This adds constants to projects build via Godot Mono which allows project to conditionally react to different operating systems and 32/64 Bit architecture. Additionally .NET libraries could support multiple engines like Unity and Godot at the same time when compiled from Godot and reacting to definitions.
* Expose EditorNavigationMeshGenerator as an engine singleton so users
can generate navmesehes from `tool` scripts.
* Add support for generating navmeshes from static colliders. All
collision shapes are supported except for Plane (since Plane is an
infinite collider and navmeshes need to have finite geometry).
* When using static colliders as a geometry source, a layer mask can be
specified to ignore certain colliders.
* Don't rely on global transform. It still should give the exact same
results but allows for building navmeshes on nodes that are not in the
tree (useful in `tool` scripts).
* Update navigation gizmos after every new bake.
This work has been kindly sponsored by IMVU.
A big refactor to the WebRTC module. API is now considered quite stable.
- Renamed `WebRTCPeer` to `WebRTCPeerConnection`.
- `WebRTCPeerConnection` no longer act as `PacketPeer`, it only handle the connection itself (a bit like `TCP_Server`)
- Added new `WebRTCDataChannel` class which inherits from `PacketPeer` to handle data transfer.
- Add `WebRTCPeerConnection.initialize` method to create a new connection with the desired configuration provided as dictionary ([see MDN docs](
- Add `WebRTCPeerConnection.create_data_channel` method to create a data channel for the given connection. The connection must be in `STATE_NEW` as specified by the standard ([see MDN docs for options](
- Add a `data_channel_received` signal to `WebRTCPeerConnection` for in-band (not negotiated) channels.
- Renamed `WebRTCPeerConnection` `offer_created` signal to `session_description_created`.
- Renamed `WebRTCPeerConnection` `new_ice_candidate` signal to `ice_candidate_created`
binding_functions.size() and an instance's binding_data.size() can get out of sync. They sync up when an instance's bindings are requested. When binding functions are registered after creating an instance's bindings, the instance's bindings are out of sync until requested again. If they're never requested, they're never synced.
unregister_binding_functions indexes into binding_data, but only checks that its safe to index into binding_functions. When they're out of sync, indexing fails.
This revision checks that it's safe to index into binding_data.
Moved GDNative singletons discoverer from register_types to
Fix enable/disable switch in GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor.
Separate `gdnative/singletons` and `gdnative/singletons_disabled`
project settings, keeping "on by default" behavior.
This prevents GDScript functions from leaving the stack too soon when
they are resuming from yield, allowing the ones expecting it to finish
to know the caller.
Helps debugging cases when you use:
`yield(function_which_yields(), "completed")`
since now it shows the call that resumed that function.
Store general properties in ConfigFile too when modifying them.
Additionally set config_file property as internal as it's not editable
from inspector. It also does not appear to get saved in a meaningful way
(saved as Object(ConfigFile, ...))
Reasoning: ID is not an acronym, it is simply short for identification, so it logically should not be capitalized. But even if it was an acronym, other acronyms in Godot are not capitalized, like p_rid, p_ip, and p_json.
Previously only RGBH formatted images were compressed to BC6H, this change
enables BC6H compression also for the RH, RGH, and RGBE9995 formats, allowing
1:2, 1:4, and 1:4 size reduction for them, respectively.
This is in particular important for HDRI images which usually come in RGBE9995
solves #26796
- ADD `String to_string()` method to Object which can be overriden by `String _to_string()` in scripts
- ADD `String to_string(r_valid)` method to ScriptInstance to allow langauges to control how scripted objects are converted to strings
- IMPLEMENT to_string for GDScriptInstance, VisualScriptInstance, and NativeScriptInstance
- ADD Documentation about `Object.to_string` and `Object._to_string`
- Changed `Variant::operator String` to use `obj->to_string()`
Fix freetype build issue for javascript platform.
When disabling optimizations (SMID) in specific freetype, source files,
we need to make sure to copy all other CPPFLAGS, not just override them.
