This library provides a simplified Swift/Obj-C implementation of the OpenVPN® protocol for the Apple platforms. The crypto layer is built on top of [OpenSSL 1.1.1][dep-openssl], which in turn enables support for a certain range of encryption and digest algorithms.
The library therefore supports compression framing, just not newer compression. Remember to match server-side compression and framing, otherwise the client will shut down with an error. E.g. if server has `comp-lzo no`, client must use `compressionFraming = .compLZO`.
After that, open `TunnelKit.xcworkspace` in Xcode and run the unit tests found in the `TunnelKitTests` folder. A simple CMD+U while on `TunnelKit-iOS` should do that as well.
In order to test connection to your own server, modify the file `Demo/BasicTunnel-[iOS|macOS]/ViewController.swift` and make sure to set `ca` to the PEM encoded certificate of your VPN server's CA.
The library is split into several modules, in order to decouple the low-level protocol implementation from the platform-specific bridging, namely the [NetworkExtension][ne-home] VPN framework.
Contains the building blocks of a VPN protocol. Eventually, a consumer would implement the `Session` interface, expected to start and control the VPN session. A session is expected to work with generic network interfaces:
Provides a layer on top of the NetworkExtension framework. Most importantly, bridges native [NWUDPSession][ne-udp] and [NWTCPConnection][ne-tcp] to an abstract `GenericSocket` interface, thus making a multi-protocol VPN dramatically easier to manage.
This subspec includes convenient classes to control the VPN tunnel from your app without the NetworkExtension headaches. Have a look at `VPNProvider` implementations:
-`MockVPNProvider` (default, useful to test on simulator)
Set `VPN.shared` to either of them at app launch time.
Here you will find the low-level entities on top of which an OpenVPN connection is established. Code is mixed Swift and Obj-C, most of it is not exposed to consumers. The module depends on OpenSSL.
The entry point is the `OpenVPNSession` class. The networking layer is fully abstract and delegated externally with the use of opaque `IOInterface` (`LinkInterface` and `TunnelInterface`) and `OpenVPNSessionDelegate` protocols.
Another goal of this module is packaging up a black box implementation of a [NEPacketTunnelProvider][ne-ptp], which is the essential part of a Packet Tunnel Provider app extension. You will find the main implementation in the `OpenVPNTunnelProvider` class.
As seen in [libsignal-protocol-c][license-signal]:
> Additional Permissions For Submission to Apple App Store: Provided that you are otherwise in compliance with the GPLv3 for each covered work you convey (including without limitation making the Corresponding Source available in compliance with Section 6 of the GPLv3), the Author also grants you the additional permission to convey through the Apple App Store non-source executable versions of the Program as incorporated into each applicable covered work as Executable Versions only under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0 (