This brings PhysicalSkyMaterial's Night Sky functionality to
ProceduralSkyMaterial, but in a more powerful and general fashion.
This can be used to display stars at night, or clouds at day and night.
For clouds, it won't be physically accurate, but it can look good still.
The Sky Cover Modulate property can be used to adjust the sky cover's
colors and opacity in real-time, which is useful for day/night or weather
- Tweak colors to be less saturated and more balanced (in terms of hue).
The cool blue sky is balanced by a warm brown ground,
which makes reflections look closer to how they'd look like when using
an HDRI panorama texture.
- Make the ground color dark on both ProceduralSkyMaterial and
PhysicalSkyMaterial to reduce indoor light leaking, especially
when using GI.
- Tweak the PhysicalSkyMaterial colors to be as close as possible
to ProceduralSkyMaterial (with the default sun orientation).
- Tweak editor environment defaults to be identical to the default
ProceduralSkyMaterial colors. Previously, the default editor sky
color was different from the colors of a newly created
ProceduralSkyMaterial resource.
Both new skies were tested without GI, with SDFGI and with VoxelGI.
They were tuned to look best when using ACES tonemapping with a
whitepoint set to 6, but they still look good with other
tonemapping operators.
The documentation was stating that the area mask affects where sounds
can be heard, which is not true. Instead, the area mask affects audio
bus redirection.
Thanks to Azedaxen on the Godot forums for providing this description :)
Using codespell 2.2-dev from current git.
Added `misc/scripts/` to make it easier to run it once in a
while and update the skip and ignore lists.
* Occluder3D is now an abstract type inherited by: ArrayOccluder3D, QuadOccluder3D, BoxOccluder3D, SphereOccluder3D and PolygonOccluder3D. ArrayOccluder3D serves the same purpose as the old Occluder3D (triangle mesh occluder) while the rest are primitives that can be used to manually place simple occluders.
* Occluder baking can now apply simplification. The "bake_simplification_distance" property can be used to set a world-space distance as the desired maximum error, set to 0.1 by default.
* Occluders can now be generated on import. Using the "occ" and "occonly" keywords (similar to "col" and "colonly" for colliders) or by enabling on MeshInstance3Ds in the scene's import window.
* Fixed saving of occluder files after bake.
* Fixed a small error where occluders didn't correctly update in the rendering server.
Bonus content:
* Generalized "CollisionPolygon3DEditor" so it can also be used to edit Resources. Renamed it to "Polygon3DEditor" since it was already being used by other things, not just colliders.
* Fixed a small bug in "EditorPropertyArray" where a call to "remove" was left after the "remove_at" rename.
This was changed in #56943 to allow adding new importers from plugins that
take precedence over built-in ones, but this should be opt-in, not the default
Allows detecting when a new version of the progressive web app service
worker is waiting (i.e. an update is pending), along a function to force
the update and reload all clients.