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This crate provides traits, utilities, and a procedural macro for configuring and accessing database connection pools in Rocket.


First, enable the feature corresponding to your database type:

version = "0.1.0-dev"
features = ["sqlx_sqlite"]

A full list of supported databases and their associated feature names is available in the crate docs. In whichever configuration source you choose, configure a databases dictionary with a key for each database, here sqlite_logs in a TOML source:

sqlite_logs = { url = "/path/to/database.sqlite" }

In your application's source code:

#[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
use rocket::serde::json::Json;

use rocket_db_pools::{Database, sqlx};

struct LogsDb(sqlx::SqlitePool);

type LogsDbConn = <LogsDb as Database>::Connection;

async fn get_logs(mut db: LogsDbConn, id: usize) -> Result<Json<Vec<String>>> {
    let logs = sqlx::query!("SELECT text FROM logs;").execute(&mut *db).await?;


fn rocket() -> _ {

See the crate docs for full details.