Convert GLTF Document to use ImporterMeshInstance3D.
Add a GLTFDocument extension list and an extension for converting the importer mesh instance 3d to mesh instance 3d.
Use GLTF module when the editor tools are disabled.
Modified the render server to be less restrictive on matching blend arrays and have more logging.
Misc bugs with multimesh.
Always index the meshes.
Fixes#43733: "creating SpatialMaterial in a separate thread creates invalid
shaders (temporarily)."
The bug occurred because various setters called in materials' constructors add
materials to queues that are processed on the main thread. This means that
when the materials are created in another thread, they can be processed on the
main thread before the constructor has finished.
The fix adds a flag to affected materials that prevents them from being added
to the queue until their constructors have finished initialising all the
Add glTF2 uri decode for paths.
Add vertex custom apis.
Add scene importer api.
Change Color to float; add support for float-based custom channels in SurfaceTool and EditorSceneImporterMesh
Co-authored-by: darth negative hunter
With this PR it's possible to add a collision during the Mesh import, directly in editor.
To generate the shape is possible to chose between the following options:
- Decompose Convex: The Mesh is decomposed in one or many Convex Shapes (Using the VHACD library).
- Simple Convex: Is generated a convex shape that enclose the entire mesh.
- Trimesh: Generate a trimesh shape using the Mesh faces.
- Box: Add a primitive box shape, where you can tweak the `size`, `position`, `rotation`.
- Sphere: Add a primitive sphere shape, where you can tweak the `radius`, `position`, `rotation`.
- Cylinder: Add a primitive cylinder shape, where you can tweak the `height`, `radius`, `position`, `rotation`.
- Capsule: Add a primitive capsule shape, where you can tweak the `height`, `radius`, `position`, `rotation`.
It's also possible to chose the generated body, so you can create:
- Rigid Body
- Static Body
- Area
At runtime, packed scenes with nodes marked as editable instance where
saved with node type tags, which prevented the scene to be then loaded
as an instance, causing duplicated nodes in the tree.
This change ensures nodes marked as editable instances and their owned
children are properly set as instances.
That doesn't make a difference in the editor, since such nodes where
already set as instances based on their instance state, but it helps
at runtime where instance states are disabled.
Co-authored-by: latorril <>
Fixes shear effect with `BILLBOARD_FIXED_Y` when the camera is rotated around the z-axis by rotating the mesh correctly into view space.
Also removes shearing effects that occur when rotating the mesh by excluding the model rotation and scale from the billboard matrix.
This commit adds quite a chunk of modifications to particles
- particle (value + randomness) now use min and max instead
- passing a curveXYZtexture is now possible and will scale particles per-axis
- CPUParticle3D have an optional parameter to split the scale curve per-axis
* New syntax is type safe.
* New syntax allows for type safe virtuals in native extensions.
* New syntax permits extremely fast calling.
Note: Everything was replaced where possible except for `_gui_input` `_input` and `_unhandled_input`.
These will require API rework on a separate PR as they work different than the rest of the functions.
Added a new method flag METHOD_FLAG_OBJECT_CORE, used internally. Allows to not dump the core virtuals like `_notification` to the json API, since each language will implement those as it is best fits.
While calculating interpolated points, intervals between two baked
points has been assummed to be `baked_interval`. The assumption could
cause significant error in some extreme cases (for example #7088).
To improve accuracy, `baked_dist_cache` is introduced, which stores
distance from starting point for each baked points. `interpolate_baked`
now returns exact linear-interpolated position along baked points.
Capsule height and radius setters can modify each other, rather than
using clamping, to avoid cases where values are not set correctly when
loading a scene (depending on the order of properties).
Inspector undo/redo:
Added the possibility to link properties together in the editor, so
they can be undone together, for cases where a property can modify
another one.
Gizmo undo/redo:
Capsule handles pass both radius and height values so they can be undone
This comment is useful to determine the origin of ShaderMaterials
converted from built-in material types (such as CanvasItemMaterial
or StandardMaterial3D).
The Godot version is also included in case the shader needs to be
regenerated with a newer engine version.
