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Welcome to Rocket! This is the official guide. It is designed to serve as a starting point as a well as reference. This guide is conversational. For concise and purely technical documentation, see the API documentation.




Hello! By now you've gleaned that Rocket is a web framework for Rust. You also know that it aims to be fast, easy, and flexible. It also aims to be fun, and it accomplishes this by ensuring that you write as little code as needed to accomplish your task. This guide is meant to introduce you to the core, intermediate, and advanced concepts of Rocket. After reading this guide, you should find yourself being very productive with Rocket.


Readers of this guide are assumed to have a good grasp of the Rust programming language. Readers new to Rust are encourage to read through the Rust Book. This guide also assumes a basic understanding of web application fundamentals and HTTP.


Rocket's philosophy is that a function declaration should contain all of the necessary information to process a request. This immediately prohibits APIs where request state is retrieved from a global context. As a result of the locality of information, request handling is self contained in Rocket: handlers are regular functions that can be called by other code.

Rocket also believes that all request handling information should be typed. Because the web and HTTP are themselves untyped (or stringly typed, as some call it), this means that something or someone has to convert strings to native types. Rocket does this for you with zero programming overhead.

These two core philosophies dictate Rocket's interface, and you will find the ideas embedded in Rocket's core features. But, enough with the boring diatribe. Let's get to know Rocket.

Quick Start

The absolute fastest way to start experimenting with Rocket is to clone the Rocket repository and run the included examples. For instance, the following set of commands runs the hello_world example:

git clone
cd rocket/examples/hello_world
cargo run

There are numerous examples in rocket/examples, all of which can be run with Cargo by using cargo run. Note that Rocket requires the latest Rust nightly.

Getting Started

Let's create and run our first Rocket application. We'll ensure we have a compatible version of Rust, create a new Cargo project that uses Rocket, and then run the project.


Rocket makes heavy use of Rust's syntax extensions. Because syntax extension don't yet have a stable compiler API, we'll need to use a nightly version of Rust with Rocket. If you already have a working installation of the latest Rust nightly, feel free to skip this section.

To install a nightly version of Rust, we recommend using rustup. Install rustup by following the instructions on their website. Once rustup is installed, configure Rust nightly as your default toolchain by running the command:

rustup default nightly

If you prefer, once we setup a project directory in the following section, you can use per-directory defaults to use the nightly version only for your Rocket project by running the following command in the directory:

rustup override set nightly

Rocket requires the latest version of Rust nightly. If your Rocket application suddently stops building, ensure you're using the latest version of Rust by updating:

rustup update

Creating a Rocket Project

Start by creating a new binary-based Cargo project and changing into the new directory:

cargo new hello-rocket --bin
cd hello-rocket

Now, add Rocket and its code generation facilities to your project by ensuring your Cargo.toml file contains the following dependencies:

rocket = "*"
rocket_codegen = "*"

Build the project now to ensure your Rust version is compatible with the latest Rocket version:

cargo build

Modify src/ so that it contains the code for the Rocket Hello, world! program, which we reproduce below:


extern crate rocket;

fn hello() -> &'static str {
    "Hello, world!"

fn main() {
    rocket::ignite().mount("/hello", routes![hello]).launch();

Run the program by using cargo run. You should see the following in your terminal:

🔧  Configured for development.
    => listening: localhost:8000
    => logging: Normal
    => session key: false
🛰  Mounting '/hello':
    => GET /hello/
🚀  Rocket has launched from localhost:8000...

Finally, visit http://localhost:8000 to see your first Rocket application in action.


Rocket provides a focused number of core primitives to build web servers and applications with Rust: the rest is up to you. In short, Rocket provides routing, pre-processing of requests, and post-processing of responses. Your application code fills the gap between pre-processing and post-processing.

Rocket does not force decisions on you. Templates, serialization, sessions, and just about everything else are all pluggable, optional components. While Rocket has official support and libraries for each of these, they are completely optional to use, and writing your own versions of these is not only possible, but straightforward. These components feel like first-class citizens.

If you'd like, you can think of Rocket as being a more flexible, friendly medley of Rails, Flask, Bottle, and Yesod, except without all of the bloat. We prefer to think of Rocket as something new.

Routes and Handlers

Rocket applications are centered around routes and handlers.

A handler is simply a function that takes an arbitrary number of arguments and returns a response. A route is a combination of:

  • A set of parameters to match an incoming request against.
  • A handler to process the request and return a response.

The set of parameters to match against includes static paths, dynamic paths, path segments, forms, query strings, request format specifiers, and body data. Rocket uses attributes, which look like function decorators in other languages, to make declaring routes easy. Routes are declared by annotating a function, the handler, with the set of parameters to match against. A complete route declaration looks like this:

fn world() -> &'static str {
    "Hello, world!"

