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# Instant Segment: fast English word segmentation in Rust
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segmenter = instant_segment.Segmenter(unigrams(), bigrams())
search = instant_segment.Search()
segmenter.segment("instantdomainsearch", search)
print([word for word in search])
--> ['instant', 'domain', 'search']
let segmenter = Segmenter::from_maps(unigrams, bigrams);
let mut search = Search::default();
let words = segmenter
.segment("instantdomainsearch", &mut search)
println!("{:?}", words.collect::<Vec<&str>>())
--> ["instant", "domain", "search"]
Instant Segment is a fast Apache-2.0 library for English word segmentation. It
is based on the Python [wordsegment][python] project written by Grant Jenks,
which is in turn based on code from Peter Norvig's chapter [Natural Language
Corpus Data][chapter] from the book [Beautiful Data][book] (Segaran and
Hammerbacher, 2009).
The data files in this repository are derived from the [Google Web Trillion Word
Corpus][corpus], as described by Thorsten Brants and Alex Franz, and
[distributed][distributed] by the Linguistic Data Consortium. Note that this
data **"may only be used for linguistic education and research"**, so for any
other usage you should acquire a different data set.
For the microbenchmark included in this repository, Instant Segment is ~17x
faster than the Python implementation. Further optimizations are planned -- see
the [issues][issues]. The API has been carefully constructed so that multiple
segmentations can share the underlying state to allow parallel usage.
## Installing
### Python **(>= 3.9)**
pip install instant-segment
### Rust
instant-segment = "*"
## Using
Instant Segment works by segmenting a string into words by selecting the splits
with the highest probability given a corpus of words and their occurances.
For instance, provided that `choose` and `spain` occur more frequently than
`chooses` and `pain`, Instant Segment can help you split the string
`` into
which more likely matches user intent.
import instant_segment
def main():
unigrams = []
unigrams.append(("choose", 50))
unigrams.append(("chooses", 10))
unigrams.append(("spain", 50))
unigrams.append(("pain", 10))
bigrams = []
bigrams.append((("choose", "spain"), 10))
bigrams.append((("chooses", "pain"), 10))
segmenter = instant_segment.Segmenter(iter(unigrams), iter(bigrams))
search = instant_segment.Search()
segmenter.segment("choosespain", search)
print([word for word in search])
if __name__ == "__main__":
use instant_segment::{Search, Segmenter}; use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
let mut unigrams = HashMap::default();
unigrams.insert("choose".into(), 50 as f64);
unigrams.insert("chooses".into(), 10 as f64);
unigrams.insert("spain".into(), 50 as f64);
unigrams.insert("pain".into(), 10 as f64);
let mut bigrams = HashMap::default();
bigrams.insert(("choose".into(), "spain".into()), 10 as f64);
bigrams.insert(("chooses".into(), "pain".into()), 10 as f64);
let segmenter = Segmenter::from_maps(unigrams, bigrams);
let mut search = Search::default();
let words = segmenter.segment("choosespain", &mut search).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", words.collect::<Vec<&str>>())
['choose', 'spain']
Play with the examples above to see that different numbers of occurances will
influence the results
The example above is succinct but, in practice, you will want to load these
words and occurances from a corpus of data like the ones we provide
[here](./data). Check out
[tests](./instant-segment/instant-segment/src/ to see examples of
how you might do that.
## Testing
To run the tests run the following:
cargo t -p instant-segment --all-features
You can also test the python bindings with:
make test-python