This PR and commit adds a new IK system for 3D with the Skeleton3D node
that adds several new IK solvers, as well as additional changes and functionality
for making bone manipulation in Godot easier.
This work was sponsored by GSoC 2020 and TwistedTwigleg
Full list of changes:
* Adds a SkeletonModification3D resource
* This resource is the base where all IK code is written and executed
* Adds a SkeletonModificationStack3D resource
* This node oversees the execution of the modifications and acts as a bridge of sorts for the modifications to the Skeleton3D node
* Adds SkeletonModification3D resources for LookAt, CCDIK, FABRIK, Jiggle, and TwoBoneIK
* Each modification is in it's own file
* Several changes to Skeletons, listed below:
* Added local_pose_override, which acts just like global_pose_override but keeps bone-child relationships intract
* So if you move a bone using local_pose_override, all of the bones that are children will also be moved. This is different than global_pose_override, which only affects the individual bone
* Internally bones keep track of their children. This removes the need of a processing list, makes it possible to update just a few select bones at a time, and makes it easier to traverse down the bone chain
* Additional functions added for converting from world transform to global poses, global poses to local poses, and all the same changes but backwards (local to global, global to world). This makes it much easier to work with bone transforms without needing to think too much about how to convert them.
* New signal added, bone_pose_changed, that can be used to tell if a specific bone changed its transform. Needed for BoneAttachment3D
* Added functions for getting the forward position of a bone
* BoneAttachment3D node refactored heavily
* BoneAttachment3D node is now completely standalone in its functionality.
* This makes the code easier and less interconnected, as well as allowing them to function properly without being direct children of Skeleton3D nodes
* BoneAttachment3D now can be set either using the index or the bone name.
* BoneAttachment3D nodes can now set the bone transform instead of just following it. This is disabled by default for compatibility
* BoneAttachment3D now shows a warning when not configured correctly
* Added rotate_to_align function in Basis
* Added class reference documentation for all changes
- Back to 1-based layer names to make it clearer in editor UI
- Layer bit accessors are renamed to layer value and 1-based too
- Uniform errors and documentation in render and physics
- Fix a few remaining collision_layer used in place of collision_mask
This PR and commit adds the functionality to arrange nodes in VisualScript/VisualShader editor. The layout generated by this
feature is compact, with minimum crossings between connections
& uniform horizontal & vertical gaps between the nodes.
This work has been sponsored by GSoC '21.
Full list of additions/changes:
• Added arrange_nodes() method in GraphEdit module.
• This method computes new positions for all the selected
nodes by forming blocks and compressing them.
The nodes are moved to these new positions.
• Adding this method to GraphEdit makes it available for
use in VisualScript/VisualShaders editors and its other
• Button with an icon has been added to call arrange_nodes() in GraphEdit.
• This button is inherited by VisualScript/VisualShaders editors
to invoke the method.
• Undo/redo is functional with this method.
• By using signals in arrange_nodes(), position changes are registered
in undo/redo stack of the subclass that is using the method.
• Metadata of the method has been updated in ClassDB
• Method description has been added to class reference of GraphEdit
Infinite inertia:
Not needed anymore, since it's now possible to set one-directional
collision layers in order for characters to ignore rigid bodies, while
rigid bodies still collide with characters.
Ray shapes:
They were introduced as a work around to allow constant speed on slopes,
which is now possible with the new property in CharacterBody instead.
Found via `codespell -q 3 -S ./thirdparty,*.po,./ -L ackward,ang,ans,ba,beng,cas,childs,childrens,dof,doubleclick,fave,findn,hist,inout,leapyear,lod,nd,numer,ois,ony,paket,seeked,sinc,switchs,te,uint`
* Most resource types now have unique identifiers.
* Applies to text, binary and imported resources.
* File formats reference both by text and UID (when available). UID always has priority.
* Resource UIDs are 64 bits for better compatibility with the engine.
* Can be represented and used textually, example `uuid://dapwmgsmnl28u`.
* A special binary cache file is used and exported, containing the mappings.
Example of how it looks:
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://dw86wq31afig2"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bt36ojelx8q6c" path="res://subscene.scn" id="1_t56hs"]
GDScript, shaders and other special resource files can't currently provide UIDs, but this should be doable with special keywords on the files.