This declares the world route which matches against the static path "/world" for incoming GET requests.

Rocket route attributes have the following grammar:

route := METHOD '(' path, kv_param* ')'

path := PATH
      | 'path' = PATH

kv_param := 'rank' = INTEGER
          | 'form' = STRING
          | 'format' = STRING


Before Rocket dispatches requests to a route, the route needs to be mounted on an instance of Rocket.

Mounting a route is like namespacing it. Routes are mounted happens via the mount method on a Rocket instance. Rocket instances can be created with the ignite() static method.

The mount method takes 1) a path to namespace a list of routes under, and 2) a list of route handlers through the route! macro. The route! macro ties Rocket's code generation to your application. To mount the world route we declared above, we would use the following code:

rocket::ignite().mount(/hello, routes![world])

All together, this creates a new Rocket instance via the ignite function and mounts the world route to the "/hello" path. As a result, requests to the "/hello/world" path will be directed to the world function.


Now that Rocket knows about the route, you can tell Rocket to start accepting requests via the launch method. The method starts up the server and waits for incoming requests. When a request arrives, Rocket finds the matching route and dispatches the request to the route.

We typically call launch from the main function. Our complete Hello, world! application thus looks like:


extern crate rocket;

fn world() -> &'static str {
    "Hello, world!"

fn main() {
    rocket::ignite().mount("/hello", routes![world]).launch();

Note that we've added the #![feature(plugin)] and #![plugin(rocket_codegen)] lines to tell Rust that we'll be using Rocket's code generation plugin. We've also imported the rocket crate into our namespace via extern crate rocket. Finally, we call the launch method in the main function.

If we were to run the application above, our console would show:

🔧  Configured for development.
    => listening: localhost:8000
    => logging: Normal
    => session key: false
🛰  Mounting '/world':
    => GET /hello/world
🚀  Rocket has launched from localhost:8000...

If we now visit localhost:8000/hello/world, we would see Hello, world!, exactly as we'd expect.

By the way, this example's complete crate, ready to cargo run, can be found on Github. You can find dozens of other complete examples, spanning all of Rocket's features, in the Github examples directory.


If all we could do was match against static paths like "/world", Rocket wouldn't be much fun. Of course, Rocket allows you to match against just about any information in an incoming request.

Dynamic Paths

You can declare path segments as dynamic by using angle brackets around variable names in a route's path. For example, if we wanted to say Hello! to anything, not just the world, we could declare a route and handler like so:

fn hello(name: &str) -> String {
    format!("Hello, {}!", name)

If we were to mount the path at the root (.mount("/", routes![hello])), then any request to a path with two non-empty segments, where the first segment is hello, will be dispatched to the hello route. For example, if we were to visit /hello/John, the application would respond with Hello, John!.

You can have any number of dynamic path segments, and the type of the path segment can be any type that implements the FromParam trait, including your own! Here's a somewhat complicated route to illustrate:

fn hello(name: &str, age: u8, cool: bool) -> String {
    if cool {
      format!("You're a cool {} year old, {}!", age, name)
    } else {
      format!("{}, we need to talk about your coolness.", name)


What if cool ain't a bool? Or, what if age isn't a u8? In this case, the request is forwarded to the next matching route, if there is any. This continues until a route doesn't forward the request or there are no more routes to try. When there are no remaining matching routes, a 404 error, which is customizable, is returned.

Routes are tried in increasing rank order. By default, routes with static paths have a rank of 0 and routes with dynamic paths have a rank of 1. Ranks can be manually set with the rank route parameter.

To illustrate, consider the following two routes:

fn user(id: usize) -> T { ... }
#[get("/user/<id>", rank = 2)]
fn user_str(id: &str) -> T { ... }

Notice the rank parameter in the second route, which sets the rank of the user_str route to 2. If we run this application with both routes mounted at the root (.mount("/", routes![user, user_str])), requests to any route where the <id> path segment is an unsigned integer will be handled by the user route. If the <id> path segment is not an unsigned integer, the user route will forward the request. Rocket will then dispatch the request to the next matching route, user_str.

Forwards can be caught by using a Result or Option type. For example, if the type of id in the user function was Result<usize, &str>, an Ok variant would indicate that <id> was a valid usize, while an Err would indicate that <id> was not a usize. The Err's value would contain the string that failed to parse as a usize.

By the way, if you were to omit the rank parameter in the user_str route, Rocket would emit a warning indicating that the user and user_str routes collide, or can both match against an incoming request. The rank parameter resolves this collision.

