- Rename OpenGL to GLES3 in the source code per community feedback.
- The renderer is still exposed as "OpenGL 3" to the user.
- Hide renderer selection dropdown until OpenGL support is more mature.
- The renderer can still be changed in the Project Settings or using
the `--rendering-driver opengl` command line argument.
- Remove commented out exporter code.
- Remove some OpenGL/DisplayServer-related debugging prints.
First implementation with Linux display manager.
- Add single-threaded mode for EditorResourcePreview (needed for OpenGL).
Co-authored-by: clayjohn <claynjohn@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Fabio Alessandrelli <fabio.alessandrelli@gmail.com>
Sets `AlignOperands` to `DontAlign`.
`clang-format` developers seem to mostly care about space-based indentation and
every other version of clang-format breaks the bad mismatch of tabs and spaces
that it seems to use for operand alignment. So it's better without, so that it
respects our two-tabs `ContinuationIndentWidth`.
All Android devices that support Vulkan support 64-bit ARM.
This also removes NEON opt-out code for ARMv7 as pretty much all
ARMv7 devices also support NEON.
* Make sure shaders are named, to aid in debug in case of failure
* SceneRenderRD was being wrongly initialized (virtual functions being called when derivative class not initialized).
* Fixed some bugs resulting on the above being corrected.
The "Use Parent Material" option now does something when enabled on a CanvasItem. As before, it's not just limited to a node's direct parent but can move up the tree until it finds a material.
Also corrected a typo in rendering_device_vulkan.h that didn't merit its own commit.
* Only apply final actions to attachments used in the last pass.
* Fixes to draw list final action (was using continue instead of read/drop).
* Profiling regions inside draw lists now properly throw errors.
* Ability to enable gpu profile printing from project settings. (used to debug).
This restores Windows platform file handling back to open files non-exlusively by default, as was the case before October 2018. (See b902a2f2a7)
Back then, while fixing warnings for MSVC, the function used for opening files was changed from _wfopen() to _wfopen_s() as suggsted by the warning C4996. ("This function may be unsafe, consider using _wfopen_s instead.")
This new function
1. did parameter validation and thus avoided some possible security issues due to nil pointers or wrongly terminated strings
2. it also changed the default file sharing for opened files from _SH_DENYNO (which was the implicit default for the previous _wfopen()) to _SH_SECURE.
_SH_DENYNO means every opened file could be opened by other calls (like is the default on other operating systems).
_SH_SECURE means if the file is opened with READ access, others can still read the same file, but if it is opened with WRITE access, others can't open it at all, not even to read.
This led to rarely occuring bugs on Windows, i.e. due to random access by Antivirus processes, or Godot/Windows not closing a file handle fast enough while trying to open it again elsewhere (i.e. project.godot, instead showing the Project manager, or saving shaders/debugging the game).
What this PR does it change the file access to a third method, _wfsopen(). This is still secure, doing parameter validation and thus avoids the warning, but it allows us to actually SET the file sharing parameter. And we set it to _SH_DENYNO, as it was implicitely before the change. (And as it currently is on all non-Windows platforms, where file sharing restrictions don't exist by default.)
Warning C4996 should really have been pointing this out. It should've been _wfsopen() all along. Let's hope this banishes those annoying, rare errors for all eternity.
This is important information to include in bug reports for exported
projects, and is consistent with the behavior found in the GLES3 and
GLES2 renderers in `3.x`.
* Added an extra stage before compiling shader, which is generating a binary blob.
* On Vulkan, this allows caching the SPIRV reflection information, which is expensive to parse.
* On other (future) RenderingDevices, it allows caching converted binary data, such as DXIL or MSL.
This PR makes the shader cache include the reflection information, hence editor startup times are significantly improved.
I tested this well and it appears to work, and I added a lot of consistency checks, but because it includes writing and reading binary information, rare bugs may pop up, so be aware.
There was not much of a choice for storing the reflection information, given shaders can be a lot, take a lot of space and take time to parse.
Found via `codespell -q 3 -S ./thirdparty,*.po,./DONORS.md -L ackward,ang,ans,ba,beng,cas,childs,childrens,dof,doubleclick,fave,findn,hist,inout,leapyear,lod,nd,numer,ois,ony,paket,seeked,sinc,switchs,te,uint`
* Most resource types now have unique identifiers.
* Applies to text, binary and imported resources.
* File formats reference both by text and UID (when available). UID always has priority.
* Resource UIDs are 64 bits for better compatibility with the engine.
* Can be represented and used textually, example `uuid://dapwmgsmnl28u`.
* A special binary cache file is used and exported, containing the mappings.
Example of how it looks:
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://dw86wq31afig2"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bt36ojelx8q6c" path="res://subscene.scn" id="1_t56hs"]
GDScript, shaders and other special resource files can't currently provide UIDs, but this should be doable with special keywords on the files.
This will be reserved for future PRs.
* use valid format for framebuffer: VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32
* Unfortunately cant be used for compute.
* Mobile will need to do refprobe, sky, mipmapblurring using raster.
* Keep track of when projector, softshadow or directional sofshadow were enabled.
* Enable them via specializaton constant where it makes sense.
* Re-implements soft shadows.
* Re-implements light projectors.
* Added support to our local copy of SpirV Reflect (which does not support it).
* Pass them on render or compute pipeline creation.
* Not implemented in our shaders yet.
* IF a texture was reimported (calling replace as an example), it would invalidate all materials using it, causing plenty of errors.
* Added the possibility to get a notification when a uniform set is erased.
* With this notification, materials can be queued for update properly.
* Fixed and redone the process to obtain render information from a viewport
* Some stats, such as material changes are too difficult to guess on Vulkan, were removed.
* Separated visible and shadow stats, which causes confusion.
* Texture, buffer and general video memory can be queried now.
* Fixed the performance metrics too.
* Multisampling was wrongly selected, possibly fixes#49937
* Image semaphore acquisition is now per window, possibly fixes#41614
Please make sure to test the above two issues again, since I can't reproduce either anyway.
This unblocks launching on Linux laptops that default to the integrated
GPU which can not handle Vulkan in many instances.
Ideally a manual device selection, or an option for the optimal selection
strategy should be provided via CLI or config, but for the time being
this will unblock the Linux devs.
Partially addresses #42348 and #43714
The error check was added for `FileAccessUnix` but it's not an error when both
`p_src` and `p_length` are zero.
Added correct error checks to all implementations to prevent the actual
erroneous case: `p_src` is nullptr but `p_length > 0` (risk of null pointer