This will be reserved for future PRs.
* Friendlier with version control.
* Generates pseudo unique IDs, to minimize conflicts when merging, but still
user readable (so, not UUID).
* Eventually will also allow to have more precisely named sub-resources in
imported files.
* This will allow better reloading on changes (including resources already
loaded) as well as better keeping track of changes on the DCC.
* Keeps backward compatibility with the old formats.
* Binary and text format version incremented to mark breakage in forward
* Create the shader on demand.
* Makes sure compilation happens only once, then shader is cached.
* Speeds up scene loading times.
* Speeds up editor initialization.
* Added a new macro SNAME() that constructs and caches a local stringname.
* Subsequent usages use the cached version.
* Since these use a global static variable, a second refcounter of static usages need to be kept for cleanup time.
* Replaced all theme usages by this new macro.
* Replace all signal emission usages by this new macro.
* Replace all call_deferred usages by this new macro.
This is part of ongoing work to optimize GUI and the editor.
Neither name is a perfect match but `Curve3Texture` looked too similar to
`CurveTexture` and `Curve3D`, which made things confusing when picking a
texture type or browsing the API reference.
and 3D CPU particles. The new emitter is called "ring"
and it can emit either in a ring or cylinder fashion.
This adds the following properties for the emitter:
1. emission_ring_axis: the axis along which the ring/cylinder
will be constructed
2. emission_ring_radius: outer radius of the ring/cylinder
3. emission_ring_inner_radius: inner radius of the cylinder.
when set to zero, particles will emit in the full volume.
4. emission_ring_height: height of the ring/cylinder emitter.
Clean: remove duplicate and interior vertices (uses Bullet algorithm)
Simplify: modify the geometry for further simplification (uses VHACD
In the editor, single convex hull now uses the clean option.
Added a new editor entry to create a simplified convex hull, can be
useful for creating convex hull from highly tessellated triangle meshes.
This prevents setting too large values and crashing the editor.
Very low values are also no longer allowed since they are generally
not detailed enough to represent complex gradients, leading to confusion.
Previously, only StandardMaterial3D could be defined as an alternative
to ShaderMaterial.
This also reorders the CanvasItemMaterial property hints to follow
alphabetical order (which is enforced by the inspector).
* This was required by users in some scenarios, such as animating individual axes over time with a single texture.
* Examples: Shaders, Particles, etc.
* CurveTexture now defaults to RGB, can be changed to Red if needed, this allows to freely exchange them.
* Colors were imported as 16BPP (half float)
* Far most common use cases only require 8BPP
* If you need higher data precision, use a custom array, which are supported now.
**WARNING**: 3D Scenes imported in 4.0 no longer compatible with this new format. You need to re-import them (erase them from .godot/import)
* Removed entirely from RenderingServer.
* Replaced by ImmediateMesh resource.
* ImmediateMesh replaces ImmediateGeometry, but could use more optimization in the future.
* Sprite3D and AnimatedSprite3D work again, ported from Godot 3.x (though a lot of work was needed to adapt them to Godot 4).
* RootMotionView works again.
* Polygon3D editor works again.
* Functions to convert to/from degrees are all gone. Conversion is done by the editor.
* Use PROPERTY_HINT_ANGLE instead of PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE to edit radian angles in degrees.
* Added possibility to add suffixes to range properties, use "min,max[,step][,suffix:<something>]" example "0,100,1,suffix:m"
* In general, can add suffixes for EditorSpinSlider
Not covered by this PR, will have to be addressed by future ones:
* Ability to switch radians/degrees in the inspector for angle properties (if actually wanted).
* Animations previously made will most likely break, need to add a way to make old ones compatible.
* Only added a "px" suffix to 2D position and a "m" one to 3D position, someone needs to go through the rest of the engine and add all remaining suffixes.
* Likely also need to track down usage of EditorSpinSlider outside properties to add suffixes to it too.
The CylinderMesh generation code handles this special case and
avoids generating the top and bottom faces if their radius is equal
to 0. This improves performance by reducing the number of vertices
to draw.
If both values are set to 0, nothing will be visible but the mesh
generation will still succeed.
This also improves the CylinderMesh class documentation.
Regression fix: update_exports is tool only and should be used only in
the editor, otherwise it can cause export variable overrides from
instances to be discarded in favor of the parent's value.
* Renames for 2D and 3D
* Class name was confusing, given both 2D and 3D have a "visible" property that is unrelated to actual on-screen visibility.
* New name makes it clear that this is about visibility on screen.
* This is the 3D counterpart to #49632
* Implemented a bit different as 3D works using instancing
After merged, both 2D and 3D classes will most likely be renamed in a separate PR to DisplayNotifier2D/3D.
* Works from RenderinServer
* Accurately tells when on or off-scren, its no longer approximate.
* VisibilityEnabler also simplified to use the process mode instead.
The subindex within Resource wasn't synchronized with the path stored
in cache when saving a packed scene. It could cause sub-resources to be
swapped when loading the same packed scene in the same session.
Now the subindex in Resource reflects the sub-resource path in cache,
making saving and loading sub-resources consistent.
Co-authored-by: latorril <>
This PR and commit adds a new IK system for 2D with the Skeleton2D node
that adds several new IK solvers, a way to control bones in a Skeleton2D
node similar to that in Skeleton3D. It also adds additional changes
and functionality.
This work was sponsored by GSoC 2020 and TwistedTwigleg.
Full list of changes:
* Adds a SkeletonModifier2D resource
* This resource is the base where all IK code is written and executed
* Has a function for clamping angles, since it is so commonly used
* Modifiers are unique when duplicated so it works with instancing
* Adds a SkeletonModifierStack2D resource
* This resource manages a series of SkeletonModification2Ds
* This is what the Skeleton2D directly interfaces with to make IK possible
* Adds SkeletonModifier2D resources for LookAt, CCDIK, FABRIK, Jiggle, and TwoBoneIK
* Each modification is in its own file
* There is also a SkeletonModifier2D resource that acts as a stack for using multiple stacks together
* Adds a PhysicalBone2D node
* Works similar to the PhysicalBone3D node, but uses a RigidBody2D node
* Changes to Skeleton2D listed below:
* Skeleton2D now holds a single SkeletonModificationStack2D for IK
* Skeleton2D now has a local_pose_override, which overrides the Bone2D position similar to how the overrides work in Skeleton3D
* Changes to Bone2D listed below:
* The default_length property has been changed to length. Length is the length of the bone to its child bone node
* New bone_angle property, which is the angle the bone has to its first child bone node
* Bone2D caches its transform when not modified by IK for IK interpolation purposes
* Bone2D draws its own editor gizmo, though this is stated to change in the future
* Changes to CanvasItemEditor listed below:
* Bone2D gizmo drawing code removed
* The 2D IK code is removed. Now Bone2D is the only bone system for 2D
* Transform2D now has a looking_at function for rotating to face a position
* These notifications only are called in the editor right before and after saving a scene
* Needed for not saving the IK position when executing IK in the editor
* Documentation for all the changes listed above.
YSort now has a compatibility alias to Node2D.
Updated TileMap to use the existing Node2D y_sort_enabled property instead
of its own property.
Updated Node2D doc to include the new y_sort_enabled member.
Updated TileMap doc to remove its mention of cell_y_sort.
Deleted YSort doc.
The code is based on the current version of thirdparty/vhacd and modified to use Godot's types and code style.
Additional changes:
- extended PagedAllocator to allow leaked objects
- applied patch from
This makes font oversampling work out of the box, while also increasing
the supported character set's size. The default font is now larger
as well to better fit today's screen resolutions.
The OpenSans SemiBold font was chosen for two reasons:
- Small file size, yet its character set supports Latin-1 and Cyrillic
- A heavier font weight looks better in most "game" scenarios and is
more readable against mixed-color backgrounds.
This is considered a breaking change as it changes the default font's
metrics, which will likely affect how Control nodes are laid out in
scenes (unless a custom font is in use).
This changes the types of a big number of variables.
General rules:
- Using `uint64_t` in general. We also considered `int64_t` but eventually
settled on keeping it unsigned, which is also closer to what one would expect
with `size_t`/`off_t`.