This change fixes a few outstanding issues and greatly improves the usability
of the GridMap editor through the following changes:
- Copied mesh now gets displayed during pasting (also renamed the related
identifiers accordingly)
- Duplication/paste indicator now gets rotated around the correct pivot point
(duplication worked properly before, but the indicator was shown misplaced
when rotated)
- Selected mesh library item cursor is no longer shown during selection and
- Back rotate X/Y/Z is now working during duplication/pasting
- Added true cut operation thanks to now having a proper clipboard (clear
operation got remapped to the DEL key)
- Got rid of some weird workarounds in the duplication code
- Fill and clear operations now correctly make the selection marker inactive
as this was broken partly due to the workarounds mentioned above
(duplication continues to keep the selection marker active to allow
subsequent duplications)
- Clear current selection on RMB, but treat selection as an action so previous
selection can be restored on undo
- Separated selection and paste indicator data as it's prone to error and
confusion and it's anyway needed now that selection is treated as an action
- Added support for cancelling paste, selection, and even unselect the
currently selected mesh library item with the ESC key (previously there
wasn't a way to unselect)
- Changed the key binding of fill/clear/duplicate operations to use Ctrl as a
- Changed erase to use RMB instead of Shift+RMB (free look is available
through Shift+F anyway, so no need to occupy RMB for it during gridmap
- Removed unused area, external connector, and configure menu items (there's
also the non-functional clip mode menu items, but I'm not sure whether there
are any plans with that, I suppose it's meant to be an editor aid)
- Renamed INPUT_COPY to INPUT_PICK to better reflect its purpose
- Added support for using Shift+Q and Shift+E to select multiple floors/planes
without actually changing the current floor/plane as it happens when using
e.g. the mouse wheel
Fixes#25373 and #15883
Include paths are processed from left to right, so we use Prepend to
ensure that paths to bundled thirdparty files will have precedence over
system paths (e.g. `/usr/include` should have lowest priority).
- Only load the scripts metadata file when it's really needed. This way we avoid false errors, when there is no C# project, about missing scripts metadata file.
- Methods that act as accessors for properties in the same class (like `GetPosition` and `SetPosition` are for `Position`) are now marked as obsolete. They will be made private in the future.
Many contributors (me included) did not fully understand what CCFLAGS,
CXXFLAGS and CPPFLAGS refer to exactly, and were thus not using them
in the way they are intended to be.
As per the SCons manual:
- CCFLAGS: General options that are passed to the C and C++ compilers.
- CFLAGS: General options that are passed to the C compiler (C only;
not C++).
- CXXFLAGS: General options that are passed to the C++ compiler. By
default, this includes the value of $CCFLAGS, so that setting
$CCFLAGS affects both C and C++ compilation.
- CPPFLAGS: User-specified C preprocessor options. These will be
included in any command that uses the C preprocessor, including not
just compilation of C and C++ source files [...], but also [...]
Fortran [...] and [...] assembly language source file[s].
TL;DR: Compiler options go to CCFLAGS, unless they must be restricted
to either C (CFLAGS) or C++ (CXXFLAGS). Preprocessor defines go to
Adds the ability to directly add disabled shapes to a collision object. Before this commit a shape has always been assumed to be enabled and had to be disabled in an extra step.
Add some sanity checks according to bmp specification.
Read color table and index data within the same scope and
then simply extend the color palette.
This particular implementation has one limitation: not all 4/1 bit images
can be imported as it requires bit unpacking (size dimensions must be
a multiple of 8 for 1-bit and 2 (even) for 4-bit images).
- The default log level in debug builds is now 'info' instead of 'debug'.
- Add option to specify a different log level with the 'GODOT_MONO_LOG_LEVEL' environment variable.
- The name of log files is now a readable date and time.
- Always print the log file path (previously it was printed only it in verbose mode).
I left the material on CSGMesh because GeometryInstance's material override prevents the normal material behaviour of the csg meshes
but the material_override is useful, and now you can control the shadow, lod and other properties you get from GeometryInstance
It seems to stay compatible with formatting done by clang-format 6.0 and 7.0,
so contributors can keep using those versions for now (they will not undo those
Added constructor that takes IEnumerable for Array and IEnumerable<T> for Array<T>.
Added constructor that takes IDictionary for Dictionary and IDictionary<TKey, TValue> for Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.
FBX support and MMD (pmx) support.
Normals, Albedo, Metallic, and Roughness through Arnold 5 Materials for Maya FBX.
Maya FBX Stingray PBS support.
Importing FBX static meshes work.
Importing FBX animations is a work in progress.
Supports FBX 4 bone influence animations.
Supports FBX blend shapes.
MMDs do not have an associated animation import yet.
Sponsored by IMVU Inc.
Adds `FALLTHROUGH` macro to specify when a fallthrough is intentional.
Can be replaced by `[[fallthrough]]` if/when we switch to C++17.
The warning is now enabled by default for GCC on `extra` warnings level
(part of GCC's `-Wextra`). It's not enabled in Clang's `-Wextra` yet,
but we could enable it manually once we switch to C++11. There's no
equivalent feature in MSVC for now.
