.com/erincatto/Box2D (Contributions/Utilities/ConvexDecomposition)
- Version: TBD
- License: zlib
## certs
- Upstream: Mozilla, via https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/ca-certificates
- Version: 2018.2.22
- License: MPL 2.0
File extracted from a recent Fedora install:
(It can't be extracted directly from the package,
as it's generated on the user's system.)
## fonts
### Noto Sans
- Upstream: https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-fonts
- Version: 1.06
- License: OFL-1.1
Use UI font if exists, because it has tight vertial metrix and good for UI.
### Adobe Source Code Pro Regular
- Upstream: https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro
- Version: 2.030
- License: OFL-1.1
### DroidSans*.ttf
- Upstream: ?
## freetype
- Upstream: https://www.freetype.org
- Version: 2.8.1
- License: FreeType License (BSD-like)
Files extracted from upstream source:
- the src/ folder, stripped of the `Jamfile` files
- the include/ folder
## glew
- Upstream: http://glew.sourceforge.net
- Version: 1.13.0
- License: BSD-3-Clause
Files extracted from upstream source:
- `src/glew.c`
- include/GL/ as GL/
## jpeg-compressor
- Upstream: https://github.com/richgel999/jpeg-compressor
- Version: 1.04
- License: Public domain
Files extracted from upstream source:
- `jpgd.{c,h}`
## libmpcdec
- Upstream: https://www.musepack.net
- Version: SVN somewhere between SV7 and SV8 (r475)
- License: BSD-3-Clause
Files extracted from upstream source:
- all .c and .h files in libmpcdec/
- include/mpc as mpc/
- COPYING from libmpcdec/
## libogg
- Upstream: https://www.xiph.org/ogg
- Version: 1.3.3
- License: BSD-3-Clause
Files extracted from upstream source:
- `src/*.c`
- `include/ogg/*.h` in ogg/
## libpng
- Upstream: http://libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html
- Version: 1.6.34
- License: libpng/zlib
Files extracted from upstream source:
- all .c and .h files of the main directory, except from
`example.c` and `pngtest.c`
- the arm/ folder
- `scripts/pnglibconf.h.prebuilt` as `pnglibconf.h`
## libtheora
- Upstream: https://www.theora.org
- Version: 1.1.1
- License: BSD-3-Clause
Files extracted from upstream source:
- all .c, .h in lib/
- all .h files in include/theora/ as theora/
## libvorbis
- Upstream: https://www.xiph.org/vorbis
- Version: 1.3.5
- License: BSD-3-Clause
Files extracted from upstream source:
- `src/*` except from: `lookups.pl`, `Makefile.*`
- `include/vorbis/*.h` as vorbis/
## libwebp
- Upstream: https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libwebp/
- Version: 1.0.0
- License: BSD-3-Clause
Files extracted from upstream source:
- `src/*` except from: .am, .rc and .in files
Important: The files `utils/bit_reader_utils.{c,h}` have Godot-made
changes to ensure they build for Javascript/HTML5. Those
changes are marked with `// -- GODOT --` comments.
## minizip
- Upstream: http://www.zlib.net
- Version: 1.2.11 (zlib contrib)
- License: zlib
Files extracted from the upstream source:
- contrib/minizip/{crypt.h,ioapi.{c,h},zip.{c,h},unzip.{c,h}}
Important: Some files have Godot-made changes for use in core/io.
They are marked with `/* GODOT start */` and `/* GODOT end */`
comments and a patch is provided in the minizip/ folder.
## misc
Collection of single-file libraries used in Godot components.