- We only keep `int64_t` for `seek_end` (takes a negative offset from the end)
and for the `Variant` bindings, since `Variant::INT` is `int64_t`. This means
we only need to guard against passing negative values in `core_bind.cpp`.
- Using `uint32_t` integers for concepts not needing such a huge range, like
pages, blocks, etc.
In addition:
- Improve usage of integer types in some related places; namely, `DirAccess`,
core binds.
- On Windows, `_ftelli64` reports invalid values when using 32-bit MinGW with
version < 8.0. This was an upstream bug fixed in 8.0. It breaks support for
big files on 32-bit Windows builds made with that toolchain. We might add a
Co-authored-by: Rémi Verschelde <>
- Move most properties from TileMap to TileSet,
- Make TileSet more flexible, supporting more feature (several
collision layers, etc...),
- Fusion both the TileMap and TileSet editor,
- Implement TileSetSources, and thus a new way to index tiles in the TileSet,
- Rework the TileSet and TileMap editors completely,
- Implement an editor zoom widget (and use it in several places)
The "Anisotropic" term is abbreviated as spelling it out would cause
the PopupMenu to overflow the editor window when using the default
inspector width.
Various fixes to UV2 unwrapping and the GPU lightmapper. Listed here for
context in case of git blame/bisect:
* Fix UV2 unwrapping on import, also cleaned up the unwrap cache code.
* Fix saving of RGBA images in EXR format.
* Fixes to the GPU lightmapper:
- Added padding between atlas elements, avoids bleeding.
- Remove old SDF generation code.
- Fix baked attenuation for Omni/Spot lights.
- Fix baking of material properties onto UV2 (wireframe was
wrongly used before).
- Disable statically baked lights for objects that have a
lightmap texture to avoid applying the same light twice.
- Fix lightmap pairing in RendererSceneCull.
- Fix UV2 array generated from `RenderingServer::mesh_surface_get_arrays()`.
- Port autoexposure fix for OIDN from 3.x.
- Save debug textures as EXR when using floating point format.
-Enable the trails and set the length in seconds
-Provide a mesh with a skeleton and a skin
-Or, alternatively use one of the built-in TubeTrailMesh/RibbonTrailMesh
-Works deterministically
-Fixed particle collisions (were broken)
-Not working in 2D yet (that will happen next)
It existed in early Godot releases to allow working around hardware limitations
on max texture sizes (e.g. hardware limits of 1024x1024 pixels).
Nowadays the max texture size supported natively by Godot is 16384x16384, and
even low end mobile hardware should support at least 4096x4096.
The LargeTexture implementation is basically just an array with offsets, sizes
and textures and should be easy to replicate with a custom Texture resource if
needed - solving most of its bugs on the way as the implementation removed here
has various unimplemented or incomplete methods.
We've been using standard C library functions `memcpy`/`memset` for these since
2016 with 67f65f6639.
There was still the possibility for third-party platform ports to override the
definitions with a custom header, but this doesn't seem useful anymore.
Added an occlusion culling system with support for static occluder meshes.
It can be enabled via `Project Settings > Rendering > Occlusion Culling > Use Occlusion Culling`.
Occluders are defined via the new `Occluder3D` resource and instanced using the new
`OccluderInstance3D` node. The occluders can also be automatically baked from a
scene using the built-in editor plugin.
* Particle shaders now have start() and process()
* Particle collision happens between them.
* The RESTART property is kept, so porting an old shader is still possible.
This fixes the problem of particle collisions not functioning on the first particle frame.
-Used a more consistent set of keywords for the shader
-Remove all harcoded entry points
-Re-wrote the GLSL shader parser, new system is more flexible. Allows any entry point organization.
-Entry point for sky shaders is now sky().
-Entry point for particle shaders is now process().
* Added option for importers to show an Advanced settings dialog
* Created advanced settings dialog for Scene Importer
* Cleaned up importers (remove many old/unused options)
* Added the ability to customize every node, material, mesh and animation individually
* Saving to animations and meshes to files is now a manual process, making it more predictable
* Added the ability for materials to be replaced by external files (or to be made external, up to you).
* When doubleclicking an impoted scene in the filesystem dock, it automatically shows the import settings instead of asking to open it.
WARNING: Lightmap UV unwrap is not working, it needs to be re-made.
Helps a lot with soft bodies and generally useful to avoid shapes to go
through the ground in certain cases.
Added an option in ConcavePolygonShape to re-enable backface collision
on specific bodies if needed.
The problem happened when `ImageTexture::create_from_image` was called
with an empty image. In this situation an RID was allocated despite the
texture being null. The destructor would then crash trying to acess this
null texture.
This makes them easier to distinguish, especially when used
in a TileMap.
The default color's opacity has been slightly decreased to account
for the new outline.
- Based on C++11's `atomic`
- Reworked `SafeRefCount` (based on the rewrite by @hpvb)
- Replaced free atomic functions by the new `SafeNumeric<T>`
- Replaced wrong cases of `volatile bool` by the new `SafeFlag`
- Platform-specific implementations no longer needed
Co-authored-by: Hein-Pieter van Braam-Stewart <>
-Added a new method in Resource: reset_state , used for reloading the same resource from disk
-Added a new cache mode "replace" in ResourceLoader, which reuses existing loaded sub-resources but resets their data from disk (or replaces them if they chaged type)
-Because the correct sub-resource paths are always loaded now, this fixes bugs with subresource folding or subresource ordering when saving.
-For inspector refresh, the inspector now detects if a property change by polling a few times per second and then does update the control if so. This process is very cheap.
-For property list refresh, a new signal (property_list_changed) was added to Object. _change_notify() is replaced by notify_property_list_changed()
-Changed all objects using the old method to the signal, or just deleted the calls to _change_notify(<property>) since they are unnecesary now.
-Rendering server now uses a split RID allocate/initialize internally, this allows generating RIDs immediately but initialization to happen later on the proper thread (as rendering APIs generally requiere to call on the right thread).
-RenderingServerWrapMT is no more, multithreading is done in RenderingServerDefault.
-Some functions like texture or mesh creation, when renderer supports it, can register and return immediately (so no waiting for server API to flush, and saving staging and command buffer memory).
-3D physics server changed to be made multithread friendly.
-Added PhysicsServer3DWrapMT to use 3D physics server from multiple threads.
-Disablet Bullet (too much effort to make multithread friendly, this needs to be fixed eventually).
-Always use temporal reproject, it just loos way better than any other filter.
-By always using termporal reproject, the shadowmap reduction can be done away with, massively improving performance.
-Disadvantage of temporal reproject is update latency so..
-Made sure a gaussian filter runs in XY after fog, this allows to keep stability and lower latency.
-Added more finegrained control in RenderingDevice API
-Optimized barriers (use less ones for thee same)
-General optimizations
-Shadows render all together unbarriered
-GI can render together with shadows.
-SDFGI can render together with depth-preoass.
-General fixes
-Added GPU detection
They are bound as both regular and virtual methods which makes ClassDB
report the methods twice when querying the API. The non-virtual binding
is removed since both methods only seem to be used as virtual.
This commit adds a view-dependant fade to the 3D viewport grid. It fades out
at steep view angles to hide the solid regions that appear far from the camera.
I also included a fade to hide the grid borders.
I added some improvements to the dynamic grid when the camera is in orthogonal mode.
It properly handles zoom now, and the grid center is now set to the intersection point
between the grid plane and the camera forward ray, keeping the grid
always visible.
-When importing, a vertex-only version of the mesh is created.
-This version is used when rendering shadows, and improves performance by reducing bandwidth
-It's automatic, but can optionally be used by users, in case they want to make special versions of geometry for shadow casting.
- Based on C++14's `shared_time_mutex`
- No more need to allocate-deallocate or check for null
- No pointer anymore, just a member variable
- Platform-specific implementations no longer needed
- Simpler for `NO_THREADS`
Happy new year to the wonderful Godot community!
2020 has been a tough year for most of us personally, but a good year for
Godot development nonetheless with a huge amount of work done towards Godot
4.0 and great improvements backported to the long-lived 3.2 branch.
We've had close to 400 contributors to engine code this year, authoring near
7,000 commit! (And that's only for the `master` branch and for the engine code,
there's a lot more when counting docs, demos and other first-party repos.)
Here's to a great year 2021 for all Godot users 🎆
As a bonus, to have consistency between use Beziers and create insert tracks, use Beziers also gets a default via editor settings that is used when the confirmation dialog is disabled, instead of just falling back to creating non-Bezier tracks.
-Happens on import by default for all models
-Just works (tm)
-Biasing can be later adjusted per node or per viewport (as well as globally)
-Disabled AABB.get_support test because its broken
Since we clone the environments to build thirdparty code, we don't get an
explicit dependency on the build objects produced by that environment.
So when we update thirdparty code, Godot code using it is not necessarily
rebuilt (I think it is for changed headers, but not for changed .c/.cpp files),
which can lead to an invalid compilation output (linking old Godot .o files
with a newer, potentially ABI breaking version of thirdparty code).
This was only seen as really problematic with bullet updates (leading to
crashes when rebuilding Godot after a bullet update without cleaning .o files),
but it's safer to fix it everywhere, even if it's a LOT of hacky boilerplate.
-Reworked how meshes are treated by importer by using EditorSceneImporterMesh and EditorSceneImporterMeshNode. Instead of Mesh and MeshInstance, this allows more efficient processing of meshes before they are actually registered in the RenderingServer.
-Integrated MeshOptimizer
-Reworked internals of SurfaceTool to use arrays, making it more performant and easy to run optimizatons on.
And fixups:
- Add missing bindings in RenderingServer
- Remove duplicate ArrayMesh enum bindings (they're in Mesh already)
- Remove redundant _unhandled_key_input binding in Control (it's in Node
-Changed how mesh data is organized, hoping to make it more efficient on Vulkan and GLES.
-Removed compression, it now always uses the most efficient format.
-Added support for custom arrays (up to 8 custom formats)
-Added support for 8 weights in skeleton data.
-Added a simple optional versioning system for imported assets, to reimport if binary is newer
-Fixes #43979 (I needed to test)
-NOT backwards compatible with previous 4.x-devel, will most likely never be, but it will force reimport scenes due to version change.
-NOT backwards compatible with 3.x scenes, this will be eventually re-added.
-Skeletons not working any longer, will fix in next PR.
Allow gradients and 2d images.
Use shader versions for LUT in tonemap
Co-authored-by: alex-poe <>
Co-authored-by: QbieShay <>
Co-authored-by: Clay John <>
The underscore prefix was used to avoid the conflict between the `RID` class
name and the matching enum value in `Variant::Type`.
This can be fixed differently by prefixing uses of the `RID` class in `Variant`
with the scope resolution operator, as done already for `AABB`.
-Allows merging several 2D objects into a single draw operation
-Use current node to clip children nodes
-Further fixes to Vulkan barriers
-Changed font texture generation to white, fixes dark eges when blurred
-Other small misc fixes to backbuffer code.
This makes it clearer that it expects a node type as a string
(such as "Label") instead of a type like "TYPE_ARRAY".
This is backwards-compatible since only the name of the parameter
is changed, not its order.
-Removed normal/specular properties from nodes
-Create CanvasTexture, which can contain normal/specular channels
-Refactored, optimized and simplified 2D shaders
-Use atlas for light textures.
-Use a shadow atlas for shadow textures.
-Use both items aboves to make light rendering stateless (faster).
-Reorganized uniform sets for more efficiency.
The glTF 2.0 spec only makes `mimeType` mandatory for `bufferView` image data,
so the previous logic to handle URIs with base64-encoded images could fail if
`mimeType` is undefined.
The logic was documented and refactored to better handle the spec, notably:
- `uri` and `bufferView` are now mutually exclusive, and only the latter fails
if `mimeType` is undefined.
- `uri` with a file path will now respect the `mimeType` if defined, and thus
attempt loading the file with the specified format (even if its extension is
not the one expected for this format). So we can support bad extensions (PNG
data with `.jpg` extension) or custom ones (PNG data in `.img` file for
- `uri` with base64 encoded data will infer MIME type from `data:image/png` or
`data:image/jpeg` if it was not documented in `mimeType` initially.