The first 'if' always evaluated to true, as it evaluated values which are the default
ones for Android and iOS respectively, so even if one of them was overridden, the other
one would be true.
Network peers get_var/put_var
File get_var/store_var
GDScript/Mono/VisualScript bytes2var/var2bytes
Add MultiplayerAPI.allow_object_decoding member which deprecates PacketPeer.allow_object_decoding.
Break ABI compatibaility (API compatibility for GDNative).
Enum reference resolving will now search in the @GlobalScope if no class is specified and the enum cannot be resolved in the current class.
Added support for constant references in EditorHelp, e.g.: [constant KEY_ENTER] or [constant Control.FOCUS_CLICK]. It supports enum constants (the enum name must not be included).
Expands to, Object.set and Object.get for accessing members. This means it can also access members from scripts written in other languages, like GDScript.
With this change finally one can use compound collisions (like those created
by Gridmaps) without serious performance issues. The previous KinematicBody
code for Bullet was practically doing a whole bunch of unnecessary
calculations. Gridmaps with fairly large octant sizes (in my case 32) can get
up to 10000x speedup with this change (literally!). I expect the FPS demo to
get a fair speedup as well.
List of fixes and improvements:
- Fixed a general bug in move_and_slide that affects both GodotPhysics and
Bullet, where ray shapes would be ignored unless the stop_on_slope parameter
is disabled. Not sure where that came from, but looking at the 2D physics
code it was obvious there's a difference.
- Enabled the dynamic AABB tree that Bullet uses to allow broadphase collision
tests against individual shapes of compound shapes. This is crucial to get
good performance with Gridmaps and in general improves the performance
whenever a KinematicBody collides with compound collision shapes.
- Added code to the broadphase collision detection code used by the Bullet
module for KinematicBodies to also do broadphase on the sub-shapes of
compound collision shapes. This is possible thanks to the dynamic AABB
tree that was previously disabled and it's the change that provides the
biggest performance boost.
- Now broadphase test is only done once per KinematicBody in Bullet instead of
once per each of its shapes which was completely unnecessary.
- Fixed the way how the ray separation results are populated in Bullet which
was completely broken previously, overwriting previous results and similar
- Fixed ray shapes for good now. Previously the margin set in the editor was
not respected at all, and the KinematicBody code for ray separation was
complete bogus, thus all previous attempts to fix it were mislead.
- Fixed an obvious bug also in GodotPhysics where an out-of-bounds index was
used in the ray result array.
There are a whole set of other problems with the KinematicBody code of Bullet
which cost performance and may cause unexpected behavior, but those are not
addressed in this change (need to keep it "simple").
Not sure whether this fixes any outstanding Github issues but I wouldn't be
User defined gizmos will haave higher preference than editor gizmos by
default. Also fixed some inconsistencies in the gizmos menu when using
custom gizmos.
Apparently we don't need to call mono_debug_close_image ourselves and we can call mono_image_close right away as it's not our duty to keep that reference.
Also fixed a wrong ifdef that was causing Mono to never be initialized if mscorlib was not found (which was the case with the utf8 assemblies path bug this commit fixes).
This condition was meant for exported projects only, not for the editor only.
When a singleton library was exposing NativeScript functionality,
the NativeScriptLanguage would attempt to terminate the library at
Since the GDNative module itself handles singleton libraries,
it closes all singleton libraries at shutdown as well. This double free
could cause a crash, since the library referenced would no longer be alive.
- This mode avoids loading any other resource.
- Search for class_name now uses this mode, to avoid loading in the scan
- Implement get_dependencies() for GDScript loader, now exporting
dependencies only should include the preloaded resources.
Previous version resulted in confusing (but actually right) errors about converting "from Object to Object", since CallError
does not include information about the actual types involved.
- Move "Mono" popup menu from the top right corner to `Projects -> Tools` as a submenu.
- Add "Build solution" button to the top right corner. Makes it more visible and quicker to access.
- Fix build list in the bottom panel unselect an item when clicking on empty space. Previously it would hide the issues panel but the item would remain selected, making it impossible to display the issues panel again if there was only one item.
This should fix the various issues with colours in Ogg Theora and WEBM playback.
(A reference project is attached to PR #26051, which this commit should be part of.)
This version of the commit, rather than moving x->RGBA handling into libsimplewebm, uses a colourspace field added to libsimplewebm by a PR there.
Thus, the commit that precedes this should be the synchronization & cleanup commit for that.