Request Guards

Sometimes we need data associated with a request that isn't a direct input. Headers and cookies are a good example of this: they simply tag along for the ride.

Rocket makes retrieving such information easy: simply add any number of parameters to the request handler with types that implement the FromRequest trait. If the data can be retrieved from the incoming request, the handler is called. If it cannot, the handler isn't called, and the request is forwarded on. In this way, these parameters also act as guards: they protect the request handler from being called erroneously.

For example, to retrieve cookies and the Content-Type header from a request, we can declare a route as follows:

fn index(cookies: &Cookies, content: ContentType) -> String { ... }

You can implement FromRequest for your own types as well. For example, you might implement FromRequest for an AdminUser type that validates that the cookies in the incoming request authenticate an administrator. Then, any handler with the AdminUser type in its argument list is assured that it will only be invoked if an administrative user is logged in. This centralizes policies, resulting in a simpler, safer, and more secure application.


At some point, your web application will need to process data, and Rocket makes it as simple as possible. Data processing, like much of Rocket, is type directed. To indicate that a handler expects data, annotate a route with a data = "<param>" parameter, where param is an argument in the handler of a type that implement the FromData trait.


Forms are the most common type of data handled in web applications, and Rocket makes handling them easy. Say your application is processing a form submission for a new todo Task. The form contains two fields: complete, a checkbox, and description, a text field. You can easily handle the form request in Rocket as follows:

struct Task {
    complete: bool,
    description: String,

#[post("/todo", data = "<task>")]
fn new(task: Form<Task>) -> String { ... }

The Form type implements the FromData trait as long as its generic parameter implements the FromForm trait. In the example, we've derived the FromForm trait automatically for the Task structure. If a POST /todo request arrives, the form data will automatically be parsed into the Task structure. If the data that arrives isn't of the correct content-type, the request is forwarded. If the data is simply invalid, a customizable 400 Bad Request error is returned. As before, a forward or failure can be caught by using the Option and Result types.

Query Strings

If you change your mind and decide to use query strings instead of POST forms for the todo task, Rocket makes the transition simple: simply declare <task> as a query parameter as follows:

fn new(task: Task) -> String { ... }

This works because Rocket uses the FromForm trait to parse structures from query parameters as well.


Handling JSON data is no harder: simply use the JSON type:

struct Task {
    description: String,
    complete: bool

#[post("/todo", data = "<task>")]
fn new(task: JSON<Task>) -> String { ... }

The only condition is that the generic type to JSON implements the Deserialize trait.

Streaming Data

Sometimes you just want to handle the incoming data directly. For example, you might want to stream the incoming data out to a file. Rocket makes this as simple as possible:

#[post("/upload", format = "text/plain", data = "<data>")]
fn upload(data: Data) -> io::Result<Plain<String>> {
    data.stream_to_file("/tmp/upload.txt").map(|n| Plain(n.to_string()))

The route above accepts any POST request to the /upload path with Content-Type text/plain The incoming data is streamed out to tmp/upload.txt file, and the number of bytes written is returned as a plain text response if the upload succeeds. If the upload fails, an error response is returned. The handler above is complete. It really is that simple! See the Github example code for the full crate.


Up until the last example, we've been returning the type of String from request handlers. In fact, any type that implements the Responder trait can be returned, including your own!


One of the most common types to return is Result. Returning a Result means one of two things: If the error type tself implements Responder, the response will come from either the Ok or Err value, whichever the variant is. If the error type does not implement Responder, a customizable internal server error will be returned.


Responding with JSON data is just as simple: simply return a JSON type. For example, to respond with the JSON value of the Task structure from previous examples, we would write:

struct Task { ... }

fn todo() -> JSON<Task> { ... }

Note that the generic type for the JSON response type must implement Serialize.


Rocket has built-in support for templating. To respond with a rendered template, simply return a Template type:

fn index() -> Template {
  let context = ...;
  Template::render("index", &context)

The render static method takes in the name of a template (here, "index") and a value to use as the context for the template's rendering. The context must contain all of the parameters expected by the template.

Templating support in Rocket is engine agnostic. The engine used to render a template depends on the template file's extension. For example, if a file ends with .hbs, Handlebars is used, while if a file ends with .tera, Tera is used.


When a large amount of data is to be returned, it is often better to stream the data to the client so as to avoid consuming large amounts of memory. Rocket provides the Stream type to accomplish this. The Stream type can be created from any Read type. For example, to stream from a local Unix stream, we might write:

fn stream() -> io::Result<Stream<UnixStream>> {
    let mut unix = UnixStream::connect("/path/to/my/socket")?;

Rocket takes care of the rest.

What's next?

That was just a taste of what Rocket has to offer! There's so much more: