
15 KiB

Version 0.2.8 (Jun 01, 2017)


  • Lints were updated for 2017-06-01 nightly.
  • Minimum required rustc is 1.19.0-nightly (2017-06-01).

Version 0.2.7 (May 26, 2017)


  • Codegen was updated for 2017-05-26 nightly.

Version 0.2.6 (Apr 17, 2017)


  • Allow k and v to be used as fields in FromForm structures by avoiding identifier collisions (#265).

Version 0.2.5 (Apr 16, 2017)


  • Lints were updated for 2017-04-15 nightly.
  • Minimum required rustc is 1.18.0-nightly (2017-04-15).

Version 0.2.4 (Mar 30, 2017)


  • Codegen was updated for 2017-03-30 nightly.
  • Minimum required rustc is 1.18.0-nightly (2017-03-30).

Version 0.2.3 (Mar 22, 2017)


  • Multiple header values for the same header name are now properly preserved (#223).


  • The get_slice and get_table methods were added to Config.
  • The pub_restricted feature has been stabilized!


  • Lints were updated for 2017-03-20 nightly.
  • Minimum required rustc is 1.17.0-nightly (2017-03-22).


  • The test script now denies trailing whitespace.

Version 0.2.2 (Feb 26, 2017)


  • Lints were updated for 2017-02-25 and 2017-02-26 nightlies.
  • Minimum required rustc is 1.17.0-nightly (2017-02-26).

Version 0.2.1 (Feb 24, 2017)

Core Fixes

  • Flash cookie deletion functions as expected regardless of the path.
  • config properly accepts IPv6 addresses.
  • Multiple Set-Cookie headers are properly set.

Core Improvements

  • Display and Error were implemented for ConfigError.
  • webp, ttf, otf, woff, and woff2 were added as known content types.
  • Routes are presorted for faster routing.
  • into_bytes and into_inner methods were added to Body.


  • Fixed unmanaged_state lint so that it works with prefilled type aliases.


  • Better errors are emitted on Tera template parse errors.


  • Fixed typos in manage and JSON docs.


  • Updated doctests for latest Cargo nightly.

Version 0.2.0 (Feb 06, 2017)

Detailed release notes for v0.2 can also be found on

New Features

This release includes the following new features:

  • Introduced managed state.
  • Added lints that warn on unmanaged state and unmounted routes.
  • Added the ability to set configuration parameters via environment variables.
  • Config structures can be built via ConfigBuilder, which follows the builder pattern.
  • Logging can be enabled or disabled on custom configuration via a second parameter to the Rocket::custom method.
  • name and value methods were added to Header to retrieve the name and value of a header.
  • A new configuration parameter, workers, can be used to set the number of threads Rocket uses.
  • The address of the remote connection is available via Request.remote(). Request preprocessing overrides remote IP with value from the X-Real-IP header, if present.
  • During testing, the remote address can be set via MockRequest.remote().
  • The SocketAddr request guard retrieves the remote address.
  • A UUID type has been added to contrib.
  • rocket and rocket_codegen will refuse to build with an incompatible nightly version and emit nice error messages.
  • Major performance and usability improvements were upstreamed to the cookie crate, including the addition of a CookieBuilder.
  • When a checkbox isn't present in a form, bool types in a FromForm structure will parse as false.
  • The FormItems iterator can be queried for a complete parse via completed and exhausted.
  • Routes for OPTIONS requests can be declared via the options decorator.
  • Strings can be percent-encoded via URI::percent_encode().

Breaking Changes

This release includes several breaking changes. These changes are listed below along with a short note about how to handle the breaking change in existing applications.

  • Rocket::custom takes two parameters, the first being Config by value.

    A call in v0.1 of the form Rocket::custom(&config) is now Rocket::custom(config, false).

  • Tera templates are named without their extension.

    A templated named name.html.tera is now simply name.

  • JSON unwrap method has been renamed to into_inner.

    A call to .unwrap() should be changed to .into_inner().

  • The map! macro was removed in favor of the json! macro.

    A call of the form map!{ "a" => b } can be written as: json!({ "a": b }).

  • The hyper::SetCookie header is no longer exported.

    Use the Cookie type as an Into<Header> type directly.

  • The Content-Type for String is now text/plain.

    Use content::HTML<String> for HTML-based String responses.

  • Request.content_type() returns an Option<ContentType>.

    Use .unwrap_or(ContentType::Any) to get the old behavior.

  • The ContentType request guard forwards when the request has no Content-Type header.

    Use an Option<ContentType> and .unwrap_or(ContentType::Any) for the old behavior.

  • A Rocket instance must be declared before a MockRequest.

    Change the order of the rocket::ignite() and MockRequest::new() calls.

  • A route with format specified only matches requests with the same format.

    Previously, a route with a format would match requests without a format specified. There is no workaround to this change; simply specify formats when required.

  • FormItems can no longer be constructed directly.

    Instead of constructing as FormItems(string), construct as FormItems::from(string).

  • from_from_string(&str) in FromForm removed in favor of from_form_items(&mut FormItems).

    Most implementation should be using FormItems internally; simply use the passed in FormItems. In other cases, the form string can be retrieved via the inner_str method of FormItems.

  • Config::{set, default_for} are deprecated.

    Use the set_{param} methods instead of set, and new or build in place of default_for.

  • Route paths must be absolute.

    Prepend a / to convert a relative path into an absolute one.

  • Route paths cannot contain empty segments.

    Remove any empty segments, including trailing ones, from a route path.

Bug Fixes

A couple of bugs were fixed in this release:

  • Handlebars partials were not properly registered (#122).
  • Rocket::custom did not set the custom configuration as the active configuration.
  • Route path segments containing more than one dynamic parameter were allowed.

General Improvements

In addition to new features, Rocket saw the following smaller improvements:

  • Rocket no longer overwrites a catcher's response status.
  • The port Config type is now a proper u16.
  • Clippy issues injected by codegen are resolved.
  • Handlebars was updated to 0.25.
  • The PartialEq implementation of Config doesn't consider the path or secret key.
  • Hyper dependency updated to 0.10.
  • The Error type for JSON as FromData has been exposed as SerdeError.
  • SVG was added as a known Content-Type.
  • Serde was updated to 0.9.
  • Form parse failure now results in a 422 error code.
  • Tera has been updated to 0.7.
  • pub(crate) is used throughout to enforce visibility rules.
  • Query parameters in routes (/path?<param>) are now logged.
  • Routes with and without query parameters no longer collide.


  • Testing was parallelized, resulting in 3x faster Travis builds.

Version 0.1.6 (Jan 26, 2017)


  • Hyper version pinned to 0.9.14 due to upstream non-semver breaking change.

Version 0.1.5 (Jan 14, 2017)


  • Fixed security checks in FromSegments implementation for PathBuf.


  • proc_macro feature removed from examples due to stability.

Version 0.1.4 (Jan 4, 2017)


  • Header names are treated as case-preserving.


  • Minimum supported nightly is 2017-01-03.

Version 0.1.3 (Dec 31, 2016)


  • Typo in Outcome formatting fixed (Succcess -> Success).
  • Added ContentType::CSV.
  • Dynamic segments parameters are properly resolved, even when mounted.
  • Request methods are only overridden via _method field on POST.
  • Form value Strings are properly decoded.


  • The _method field is now properly ignored in FromForm derivation.
  • Unknown Content-Types in format no longer result in an error.
  • Deriving FromForm no longer results in a deprecation warning.
  • Codegen will refuse to build with incompatible rustc, presenting error message and suggestion.
  • Added head as a valid decorator for HEAD requests.
  • Added route(OPTIONS) as a valid decorator for OPTIONS requests.


  • Templates with the .tera extension are properly autoescaped.
  • Nested template names are properly resolved on Windows.
  • Template implements Display.
  • Tera dependency updated to version 0.6.


  • Todo example requirements clarified in its README.


  • Tests added for config, optional_result, optional_redirect, and query_params examples.
  • Testing script checks for and disallows tab characters.


  • New script ( automates version bumps.
  • Config script emits error when readlink/readpath support is bad.
  • Travis badge points to public builds.

Version 0.1.2 (Dec 24, 2016)


  • Fix get_raw_segments index argument in route codegen (#41).
  • Segments params (<param..>) respect prefixes.