Also, this version is now clang-format friendly. I hope.
Recently, Dictionary::get() was introduced, which acts like a index
operator but allows the caller to specify a default value to return
instead of issuing an error.
This commit adds a new GDNative function that includes the default value.
Before the parser only checked if the catch-all branch has a return in
order to determine if the entire match block has a return.
This code block was assumed to always return.
match value:
Now as soon as one of the branches has no return, the entire match block
is marked to not have a return.
Scaling the depth was the wrong solution for the KinematicBody jitter
because it causes jitter with RigidBody. Instead scale the margin that
is ignored to allow KinematicBody to still pick up the ray shape in the
kinematic test when the shape is just at margin distance from another
one. This solution does not cause jitter with either KinematicBody or
They had been reserved for future implementation, but we now have the
`match` CF keyword which does the same and more.
According to @reduz `do` was even added by mistake when copying from
the shader language parser, it was never intended to add support for
`do`... `while` loops, as the syntax would be awkward in GDScript,
and the added sugar is not worth it.
mbedtls_ssl_read cannot be called with a NULL buffer even if len is 0,
as those are passed to memcpy and compilers doesn't like that.
Always pass a single byte (still len 0 so nothing is actually copied)
This property returns an instance of the singleton.
The purpose of this is to allow using methods from the base class like 'Connect'.
Since all Godot singletons inherit Object, the type of the returned instance is Godot.Object.
- Added code handling non-compound collision to recover_from_penetration_ray()
which is now needed due to the optimization avoiding the use of compound
collisions when only a single collision shape is used.
- Removed arbitrary margin applied in the collision algorithm of RayShapes
which causes jittered movement. For lack of a better replacement and for
lack of any explanation on why it has been introduced, it's now using the
shape's margin property instead which is small enough to not show visible
- Tried to get rid of inconsistent uses of the collision margin.
- Removed hack from GodotDeepPenetrationContactResultCallback::addContactPoint
for RayShape collision as it's no longer needed as the collision algorithm
of RayShapes correctly calculates the contact normal for a while now.
This is needed to avoid aborting due to missing mscorlib for projects that do not use C#.
If 'res://.mono/' exists, then we assume the project uses C#, in which case a missing mscorlib should still abort.
Only possible if the object class is a "native type". If the object class is a user class (that derives a "native type") then a script is needed.
Since CSharpLanguage does cleanup of script instance bindings when finished, cases like #25621 will no longer cause problems.
Fixed ~Object() trying to free script instance bindings after the language has already been removed, which would result in a NULL dereference.
Previously this was only done when building the script for running the game. This was a problem because the user could want to build the project manually with the "Build project" button, to then run the game from the command line or similar.
When a recursive declaration ends up in a GDScript file the
_guess_expression_type function would start looping and eventually run
out of stack space.
We now cap recusion for this function to 100 frames.
This fixes#25598
Avoid CSharpInstance from accessing its state after self destructing (by deleting the Reference owner).
It's now safe to replace the script instance without leaking or crashing.
Also fixed godot_icall_Object_weakref return reference being freed before returning.
The default value of the type is now used to initialise it.
export(int) A
Will now have A be 0 istead of Null even though it still showed as 0 before in the inspector, fixes#25357
This allows most demos to run without any ubsan or asan errors. There
are still some things in thirdpart/ and some things in AudioServer that
needs a look but this fixes a lot of issues. This should help debug less
obvious issues, hopefully.
This fixes#25217 and fixes#25218
To help users writing good cross-platform code, Godot's
`FileAccessWindows:open()` will issue a warning on case mismatch, which
happens here with capitalized extensions given by `PATHEXT` compared to
actual file extensions which are lowercase 99% of the time.
Some construct (like match) actually depends on the second pass. This
adds some extra checks to not perform specific type-checks on release
since not all type information is available.
BaseIntermediateOutputPath seems to be empty by default. The workaround is to explicitly set it.
Also fixed passing char instead of char[] to String.Split. Why was this even working with Mono?
When exporting variables from a gdscript, default values of uninitialized variables would never be set. This caused the default value to be Variant::NIL, and when a user tried to reset the variable through the editor, an error would be thrown because too few arguments would be counted(end of argument list for calls are detected by NIL values).
Fixed by simply setting default value to an empty variant of the proper type in gdscript parser.
Some classes are represented internally with an underscore prefix, so we
need to make sure we match this representation when type-checking,
otherwise the check might fail on a valid scenario.
There's always a constructor, even if implicit, especially for native
Also don't check for signature match on function call, since this
information is not available in release builds.
