98 lines
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98 lines
3.6 KiB
"actionCancel" = "Cancel·la";
"actionSave" = "Guarda";
"tunnelsListSettingsButtonTitle" = "Configuració";
"tunnelsListCenteredAddTunnelButtonTitle" = "Afegir un túnel";
"tunnelsListSwipeDeleteButtonTitle" = "Elimina";
"tunnelsListSelectButtonTitle" = "Selecciona";
"tunnelsListSelectAllButtonTitle" = "Selecciona tots";
"tunnelsListDeleteButtonTitle" = "Elimina";
"tunnelsListSelectedTitle (%d)" = "%d seleccionat(s)";
"macToggleStatusButtonDeactivate" = "Desactiva";
"macToggleStatusButtonDeactivating" = "Desactivant…";
"macToggleStatusButtonReasserting" = "Reactivant…";
"macToggleStatusButtonRestarting" = "S'està reiniciant…";
"macToggleStatusButtonWaiting" = "Esperant…";
"tunnelSectionTitleInterface" = "Interfície";
"tunnelInterfaceName" = "Nom";
"tunnelInterfacePrivateKey" = "Clau privada";
"tunnelInterfacePublicKey" = "Clau pública";
"tunnelInterfaceGenerateKeypair" = "Genera una parella de claus";
"tunnelInterfaceAddresses" = "Adreces";
"tunnelInterfaceDNS" = "Servidors DNS";
"tunnelInterfaceStatus" = "Estat";
"tunnelSectionTitlePeer" = "Parell";
"tunnelPeerPublicKey" = "Clau pública";
"tunnelPeerAllowedIPs" = "IPs permeses";
"tunnelPeerRxBytes" = "Dades rebudes";
"tunnelPeerTxBytes" = "Dades enviades";
"tunnelPeerExcludePrivateIPs" = "Exclou IPs privades";
"tunnelOnDemandEthernet" = "Ethernet";
"tunnelOnDemandAnySSID" = "Qualsevol SSID";
"tunnelOnDemandOnlyTheseSSIDs" = "Només aquestes SSIDs";
"tunnelOnDemandExceptTheseSSIDs" = "Excepte aquestes SSIDs";
"tunnelOnDemandOnlySSID (%d)" = "Només %d SSID";
"tunnelOnDemandOnlySSIDs (%d)" = "Només %d SSIDs";
"tunnelOnDemandExceptSSID (%d)" = "Excepte %d SSID";
"tunnelOnDemandExceptSSIDs (%d)" = "Excepte %d SSIDs";
"tunnelOnDemandSectionTitleAddSSIDs" = "Afegir SSIDs";
"tunnelOnDemandAddMessageAddConnectedSSID (%@)" = "Afegir connectada: %@";
"tunnelOnDemandAddMessageAddNewSSID" = "Afegir nova";
"tunnelOnDemandKey" = "Sota demanda";
"tunnelHandshakeTimestampSeconds (%d)" = "%d segons";
"tunnelHandshakeTimestampHours hh:mm:ss (%@)" = "%@ hores";
"tunnelHandshakeTimestampMinutes mm:ss (%@)" = "%@ minuts";
"tunnelPeerPresharedKeyEnabled" = "activat";
/* Alert title for error in the peer data */
"alertInvalidPeerTitle" = "Parell no vàlid";
/* Any one of the following alert messages can go with the above title */
"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyRequired" = "Clau pública del parell requerida";
"alertInvalidPeerMessageAllowedIPsInvalid" = "Les IPs permeses de parells han de ser una llista separada per comes, opcionalment en notació CIDR";
"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyDuplicated" = "Dos o més parells no poden tindre la mateixa clau pública";
// Scanning QR code UI
"scanQRCodeViewTitle" = "Escaneja un codi QR";
// Scanning QR code alerts
"alertScanQRCodeCameraUnsupportedTitle" = "Càmera no suportada";
"alertScanQRCodeCameraUnsupportedMessage" = "Aquest dispositiu no pot escanejar codis QR";
"alertScanQRCodeInvalidQRCodeTitle" = "Codi QR no vàlid";
"alertScanQRCodeInvalidQRCodeMessage" = "El QR escanejat no és una configuració de WireGuard vàlida";
"alertScanQRCodeUnreadableQRCodeTitle" = "Codi no vàlid";
"alertScanQRCodeUnreadableQRCodeMessage" = "El codi escanejat no s'ha pogut llegir";
// Settings UI
"settingsViewTitle" = "Configuració";
"settingsSectionTitleAbout" = "Quant a";
"settingsSectionTitleTunnelLog" = "Registre";
"settingsViewLogButtonTitle" = "Mostra el registre";
// Log view
"logViewTitle" = "Registre";
// Log alerts
"alertUnableToRemovePreviousLogTitle" = "Ha fallat l'exportació";
"alertUnableToWriteLogTitle" = "Ha fallat l'exportació";
"macMenuManageTunnels" = "Gestiona túnels";
"macMenuCut" = "Talla";
"macMenuCopy" = "Copia";