### core
- `aes256.{cpp,h}`
* Upstream: http://www.literatecode.com/aes256
* Version: latest, as of April 2017
* License: ISC
- `base64.{c,h}`
* Upstream: http://episec.com/people/edelkind/c.html
* Version: latest, as of April 2017
* License: Public Domain
- `fastlz.{c,h}`
* Upstream: https://code.google.com/archive/p/fastlz
* Version: svn (r12)
* License: MIT
- `hq2x.{cpp,h}`
* Upstream: https://github.com/brunexgeek/hqx
* Version: TBD, file structure differs
* License: Apache 2.0
- `md5.{cpp,h}`
* Upstream: http://www.efgh.com/software/md5.htm
* Version: TBD, might not be latest from above URL
* License: RSA Message-Digest License
- `sha256.{c,h}`
* Upstream: https://github.com/ilvn/SHA256
* Version: git (35ff823, 2015)
* License: ISC
- `smaz.{c,h}`
* Upstream: https://github.com/antirez/smaz
* Version: git (150e125, 2009)
* License: BSD 3-clause
* Modifications: use `const char*` instead of `char*` for input string
- `triangulator.{cpp,h}`
* Upstream: https://github.com/ivanfratric/polypartition (`src/polypartition.cpp`)
* Version: TBD, class was renamed
* License: MIT
### modules
- `curl_hostcheck.{c,h}`
* Upstream: https://curl.haxx.se/
* Version: ? (2013)
* License: MIT
- `yuv2rgb.h`
* Upstream: http://wss.co.uk/pinknoise/yuv2rgb/ (to check)
* Version: ?
* License: BSD
### scene
- `mikktspace.{c,h}`
* Upstream: https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Shading/Tangent_Space_Normal_Maps
* Version: 1.0
* License: zlib
- `stb_truetype.h`
* Upstream: https://github.com/nothings/stb
* Version: 1.17
* License: Public Domain (Unlicense) or MIT
## openssl
- Upstream: https://www.openssl.org
- Version: 1.0.2q
- License: OpenSSL license / BSD-like
Files extracted from the upstream source:
- Our `openssl/`: contains the headers installed in /usr/include/openssl;
gather them in the source tarball with `make links` and
`cp -f include/openssl/*.h ../openssl/openssl/`
- Our `crypto/`: copy of upstream `crypto/`, with some cleanup (see below).
- Our `ssl/`: copy of upstream `ssl/`, with some cleanup (see below).
- Cleanup:
find \( -name "Makefile" -o -name "*.S" -o -name "*.bat" -o -name "*.bc" \
-o -name "*.com" -o -name "*.cnf" -o -name "*.ec" -o -name "*.fre" \
-o -name "*.gcc" -o -name "*.in" -o -name "*.lnx" -o -name "*.m4" \
-o -name "*.pl" -o -name "*.pod" -o -name "*.s" -o -name "*.sh" \
-o -name "*.sol" -o -name "*test*" \) -delete
cd openssl; for file in *.h; do find ../{crypto,ssl} -name "$file" -delete; done
For the rest check the `git status` and decide.
- e_os.h
- MacOS/buildinf.h
- Apply the Godot-specific patches in the `patches/` folder
(make sure not to commit .orig/.rej files generated by `patch`).
- Review `openssl/opensslconf.h` changes and make sure they make sense
for our "one size fits all" config.
## opus
- Upstream: https://opus-codec.org
- Version: 1.1.5 (opus) and 0.8 (opusfile)
- License: BSD-3-Clause
Files extracted from upstream source:
- all .c and .h files in src/ (both opus and opusfile),
except `opus_demo.c`
- all .h files in include/ (both opus and opusfile) as opus/
- celt/ and silk/ subfolders
## pvrtccompressor
- Upstream: https://bitbucket.org/jthlim/pvrtccompressor
- Version: hg commit cf71777 - 2015-01-08
- License: BSD-3-Clause
Files extracted from upstream source:
- all .cpp and .h files apart from `main.cpp`
## rg-etc1
- Upstream: https://github.com/richgel999/rg-etc1
- Version: 1.04
- License: zlib
Files extracted from upstream source:
- `rg_etc1.{cpp,h}`
## rtaudio
- Upstream: http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~gary/rtaudio/
- Version: 4.1.2
- License: MIT-like
Files extracted from upstream source:
- `RtAudio.{cpp,h}`
## speex
- Upstream: http://speex.org/
- Version: 1.2rc1?
- License: BSD-3-Clause
## squish
- Upstream: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libsquish
- Version: 1.15
- License: MIT
Files extracted from upstream source:
- all .cpp, .h and .inl files
## zlib
- Upstream: http://www.zlib.net/
- Version: 1.2.11
- License: zlib
Files extracted from upstream source:
- all .c and .h files