  • Fix nested template name resolution (#42).


  • New script ( automates publishing to
  • New script ( automates version bumps.

Version 0.1.1 (Dec 23, 2016)


  • NamedFile Responder lost its body in the shuffle; it's back!

Version 0.1.0 (Dec 23, 2016)

This is the first public release of Rocket!


All of the mentions to hyper types in core Rocket types are no more. Rocket now implements its own Request and Response types.

  • ContentType uses associated constants instead of static methods.
  • StatusCode removed in favor of new Status type.
  • Response type alias superceded by Response type.
  • Responder::respond no longer takes in hyper type.
  • Responder::respond returns Response, takes self by move.
  • Handler returns Outcome instead of Response type alias.
  • ErrorHandler returns Result.
  • All Hyper* types were moved to unprefixed versions in hyper::.
  • MockRequest::dispatch now returns a Response type.
  • URIBuf removed in favor of unified URI.
  • Rocket panics when an illegal, dynamic mount point is used.


  • Rocket handles HEAD requests automatically.
  • New Response and ResponseBuilder types.
  • New Request, Header, Status, and ContentType types.


  • MockRequest allows any type of header.
  • MockRequest allows cookies.


  • Debug output disabled by default.
  • The ROCKET_CODEGEN_DEBUG environment variables enables codegen logging.

Version 0.0.11 (Dec 11, 2016)

Streaming Requests

All incoming request data is now streamed. This resulted in a major change to the Rocket APIs. They are summarized through the following API changes:

  • The form route parameter has been removed.
  • The data route parameter has been introduced.
  • Forms are now handled via the data parameter and Form type.
  • Removed the data parameter from Request.
  • Added FromData conversion trait and default implementation.
  • FromData is used to automatically derive the data parameter.
  • Responders are now final: they cannot forward to other requests.
  • Responsers may only forward to catchers.


  • Request uri parameter is private. Use uri() method instead.
  • form module moved under request module.
  • response::data was renamed to response::content.
  • Introduced Outcome with Success, Failure, and Forward variants.
  • outcome module moved to top-level.
  • Response is now a type alias to Outcome.
  • Empty Responder was removed.
  • StatusResponder removed in favor of response::status module.


  • Error handlers can now take 0, 1, or 2 parameters.
  • FromForm derive now works on empty structs.
  • Lifetimes are now properly stripped in code generation.
  • Any valid ident is now allowed in single-parameter route parameters.


  • Route is now cloneable.
  • Request no longer has any lifetime parameters.
  • Handler type now includes a Data parameter.
  • http module is public.
  • Responder implemented for () type as an empty response.
  • Add config::get() for global config access.
  • Introduced testing module.
  • Rocket.toml allows global configuration via [global] table.


  • Added a raw_upload example.
  • Added a pastebin example.
  • Documented all public APIs.


  • Now building and running tests with --all-features flag.
  • Added appveyor config for Windows CI testing.

Version 0.0.10 (Oct 03, 2016)


  • Remove Rocket::new in favor of ignite method.
  • Remove Rocket::mount_and_launch in favor of chaining mount(..).launch().
  • mount and catch take Rocket type by value.
  • All types related to HTTP have been moved into http module.
  • Template::render in contrib now takes context by reference.


  • Rocket now parses option Rocket.toml for configuration, defaulting to sane values.
  • ROCKET_ENV environment variable can be used to specify running environment.


  • Document ContentType.
  • Document Request.
  • Add script that builds docs.


  • Scripts can now be run from any directory.
  • Cache Cargo directories in Travis for faster testing.
  • Check that library version numbers match in testing script.

Version 0.0.9 (Sep 29, 2016)


  • Rename response::data_type to response::data.


  • Rocket interprets _method field in forms as the incoming request's method.
  • Add Outcome::Bad to signify responses that failed internally.
  • Add a NamedFile Responder type that uses a file's extension for the response's content type.
  • Add a Stream Responder for streaming responses.


  • Introduce the contrib crate.
  • Add JSON support via JSON, which implements FromRequest and Responder.
  • Add templating support via Template which implements Responder.


  • Initial guide-like documentation.
  • Add documentation, testing, and contributing sections to README.


  • Add a significant number of codegen tests.