- `uri` with base64 encoded data, no `mimeType` and `application/octet-stream`
or `application/gltf-buffer` will fall back to trying both PNG and JPEG
Fully fixes#33796 (and fixes up #42501).
The constant is already exposed in GDScript, but not in C++.
This information is useful for implementing animated texture
resource importers via modules.
- Extacted all syntax highlighting code from text edit
- Removed enable syntax highlighting from text edit
- Added line_edited_from signal to text_edit
- Renamed get/set_syntax_highlighting to get/set_syntax_highlighter
- Added EditorSyntaxHighligher
- Makes all boolean setters/getters consistent.
- Fixes bug where `glow_hdr_bleed_scale` was not used.
- Split CameraEffects to their own source file.
- Reorder all Environment method and properties declarations,
definitions and bindings to be consistent with each other
and with the order of property bindings.
- Bind missing enum values added with SDFGI.
- Remove unused SDFGI enhance_ssr boolean.
- Sync doc changes after SDFGI merge and other misc changes.
ToolButton has no redeeming differences with Button;
it's just a Button with the Flat property enabled by default.
Removing it avoids some confusion when creating GUIs.
Existing ToolButtons will be converted to Buttons, but the Flat
property won't be enabled automatically.
This closes
The crash happens further down when setting an invalid owner in
`Node::_set_owner_nocheck` but I couldn't figure out how to fix it.
But here the proper fix is to catch the invalid scene file early on
and fail loading it.
Part of #17372.
`get_char_size()` is a public virtual function defined in the `Font`
class. Implementations exist for both `BitmapFont` and `Dynamic Font`.
However, it was only exposed to the GDScript API through the Bitmap
Font, and not for Dynamic Font.
This commit exposes the function through `Font` instead.
As of Godot 3.0, HQ2X is no longer used to upscale the editor theme
and icons on hiDPI displays, which limited its effective uses.
HQ2X was also used to upscale the project theme when the "Use Hidpi"
project setting was enabled, but results were often less than ideal.
The new StyleBoxFlat and SVG support also make HQ2X less important
to have as a core feature.
This decreases binary sizes slightly (-150 KB on most platforms,
-212 KB on WebAssembly release).
This partially addresses #12419.
I couldn't find a tool that enforces it, so I went the manual route:
find -name "thirdparty" -prune \
-o -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.h" -o -name "*.m" -o -name "*.mm" \
-o -name "*.glsl" > files
perl -0777 -pi -e 's/\n}\n([^#])/\n}\n\n\1/g' $(cat files)
misc/scripts/ -c
This adds a newline after all `}` on the first column, unless they
are followed by `#` (typically `#endif`). This leads to having lots
of places with two lines between function/class definitions, but
clang-format then fixes it as we enforce max one line of separation.
This doesn't fix potential occurrences of function definitions which
are indented (e.g. for a helper class defined in a .cpp), but it's
better than nothing. Also can't be made to run easily on CI/hooks so
we'll have to be careful with new code.
Part of #33027.
Which means that reduz' beloved style which we all became used to
will now be changed automatically to remove the first empty line.
This makes us lean closer to 1TBS (the one true brace style) instead
of hybridating it with some Allman-inspired spacing.
There's still the case of braces around single-statement blocks that
needs to be addressed (but clang-format can't help with that, but
clang-tidy may if we agree about it).
Part of #33027.
Using `clang-tidy`'s `modernize-use-default-member-init` check and
manual review of the changes, and some extra manual changes that
`clang-tidy` failed to do.
Also went manually through all of `core` to find occurrences that
`clang-tidy` couldn't handle, especially all initializations done
in a constructor without using initializer lists.
-Added LocalVector (needed it)
-Added stb_rect_pack (It's pretty cool, we could probably use it for other stuff too)
-Fixes and changes all around the place
-Added library for 128 bits fixed point (required for Delaunay3D)
This reverts commit ec7b481170.
This was wrong, `d` is not a distance but the `d` constant in the
parametric equation `ax + by + cz = d` describing the plane.
Part of #33027, also discussed in #29848.
Enforcing the use of brackets even on single line statements would be
preferred, but `clang-format` doesn't have this functionality yet.