- Implements `ClassDB::get_method_list_with_compatibility` to retrieve all methods from a class including compat methods.
- C# bindings generator now also generates compat methods.
- All generated C# methods now use `ClassDB::get_method_with_compatibility`.
- Use the name, file path and line number of the caller that invokes
`GD.PushError` and `GD.PushWarning` instead of the location in the C++
`runtime_interop.cpp` file.
- Improvements to getting the C# stack trace.
- Use C# type keywords for built-in types in method declarations.
- Remove extra space before each parameter in method declarations.
- Skip one more frame to avoid `NativeInterop.NativeFuncs`.
- Skip methods annotated with the `[StackTraceHidden]` attribute.
- Improvements to `ScriptEditorDebugger` when source is in project.
- Avoid overriding error metadata when the source is inside the
project file.
- Use the source function in the title when the source is inside
the project file.
Users that use these methods would expect the reported location printed
by these methods to correspond to a location in their project source files.
Specifically, they'd expect to see the file path and line number at which
they call these methods, and not the location of the C++ code (which is
always the same). Now, these methods are a lot more useful since users
can know which line in their source code printed the error/warning.
- Do not reload scripts from non-collectible assemblies
- Do not load GodotTools as collectible
- Do not attempt to reload the same project assembly forever
This applies our existing style guide, and adds a new rule to that style
guide for modular components such as platform ports and modules:
Includes from the platform port or module ("local" includes) should be listed
first in their own block using relative paths, before Godot's "core" includes
which use "absolute" (project folder relative) paths, and finally thirdparty
Includes in `#ifdef`s come after their relevant section, i.e. the overall
structure is:
- Local includes
* Conditional local includes
- Core includes
* Conditional core includes
- Thirdparty includes
* Conditional thirdparty includes
The "alpha channel first" seems misleading to me. It doesn't match with
the examples, so remove it. Add a more detailed specification of the
expected number format in hex.
- Fix documentation after C# renames.
- Add missing `partial` in C# class declarations.
- Change `delta` parameter type to `double` in C#.
- Ensure parameters match base declaration.
- Use `$` string interpolation in C#.
- Fix invalid or outdated C# code.
- Changed some examples to follow our style guide more closely.
- Use the right stack frame info as title of the error.
- Use the actual C# exception type as error for exceptions raised from C#.
- Show the right language instead of always **C++ Error**.
- `GodotSynchronizationContext`
- Implements `IDisposable` to dispose of the disposable field `_queue`.
- Makes the class sealed.
- `GodotTaskScheduler`
- Implements `IDisposable` to dispose of the disposable property `Context`.
- Makes the class sealed.
- `Dispatcher`
- Dispose of previous `GodotTaskScheduler` instances before creating a new one.
- Add overloads to print methods that take a single `string`.
- Use `StringBuilder` to append print parameters.
- Remove `PrintStack` method.
- Add `ErrorString`.
- Remove `Str` method.
- Add exception to `Range` when step is 0.
- Add `VarToBytesWithObjects` and `BytesToVarWithObjects`.
- Remove optional boolean parameter from `VarToBytes` and `BytesToVar`.
- Move `InstanceFromId` to `Godot.Object`.
- Add `Godot.Object.IsInstanceIdValid`.
- Update documentation.
- Add `float` and `double` overloads to all methods of `Mathf`.
This allows the methods to be usable with `float`, `double` or `real_t`.
- Use `System.MathF` in the `float` overloads which may result in
better performance.
- Constants remain as `real_t` for the time being.
- Add aggresive inlining for methods that wrap `System.Math` calls.
The editor will use .NET 7 if it is installed and fall back to .NET 6 otherwise.
Exported projects will use .NET 7 or .NET 6 depending on the value of TargetFramework in the csproj.
- Remove `Vector2.Lerp` overload that takes a weight parameter of type `Vector2`.
- Remove `Vector3.Lerp` overload that takes a weight parameter of type `Vector3`.
- Remove `Color.Lerp` overload that takes a weight parameter of type `Color`.
- Remove `Angle` method from `Vector2i`.
- Remove `AngleTo` method from `Vector2i`.
- Remove `AngleToPoint` method from `Vector2i`.
- Remove `Cross` method from `Vector2i`.
- Remove `DistanceSquaredTo` method from `Vector2i` and `Vector3i`.
- Remove `DistanceTo` method from `Vector2i` and `Vector3i`.
- Remove `Dot` method from `Vector2i` and `Vector3i`.
- Remove `PosMod` method from `Vector2i` and `Vector3i`.
- Remove `Orthogonal` method from `Vector2i`.
- Remove `&` operator from `Vector2i` and `Vector3i`.
Implement `Mathf.SinCos` that wraps a call to `System.Math.SinCos`,
this allows us to use the `SinCos` method more conveniently with
Using `Math.SinCos` is often cheaper than separate calls to `Math.Sin`
and `Math.Cos`, and they are often used together.
- Add `Plane(Vector3)` constructor.
- Rename `IntersectRay` to `IntersectsRay`.
- Rename `IntersectSegment` to `IntersectsSegment`.
- Replace `Center` property with `GetCenter` method.
- Add and fix documentation about the _normal_ parameter
to Core and C# documentation.
- Remove `Transform3D(Quaternion, Vector3)` constructor from C#.
- Add `Transform3D(Projection)` constructor to C#.
- Add documentation to the `Transform3D(Projection)` constructor in Core.
- Add `Transform3D` constructor with only real_t params to C# that mirrors `Transform2D`.
- Expose `Basis` constructor with only real_t params in C#.
- Add `Transform2D(real_t, Vector2, real_t, Vector2)` constructor to C#.