A lot of information is missing on release, and the checks might take a
performance hit. Also, having GDScript more lenient on release is
usually desirable.
Avoid sending encoded packet flags (reliable/unreliable/ordered) as
that's already been done by ENet itself and we can read them from the
incoming packet.
Use temporary cache directory instead of editor settings directory
in order to resolve encrypted file access needed for encrypting scripts
on all platforms.
Some used 'is_valid()' checks, others not. Validity is already checked in 'unref()',
and 'remove_resource_format_*()' has an ERR_FAIL condition on 'is_null()' already
(which shouldn't happen since we're only unregistering things that we previously
Also add missing GDCLASS statement in ResourceFormatLoaderVideoStreamGDNative,
missed in #20552 which was last amended before #19501 was merged.
During reloading in `GDScriptLanguage::reload_all_scripts` a placeholder instance that must remain so is replaced with a new placeholder instance. The state is then restored by calling `ScriptInstance::set` for each property. This does not work if the script is missing the properties due to build/parse failing.
The fix for such cases is to call `placeholder_set_fallback` instead of `set` on the script instance.
I took this chance to move the `build_failed` flag from `PlaceHolderScriptInstance` to `Script`. That improves the code a lot. I also renamed it to `placeholder_fallback_enabled` which is a much better name (`build_failed` could lead to misunderstandings).
Godot supports many different compilers and for production releases we
have to support 3 currently: GCC8, Clang6, and MSVC2017. These compilers
all do slightly different things with -ffast-math and it is causing
issues now. See #24841, #24540, #10758, #10070. And probably other
complaints about physics differences between release and release_debug
I've done some performance comparisons on Linux x86_64. All tests are
ran 20 times.
Bunnymark: (higher is better)
(bunnies) min max stdev average
fast-math 7332 7597 71 7432
this pr 7379 7779 108 7621 (102%)
FPBench (gdscript port (lower is better)
fast-math 15441 16127 192 15764
this pr 15671 16855 326 16001 (99%)
Float_add (adding floats in a tight loop) (lower is better)
fast-math 5.49 5.78 0.07 5.65
this pr 5.65 5.90 0.06 5.76 (98%)
Float_div (dividing floats in a tight loop) (lower is better)
fast-math 11.70 12.36 0.18 11.99
this pr 11.92 12.32 0.12 12.12 (99%)
Float_mul (multiplying floats in a tight loop) (lower is better)
fast-math 11.72 12.17 0.12 11.93
this pr 12.01 12.62 0.17 12.26 (97%)
I have also looked at FPS numbers for tps-demo, 3d platformer, 2d
platformer, and sponza and could not find any measurable difference.
I believe that given the issues and oft-reported (physics) glitches on
release builds I believe that the couple of percent of tight-loop
floating point performance regression is well worth it.
This fixes#24540 and fixes#24841
This fixes the previously wrong PR
Because we don't actually ship 'debug' templates to users make sure
the mono exporter picks the correct 'data' directory for export
This fixes#24752
Because we don't actually ship 'debug' templates to users make sure
the mono exporter picks the correct 'data' directory for export
This fixes#24752
Retrieved working implementation from 2.1 branch and adapted to
existing export preset system.
Added Script tab in export preset to export script as raw text,
compiled, or encrypted (same as in 2.1). The script encryption key is
visually validated. The script export mode and the key is saved per
per preset in `export_presets.cfg`, so it makes sense to ignore this
file in version control system.
Each custom exporting procedure can retrieve an export preset set
during project exporting. Refactored project export dialog a bit to
allow easier code comprehension.
- The `cpu-features.{c,h}` code was only used by chance by the webm
(libvpx) code, so I moved it there. It was actually introduced before
that and wasn't in use, and libvpx just happened to be able to
compile thanks to it being bundled.
It could potentially be compiled on the fly from the Android NDK, but
since we plan to replace the webm module by a GDNative plugin in the
near future, I went the bundling route.
- `ifaddrs_android.h` is already provided in the Android NDK as
`ifaddrs.h`, same as on other Unixes. Yet we cannot use it until we
up the min API level to 24, where `getifaddrs` is first defined.
I moved the files to `thirdparty/misc` and synced them with upstream
WebRTC (only indentation changes and removal of `static` qualifiers).
Also removes dropped thirdparty files from COPYRIGHT.txt after changes
in #24105 and #24145.
By introducing an intermediate proxy class for the array subscript
operator for String and CharString we can control better when CowData
will actually CoW.
This should improve performance of String usage for most cases.